Can we get a webm thread going?
Can we get a webm thread going?
>why were they aiming at each other's guns
Besides him eating like a retard, is there anything wrong with that? It actually looks well made.
eggs are raw (see: )
iCucks btfo
>biel will never back up into your dick like that
you retard, that's a style of egg. They're cooked enough to kill bacteria, and are safe to eat.
>puts away paring knife
>takes out machete
sure thing, jack
enjoy your semen slurping eggs
worst meme ever
i still dont get why he didnt take over the world or make another planet habitable for human. stupid writers cucked him hard.
>uses precut sandwich ham
>Lumpy hollandaise
>translucent eggs
>defending ANYTHING Jack "cooks" ever
>"well made"
I'm sure that hot dog you boiled tonight was divine
> Want to get the Joule to cook Sous Vide
> Jack is literally the only video review from the pr-release
I couldn't fucking believe it when I went on his youtube channel and realized he wasn't a troll.
is that gaben?
What the FUCK is that?
Good christ, how is Ric Flair STILL not dead?
Guy needs to get it together.
what movie is this from senpai
Because that's not Arthur.
There's soft boiled eggs and then there's jacks slightly warmed eggs.
If you can't tell the difference you're genuinely retarded
Yea. Apparently hes invested into ChefSteps, which are the people making the Joule.
>it didn't end with him losing a hand
I am disappoint.
filename friend
species was such a silly movie
I would've loved to be in the writers room for this nugget of goodness.
Remember when movies were allowed to do stuff like this and people didn't get triggered?
>social media was a mistake
>let's remake 300
>let's take out the unique color palette and visual style
>let's try to ape snyder without actually understanding why his technique worked so well in that movie
>let's make no attempt to write a decent screenplay or even copy the narrative framing device of the first movie that makes it feel like a legend
>let's make every fight scene on a boat
>let's film more scenes on a boat
>let's cast a bunch of nobodies and eva green
first movie i've walked out of in over a decade
if you can't at least make an entertaining sequel when you have a pulp classic and eva green's bare tits, something is fucking wrong
>eva green
fuckin a she is a hack
I'd like to hack her pussy if you know what I mean :3
If you don't why, you're retarded.
Question is, was it worth making a horribly shitty 5 years to late cash grab, just it to see Eve Greens amazing breasts one more time?
>that was a Bengal Tiger, the last of its kind!
>Thank goodness I'm more of a dog person
History of Violence.
The fuck is this garbage?
Fucking lol
Probably Species 2, but it could be 3.
is this kino?
What is this?
Idle Hands
i thought webms with sound would automatically be muted
i have to make another one again?
whats the quickest way to make webms
don't want to use ffmpeg commands anymore
Sweden yes.
I use Adobe Premiere Pro with a webm plugin so I can do edit if I want.
So are the olympic games just G-Rated porn for the politicians?
come on senpai, where's the kino?
>mfw he actually did that
the mad man