Are there any Buddhist on Sup Forums?
Are there any Buddhist on Sup Forums?
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no. its a shit philosophy, explains nothing.
on the other hand, all philosophy is shit and explains nothing. its just jerking off with your brain
i am not buddhist, but i can appreciate this philosophy more than other religions
it promotes self-awareness and discovery over submitting to a god, which i think is good.
Nominally Buddhist
Although I prefer Daoism as a philosophy.
>Seriously, Karma can be used to justify anything under the Sun.
>Seriously, Karma can be used to justify anything under the Sun
but if you use it to justify your wron deeds, wont it come back and bite you?
>laugh at retarded child (justify it because you think he was a rapist and murder in past life)
>be born retarded child in next life and get laughed at
Daoism is better desu. They're fairly similar.
Wow, nice understanding of karma. Read it up or listen to Alan Watts or something. Karma is not your moral currency but the flow of deed and happenings. Way more complicated than what Hollywood and media are telling people.
your understanding of karma will just reinforce his argument then it will be just abused and used to justify wrong and unmoral behavior.
>Basically anything that went wrong with your
life could be attributed to what you did in your previous existence.
dropped 4000MD once.
Life is what you make it.
Please be happy.
Sort of. I got really into it a while back, and I used to meditate consistently.
I still meditate occasionally and I agree with the core principles but the whole thing wasn't a net positive for me. If I get too into it I either feel nihilistic or I fixate on bad events from my past.
we can all be buddha
fuck you, now I got a boner at 11 am in the morning
>tfw I'll be born a nigger or a muslim in the next life (or maybe even worse, a nigger muslim)
pic related, this will be me in a next life
Or you could be reborn as a demi-god or an
animal or an insect (In which case, your life
would be extremely short) or a plant but if your
Karma is really bad, you could be reborn as a
raksha or a hungry ghost or even a demonic
spirit. If you are truly irredeemable, you will be
sent to Avici where your soul/existence would
be annihilated/cease to exist.
The chief goal is to achieve moksha/liberation from Samsara/the cycles of reincarnations and achieve Nirvana.
(By becoming nothing, one achieves everything)
>you will be
>sent to Avici where your soul/existence would
>be annihilated/cease to exist.
sounds like a shortcut to Nirvana, how bad do I need to be?
What is the Bhudda nature?
You are not knowledgeable enough to be a time lord
>speaks of buddha, posts porn
absolutely not, bet your fucking Chinese taoist scum
i know where this picture is from
this is certainly not buddhism
Been thinking of giving it a chance, buddhism seems pretty chill and I like its philosophy. Where/How to get into it?
im a taoist
Didnt buddha say that asceticism and self-harm is not the way to go?
You realise philosopy laid down the foundations for modern science, correct?
Mass psychotic slaughter/cold-blooded murder of innocents
Betraying King and country
Occult serial murders/bullshit
Creating ridiculous amounts of murderous mayhem/anarchy
There is also the Anantarika-karma. Basically, you got a one-way ticket to Avici if you
>Intentionally murdered your father without reason/cause
>Intentionally murdered your mother without reason/cause
>Killing an Arhat (enlightened being)
>Shedding the blood of a Buddha
>Creating a schism within the Sangha, the community of Buddhist monks and nuns who try to attain enlightenment.
Buddha is not alive and not dead yet he is something more.
If you understand this, you will know his true nature which cannot be described in any physical language.
Depends on which Buddhist movement
I use Sup Forums to test my control of anger.
Also, dubs
>>Intentionally murdered your father without reason/cause
>>Killing an Arhat (enlightened being)
>>Shedding the blood of a Buddha
>>Creating a schism within the Sangha, the community of Buddhist monks and nuns who try to attain enlightenment.
I could see myself doing those. but honestly man, this is fucked up, isnt it? do whatever you want in the world, kill your father and dont get punished and attain enlightenment.
Religious experts we may be; but without Satori we are able only to state opinions about enlightenment, to be "Shepherds who count," as the Buddha put it, "other men's sheep."
The following (with some personal references) is a list of seven identifiable parts of the Satori experience:
l. The attention is grabbed by something... a word or phrase or rhythmic sound such as a distant bell, dripping water, or a pebble bouncing down some steps. (Mine was caught by a chirping cricket.)
2. A revolving, enveloping sensation is felt... as though the brain is literally turning over. This is called, naturally enough, 'turning about in the seat of consciousness' (paravritti). A weaker version is felt upon entering samadhi.
3. There is an awareness of going away, of instantaneously receding into the horizon's vanishing point or of being extinguished as a blown-out candle flame. This is not a blacking-out as in a loss of consciousness. There is no loss of consciousness. The sense of I-ness simply blinks out. One actually feels oneself depart.
4. The senses continue to operate, i.e., the attention-grabbing stimulus continues to be recorded (the cricket continued to chirp) and the setting - the surrounding place and objects - remains unchanged except that it seems strangely peaceful and is seen in peculiar clarity, crisply defined with a pristine loveliness. There is a remoteness to this vision: it is akin to staring at the plane surface of a diamond and seeing, the moment one focuses correctly, the entire side of a room precisely reflected in the tiny surface.
