Does anyone here ever touch their teeth ?
Does anyone here ever touch their teeth ?
I would but I can't because fucking braces
dumb frogposter
those fucking suck senpaitatchi
>it's a "losing all your teeth" nightmare
my dad recently lost a tooth lol
>right molar gets a big cavity
>starts hurting like a bitch unless i take ibuprofen twice a day
>ignore it for a few months
>finally get a root canal
>left molar has a big cavity
>just recently started aching
holy fuck dude do you brush twice a day?
what's brush?
Yes I never brush my teeth so when I touch my teeth I smell my finger and it smells like a girls butthole
I have receding gums and a handful of cavities, so my sex life is over regardless of how many shekels I throw at Dr Steinberg, D.D.S
do you use a toothbrush to clean your gums and or teeth? It would prevent getting cavities and shit
>floss every day before i go to bed
>don't know if i'm doing it right or if it's even effective
flossing is for bitch niggas tbqh M. night famalam
oh i just brush before i go to the dentist
>tfw I don't have perfect white teeth
you need to brush right when you wake up and right before you go to bed. I assure you will stop getting cavities family
>tfw teeth are perfect but piss yellow no matter how hard i brush
>tfw people say I should smile more
why should i trust you? you look like you have fetal alcohol syndrome
tooth whitening treatment is pretty affordable. will probably take a chunk out of a month's pay check but if you look after your teeth then you'll be sorted for life. feels like cheating but growing up i was a stupid shit who never brushed his teeth until i got a proper filling at 12. and i'm 23 now. i got a filling again a couple weeks ago because there was a hole between my teeth, so now i floss everyday too (which i never did before).
wish i'd listened but there's no point living a life full of regret.
>adult braces
My sides.
Just brush your teeth you disgusting degenerate
>sacrificing health and well-being to be a degenerate
Gums are sensitive, you should floss like 3 times a week otherwise they could recede. Pretty much just run the floss upwards against both sides your tooth into the gum line until you hit the top repeat for all teeth.
Whitening strips or whitening sessions, unless your teeth are fucked in other ways
Yea it is, i do it after i eat breakfast and before sleep and have had no prnlems since i started it really helps, as does using a mouthwash that has some anti cavity stuff
when was the last time you guys went to a dentist?
>haha bro you're a degenerate
Nice memezzword but my teeth are fucked beyond repair so what's the point of putting a bandaid on a gaping wound you numale reddit cuck
Literally never been
>tfw need wisdom teeth removed
im gonna lose my house famalam
>I would but I can't because fucking braces
not going with
>Ishh scwould phbut I cansht becoosh brashces
you had one job, user
3 years
get a wageslave and hope their medical covers wisdom teeth
I go every month and my teeth are still fucked up. At least they are white though and not rotten like some anons ITT.
>it's an user replies to multiple posts because he's an attention whore episode
>he doesn't floss daily and brush morning and night
>he will never know the feeling of brilliant white, perfectly-aligned toothkino
Feels great!
that is the fucking worst pain i've ever had in my life. no amount of pain killer gets rid of that pain when it gets down to your deep nerve. i spent an entire year or more going through sleepless nights and days of pain, just to avoid the dentist. so dumb. i finally went in, and had the the tooth yanked out. i was in and out in under an hour, and didn't even need any painkillers after the tooth was gone.
Who /open and close/ windows here?
>Anyone who takes care of their health is a numale cuck
You're pretty deep into the rabbit-hole. When you fall halfway down a set of stairs, do you get up and walk down the rest or just throw yourself down the rest of the stairs? Giving up is pretty pathetic m8
based reddit with the kinos hehe
I do.
Who dab the area between their nutsack and leg here and smell it...who salt and vinegar up in here?
>teeth are yellow as fuck, never smile because of it
>regularly do labs at uni
>read that hydrogen peroxide can whiten teeth
>swipe 60% hydrogen peroxide from the lab
>use it as mouthwash for my teeth
>burns my entire mouth badly, flood my mouth with water but damage is already done
>in constant agony for the next week
Fuck you Hollywood and your obsession with perfect white teeth you veneer wearing cunts
Oh wow.
>Sup Forums - television and film
you deserved it retard
Is bleeding when you floss good or bad?
I didn't say that you nu-male Notorious C.U.C.K.
I'm saying that you're a cuck for implying that I can do anything about my ruined teeths and insulting me for being pragmatic
cuckspiracy theorist
cuckstable of the peace
Apparently you should just brush your teeth and they'll be a-okay according to the other cuck I quoted in this post
3-4 years. I used to go every 6 months for a cleaning but I brush twice a day and floss and have no issues 4 years later, I'll probably go in the next 6 months tho. Gotta get rid of that plaque.
Floss before bed for a week or two, if your gum still bleed after a week or two then it's probably bad. If you're just starting out then expect them to bleed.
It's going to bleed at first and be painful when you first start flossing. After a week or so it should stop.
I rub my hands all over my balls and smell them so it's similar to the scranus (area between scrotum and anus)
Seems like a good advice, but I would personally advise you to use BBC white cum as toothpaste.
Should the blood totally disappear when you regularly do them?
