Why did God choose the Jews as His people? They're literally the most disgusting people on the planet.
Why did God choose the Jews as His people? They're literally the most disgusting people on the planet
Because muhammad wasn't born yet
OT Hebrews =/= """"Jews"""" of today
Read OT and you'll see they were based af
Because they were the only people stupid enough to obey "God" without questions.
Jews are no longer gods chosen people.
Jews aren't the chosen ones
Jesus was king of the Jews, but Jesus wasn't a Jew.
When Jesus died, the Jews just went back to trying to fuck shit up right up until now.
they're chosen for hell
jesus was an essene
Why does america claim to be the land of the free when it's not? Because it's a stupid slogan that's why and the Jews, Christians, and Muslims are all gods people according to their own believes. It's bullshit.
Why is Sup Forums red pilled but believes in religion?
Yes according to jew the jews are the chosen people. Its an ethno nationalist religion.
Why is Sup Forums redpilled but believes in religion?
it's 2016 retard
Why is Sup Forums redpilled but refuses to engage in homosexuality?
Jesus being a Jew is some 18th century Jewish bullcrap to make them look like Gods chosen people. I thought he was a Judean, meaning he lived in Judea, Not a JEW
why did god not let muhammad be born first?
Muhammedans are the most disgusting people on the planet and they've been allowed to exist for far too long.
>describing Sup Forums as anything but contrarian
>Why did God choose the Jews as His people? They're literally the most disgusting people on the planet.
Considering how life goes,I would say from your perspective it's one of another God's humor
The muzzies are planning an offensive in Israel according to these live update maps of middle east. Lets hope they do the job and remove Jew. Then they can't control goys and we are free
Ur a mug. Of course he was Jewish. Hence that he quotes the Old Testament, gets circumcised etc
Because your definition of God was described by jews
The people you think are Jews, are not Jews. The bible even says they will call themselves Jews but they are actually of the house of satan.
The real Jews are black people and this all stems from the fact that God is an allegory for the sun. Who is not to be the "chosen people" but those that can take the most of the suns rays? They are the chosen ones, they are chosen by the sun.
The original clans of Judaism were pure and righteous, but they were corrupted in the desert and erected false idols.
Then they started hoarding resources and power because they were persecuted everywhere they went.
Eventually over time they grew to become hypocritical, caniving, and subtle.
God's plan is beyond mortal comprehension, if these are his people then I will humbly accept it.
But I'm going to continue to disapprove the hell out of their actions.
Evolution probably
>implying the bad jews live in Israel
>implying the bad jews aren't in their mansions in america
>They're literally the most disgusting people on the planet.
that titel goes to anglos
Yellowstone can fix that then.
I call on an ICBM to blow up Yellowstone
>Why does america claim to be the land of the free when it's not?
Well, we sure were when we started calling ourselves that, recent circumstances not withstanding.
Pol is blue pilled as fug.
every group thinks they're the chosen ones, doofus. Jews aren't special, they're just like everybody else.