I fixed the world lads

I fixed the world lads

I don't really want European moslems to remain.

Sorry Britain, but you have to go being the biggest whores to external powers

>biggest whores to external powers
>says Norway

Mate, come on

Remove Russia and we are done

maybe China and India just in case

that way there's only peaceful nations left

>norwegian shitposting

>not removing South East Asia, India included

Almost perfect

>letting mexico or BR exist
>randomly leaving Alaska
1/10 for trying

>leaving south/central america
>leaving the caribbean
Ask me how I know you're a cuck.


alright, just to make sure

Maybe remove the Caribbeans and Sicily as well

you update it

You play too much europa universalis
you left the areas that were valuable centuries ago and took out the valuable areas today

fixed lads, don't worry.

on my phone

You should remove Paris while you are at it. And Germany too if you are killing Sweden.

Corsica did nothing wrong though.

Want to fix the world? Just kill a very specific dozen or so billionaires.

Why did you leave Europistan?

Fuck off Bernie

Delete everywhere but Europe, North America and Australia/new Zealand. Keep the Falklands too

So you can have a safehaven to return to as youre gradually being chimped out these days

So much for ANZAC solidarity.

leave nigger land and go to sand nigger land. Yeah sure friendo

Jokes on you, Canada is still in there.

What a strange world.

Be careful with keeping all of Europe. I would also advise not keeping all of the US. We have some real problems in the west and northeast. Other than that, you have the right idea.

Remove Africa and all of the sand nigger countries.

But who's going to give you billions in aid and prevent you from being absorbed into the inevitable Russian/Chinese empire?

You're welcome btw :^)

I think what you meant to say was a "perfect" world

You guys would be so bored.


Why are India and Sweden still there?

>France and Sweden still exist
No, you haven't.

I never said you were evil m8, but you can be damn sure the Soviets were corrupt and malicious as hell and would have taken eastern and central europe and turned it into a fucking commie wasteland.

>inb4 b-but true communism has never been tried

Yes, I'm still alive.

>no anglosphere

I hope this is a joke

>billions in aid

Amerifats actually believe this

> Good Peaceful World Police saving everyone from da evil East

As an American currently studying Memeology, I approve.

>norwegians actually don't realize america saved your tiny little country from complete destruction

We gave you ungrateful pricks trillions, literally trillions in aid even though -and I want to stress how much fucking money that was - we were only obligated to England/France. Half your continent would still be in rubble if not for the Marshall Plan. You would be living in an abandoned commie block right now akin to curtain states if not for us


Communism is shit, capitalism too. Capitalist countries just boiling in own debts, making useless stuff. I mean cmon, dude. It's the US goverment send man to the Moon, not capitalists.
It the soviet overment send first man in space, not fucking working class.

Be even better if Norway was removed.

When was the last time India declared war on someone?

Enjoy your Chinks and Indians and Russians.

>we still exist
Just end our suffering already

>Capitalist countries... making useless stuff
>capitalists sent man to moon
>implying that had any use whatsoever

Take out Western Cuckrope and put Straya back in cunt

Just kill yourself. my man.I promise the pain will go away.


Fate has ordained that the men who went to the moon to explore in peace will stay on the moon to rest in peace.
These brave men, Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin, know that there is no hope for their recovery. But they also know that there is hope for mankind in their sacrifice.
These two men are laying down their lives in mankind’s most noble goal: the search for truth and understanding.
They will be mourned by their families and friends; they will be mourned by their nation; they will be mourned by the people of the world; they will be mourned by a Mother Earth that dared send two of her sons into the unknown.
In their exploration, they stirred the people of the world to feel as one; in their sacrifice, they bind more tightly the brotherhood of man.
In ancient days, men looked at stars and saw their heroes in the constellations. In modern times, we do much the same, but our heroes are epic men of flesh and blood.
Others will follow, and surely find their way home. Man’s search will not be denied. But these men were the first, and they will remain the foremost in our hearts.
For every human being who looks up at the moon in the nights to come will know that there is some corner of another world that is forever mankind.

