Non-porn webms

non-porn webms


This was at the home airbase of Airforce 1. Not some foreign ariport. The guy will need diapers soon.


What happened to the lawsuit against the Amtrak?

Is the fucking capture slow as fuck for anyone else or has to be solved at least 4 fucking times if it's traffic signs?

>inb4 use legacy capture

Just changed it.

why she naked tho


i hardly ever lurk on Sup Forums and even ive seen every single webm you've posted, pathetic.

>why she naked tho

Maybe she's on PCP. People who are on it feel like they're overheating so they take off their clothes.

Much better with sound

>i hardly ever lurk on Sup Forums and even ive seen every single webm you've posted, pathetic.

>hardly ever lurk Sup Forums
>seen every single webm
Hmmm...ok kiddo whatever you say lmao


Before everyone asks.

Fucking PCP, can anyone tell me a time when someone enjoyed being on this? Every example I've looked at looks straight-up bad.



You know what they say about flying too close to the sun


Search for CNN and PCP on YouTube.


ambidextrous nigger beat down


fuck do you mean >quicksand
more like

>why are the fucking birds committing a mass-suicide?



its a grain silo, and the pidgeys are having a fun ride before flying back

That one went from funny to sad, back to funny again.

Anyone got that webm where an asian "girl" in glasses asked a viewer what their favorite anime then the viewer's buddy said Boku no Pico and the "girl" replied "Oh i love Boku no Pico" with his masculine voice.

Aww, i kept waiting for him to fall.

This is what makes the USA the exceptional nation.




but why

James Brown can cool his way out of god damn anything (unless he's one of the few that used it properly)

bcs reasons.

tiny tasia


the real question is why the fuck is that retard richer than you? Life is fuckign fucked.



wat iz thiz?


9gag thread

kek wtf?



fuck you man.

It's a bread factory in Russia. And no, they are dead.

Shit, I... I think that woman used to work in the same store I worked in like years ago.

Can't tell for sure without hearing her voice though.


Fuck yourself


>Shit, I... I think that woman used to work in the same store I worked in like years ago.

That was a good show, like mythbusters with steroids.

>All those retards just standing against the yellow line.


I don't know.

> Sup Forums Photo Inc

>Fuck yourself

Even his wife hates him. And she cucks him with their son.


again... muhrica

Luckly the truck and other car got away before the hambeast could consume them.


what is that? link pls


they've always showed us the second part of the video and never the first part.

fucking jews

maybe they just accept death differently

That's so fucking amazing....... ANger. Predator. FUCK.

> She's got a smokin' ass


>if he divorces her the democrats will just give her custody.

we are living in a totalitarian state


I was just thinking this myself

Well they were told to stay behind the yellow line?
What did you expect them to do?

What did she sound like?


yeeessss... good booyyy

>What did she sound like?
like she was about to cry at any given moment.


>no expecting that

>mild kek

fucking jews

>sooo satisfying

Phone went flying on that one lol

Probably clams that get triggered.

damn it. i ducked.








What is that?


what the f?

Pretty sure it's gators

that was extremely uncomfortable but I watched it to the end, thanks

Someone says it's a manatee farm.



to see if it's working.

it is.

>manatee farm

So they are milking them?

A terrible way to do that. Probably should've cut the skin attached to the nail instead of ripping it out like that.