5. There is an awareness that one returns - from wherever it was that one went.
6. There is another revolving sensation as if the brain is again turning, reversing its direction.
7. There is an immediate surge of euphoria and a spontaneous exclamation. (I shouted the name of the Sixth Patriarch, saying, "Hui Neng was right! Hui Neng was right!" I had previously paid him very little attention and in fact, mispronounced his name when I shouted it.) The duration of this euphoria varies from several days to several weeks or more. This 'high,' commonly called "Zen disease", "God Intoxication", or, by Plato, "Divine Madness", is characterized by a goofy kind of elation that makes one feel like dancing, jumping or singing, usually at completely inappropriate times.
A period of confusion may also follow. (I am almost ashamed to admit that I walked around for nearly a week saying to myself, 'I know that I was gone... so, who heard the cricket?' as in part 4 above.)
After this initial confusion, one may reach some peculiar but bold conclusions that are incomprehensible to others. For example, my first rational evaluation of the experience was that it would be absolutely inaccurate ever to say that 'I' experienced Satori. Since I was not there at the time, I could acknowledge the event only by pointing to my head and saying, 'Satori was experienced here.' This sounds bizarre but, in truth, no one can ever say that he has experienced Satori. By definition, 'he' would have had to be gone from the scene. (The word play on this fact accounts for some of the deliberate absurdity of many of Chan's famous questions and answers.)
Further, there are risks involved in even discussing the enlightenment experience. Friends and religious professionals tend to back away from anyone who announces that he is or has been God or a buddha. Friends don't like to dine with God. He's no fun at football games and makes a wretched pub crawler. Clergymen who have not experienced satori for themselves usually react viciously to such news. Immediately they doubt the authenticity of the experience: The claimant either is foolishly mistaken or is deliberately lying. It simply cannot be true. How, they wonder, could this fellow have been admitted into the privileged circle while they have been so long excluded? Would a just God ignore their years of hard work and exemplary behavior and reward someone who is clearly less deserving? Not bloody likely!)
t. I have dharma transmission in conservative cha'an lineage but don't wear robes or identify myself as buddhist because of the number of fools who want to "debate" satori or pretend that buddhism (esp. zen) is some sort of pleasant "philosophy."
You'd do better sticking with kek worship if you're not willing to take instruction from a real master.
worth reading, this story makes me want to meditate again.
>release it!
release what?
That shit be subjective, dawg.
But basically, in Avici, your soul would be annihilated/removed from existence.
Whether it is a good thing, it's entirely up to you.
I dont believe there are souls. I believe there is only 1 soul.
but again, like the brit dude said, it would be very hard to accept that and many people would be repelled by buddhism if they couldnt act like special snowflakes (muh soul)
>kek and what has been done for trump led me to god
First was Mary and Eastern Orthodoxy, but some user led me to a Hindu mantra that I absolutely can't get out of my head. I'm sure to move on again, but for now to even admit that God might exist is groundbreaking.
Now if only I could quit drinking.
Manager at work is Buddhist.
> Gets buttmad at co-worker
> screams about professionalism
> leaves room
> co-worker: "That wasn't very peaceful"
> Have many keks
Stupid new age bullshit.
Yeah Ikr
Better be Daoist and just go with the flow.
If anything bad happens, just refer to the 道.
Read her manual The 7th World + the Maxims of Han Shan. All available for free on the site. I got considerably farther than I ever dreamed I would thanks mostly to those.
Lots of good essays.. some of them are quite amusing and entertaining as well as being written by a very senior cleric (she's in her late 80's now and banging out the latest in a series of detective novels..).
She also happens to have been the first westerner and the first woman to have been formally ordained in Hui Nengs lineage.. back in the early 80's I think.
Good luck!
FYI It is more akin to your existence being wiped.
I wouldnt know, its just speculation. I think my existence will be wiped out no matter what once the brain stops working.
I have yet to find some proof of other realms and otherworldly existences.
Taoism is a good religion.
You'll become a NEET though and 'return' to nature as a unproductive hobo, meditating in caves/fields, living like a caveman on herbs/ game and getting High like a mofo
Religion = Escapism = Delusion = Anime
Religion =/= Lewd = Anime
Religion < Anime
Old school taoism was, the new shit is wack tho
>other hand
>jerking off with your brain
bro, u gay?
Buddhist/Hindu here
I love that man in the picture. He's just great.
Buddism/Hinduism are just keywords for
>Im too faggot to be atheist
If you are honestly into that, you are retarded.
Of all religions, Christianity is the only acceptable.
>Non religious and agnostics are ok.
Straight up fedoras are cancer.
>Judaism and Islam don't need comment
>>Im too faggot to be atheist
Nah, it's about viewing the Universe in a much deeper way than "muh Jesus"
A lot of the big quantum physicists were into Hinduism
Wait, isn't the point of enlightenment to escape the cycle of reincarnation? So if I technically bought myself a one-way ticket to Avici I could also escape reincarnation by annihilation?
Sign me the fuck up senpai
The more you try, the greater your desire grows and that anchors you to the cycle, Kohai.
Mahayana Buddhist internally. Orthodox Christian externally.
Enlightenment is more about becoming immortal to flee the cycle
Annihilation is the inverse
Its almost like to try fleeing the statuts-quo you go far-left enstead of far - right
You maybe stop being in the statuts-quo but you you end up in a far more wrost statuts with communism than what you were before
Buddhists are the only people that I completly respect