This, to be honest. Show some fucking respect. The yanks saved our bacon as well.

>implying this had no use

>americans force countries into the american interests
>you should be grateful
You act like it was some charity, americans only wanted more power

>fixing the world
>not getting rid of Armenian and Azerbaijan

What the fuck are you talking about you stupid chink

Armstrong died in 2012 and Aldrin is still alive

Y-you promise?

While under a mad dictator with no regard for the democratic process. Next.

>Remove Australia

>Do not remove India, China or Indonesia.


It's the speech that would have been made had the landing failed.

Tell me that speech wasn't brilliant, and it would have had no use.


>t. Edgelord von Fagbagger

I do. One of my friends did it , and he hasn't complained once after that.

No we didn't, every single president in the first half of the century advocated isolationist policies and were adamant about not getting involved in european affairs - it took direct attacks on the United States, whether you believe they were allowed to happen or not, to finally force an intervention. Even well into the 50's and 60's the eisenhowever and Kennedy administrations were hesitant to commit fully to anti-communism efforts in the eastern hemisphere.

>can't come up with a rebuttal
>guess I'll j-just give him a kek


I fixed Europe.

You didn't even try user


Took out most of the shit tier parts but kept few of them for the bantz

Tb h pham the day america dies is the bst day of my life, the reason my country is so shit compared to the west is because we where sold to the Russians and didn't get any good goy moneyz, death to America, 9/11 best day of my life

>taking out thailand
>leaving malaysia

The united states died in the '80,now it's just a devastated playground for the joos, spics, niggers and chinks.

There are three problems in your map;
1. Turkey is still there
2. South America is still there
3. You removed Japan and SK

>somalia still intact

Why blame us and not Russia? We may not have reached across the Iron Curtain but you can't blame us for not wanting to risk the lives of millions of good ol' boys for a european's problems. Family comes first m8, that's how it's always worked

>ever intact

fuck england, america is best friend

>no middle east and Africa
but where will all the new europeans come from?


The 80's were a time of drugs, unemployment, aids and incredibly high murder/crime rates. I'm not saying it's perfect now but idealizing the past is overrated

That's not on the map either you abo

Enjoy Russia, China, and North Korea without the US

Well at least sometimes I could almost agree with Turkey.

Need some shit tier countries for the lulz
West Turkey is superior
No more Animr degenacry

Please for the love of god remove Pakistan and Indonesia.


I am OK with this


>North Korea

Who the fuck is actually believe in this meme army?

>MUH nuclear power
>missiles down during launch
>demoralized army

You are retard.

>removed USA
>left Russia and China

changed one devil for another

The day America dies is the day Russia takes all of Europe

Let me tell you something. The United States comitted suicide when it took the role of Policeman of the World.Literally every country in the world hates you of starting the arab wars, for funding Isis, helping the joos and spreading your degenerate culture( third wave feminism, BLM,racemixing,propaganda movies)

While the europeans adored you in the period of the '50-'90, noweven mentioning you makes people mad.

Ehhh what's the worst that could happen under Strayan Hegemony? Excessive swearing, drinking, and shitposting? Although I don't know how long they'd hold out against an Emu takeover

t. starving gypsy

>when it took the role of Policeman of the World

they were never the policeman. They only go in if they get a profit, either political or financial.

>59% white
>butthurt americuck.
Pick both

I'm pretty sure this is an isolated tiny movement with no ties to europe
are u kidding me?! You euro's started the racemixing meme centuries ago after you propped up all those colonies and decided you wanted some native poon
>third wave feminism
That's a soviet ideology spread by western europe as well

I agree with you about the the Iraq/Afghanistan conflicts and I never voted for intervention but Islamic extremism would have spread regardless; that region has always been in incredibly turmoil killing eachother over qur'an verses for almost a millenia

I know I'm not getting called retarded by a fucking Russian. Tell your manlet Czar or whatever to stop dicking around at the boarders. Makes everyone nervous