I floss like 2-3 times a week and there's still some blood.
Brushing your teeth with hot water while you're in the shower is the best feeling in the world.
You can see a dentist, you can start taking care of your teeth. You can stop further degradation of your teeth.
>refusing to even attempt to solve your problem and calling anyone that suggests that you do a cuck
This is laughably retarded, user.
How do these threads get dozens of replies and my movie related get 404 after 3 posts. Fuck this place.
How do you floss?
I feel that nightmare, senpai.
reminder that the U.S. government has dropped flossing from its health guidelines since there is literally no proof that it serves any health benefit to your teeth and gums.
>tfw extreme overbite, so extreme bottom teeth can touch the roof of my mouth
>tfw got braces to fix it
>tfw it's going to take 20 months
>tfw have these hard composite things on two of my molars to keep my jaw away from my mouth so I don't knock my braces off and so that I can chew
>tfw had plans to travel but because the braces need to be adjusted every month I have to wait
>tfw was almost free from NEET life but now I'm back in all because of a fucking short jaw
Kinda roughly in comparison to the norm I guess. That bad?
People are still arguing over that shit so better safe than sorry. Not a big deal to do anyway.
Okay yea, trust the government
Would rather use coconut oil and baking soda, Mr. Louis CuCK
My gums are almost receded to nothing, my teeth are yellow and rotting, and my breath stinks like death. My mouth bleeds when I brush or when I push on my bottom front teeth too hard.
Dentitsts can totes make gums grow back though!
I thought I was the only shower brusher here. It's really amazing. And there's so much flowing water to rinse your mouth out afterwards. Really pleasant.
Everyone has teeth but not everyone watched your movie
Removing bacteria from between your teeth is ineffective?
Have u tried the individual floss things, they are kinda like training wheels, you will rarely overfloss or go beyond ur gumline by accident
Dude, you're being retarded. Unless you have a weird dental disease dentists can fix all of that shit, can even replace missing teeth with implants or dentures. I doubt you're 70 YO and waiting any minute to die, so just go fucking fix your teeth. At least go to a dentist so they can tell you themselves that you're fucked instead of just assuming you are.
It's pretty great. And since in you're in the shower you can let your mouth get pretty foamy and clean everything really well.
If you can afford that kind of dental work you've got nothing to complain about fucking trusty.
every hour of every day i am thankful that i don't suffer from those weird calcium stones that gather in some peoples throats. just the thought of them fucking terrifies me.
I only use those things, with regular floss I always found it really annoying to get at the back teeth.
Are your gums actually receding or do you just have horrifically bad tartar buildup
Braces aren't that expensive man. They're only around 3k. I'm not a fucking trusty by any length. My entire life I've been poor as shit and it's just now that my family have gotten a bit of money that I can get my teeth fixed.
what are you crying about? i haven't met a single person who didn't look better after having braces. think of the day when you get them removed dude, your teeth are gonna be fucking ON POINT
You shouldnt be bleeding much with those, are u loterally rubbing back and forth? How hard are u flossing? Just stick it up between ur teeth and pull it out, if u still bleed alot from that go to a dentist
Do you floss by dragging the string up and down? Or are you kind of sawing into your gum when you do it?
I use to have them pretty bad. They're mostly just annoying. They'd just irritate my throat and sometimes I'd have to pop them out of the tonsil crypts.
Those are bad for your teeth since you have to rip them out of the gaps between your teeth instead of sliding it out like normal floss.
Are you really just supposed to do it that little? I try to like get all around in the cracks and floss in different ways, like up and down on the sides and forward and backward and stuff. I guess I'm doing it too hard.
But there's not really any negatives from going too hard right?
I heard they stink like shit
Nice teeth are great and all, but having to live another two years of NEET life that's just slowly cripping away at my sanity is a big price to pay.
>Whether your gum disease is stopped, slowed, or gets worse depends a great deal on how well you care for your teeth and gums every day, from this point forward.
According to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, yes your gums can come back if you take proper care of your teeth which includes seeing a dentist.
Also, one of the major threats of this is infection, which can kill you. A dentist can find trouble areas for infection and prescribe antibiotics.
>bu-buh that would be effort and effort if for cucks !!
Can braces close a gap in the two front teeth? My dentist never recommends braces so I assume it can't be done.
>flossing removes bacteria
It's a "your teeth crumble into nothing" version of that dream
>tfw you boiled your retainer to clean it and it broke and your jaw receded backwards so you have an underbite now
You shouldn't really be doing forward or backward because that's likely to cut into your gum, probably why it's bleeding. Think of it like scraping the bacteria off your teeth, up and down.
I'm not a dentist so I don't know if there are any negatives
ive had some kind of tmj or lockjaw on one side and then the other for 3 years so i havent been in that long
Braces can fucking fix anything. But for a small superficial gap, it's a bit much. Don't buy into the dental jew and think you have to have Hollywood teeth. Normal people have normal variances in their appearance and that's fine. The first girl I had a crush on had a cute gap in her front teeth.
>tfw she was a 20 something cashier and I was a homeschooled 13 YO who never saw girls
>tfw last year one of my wisdom teeth came through
the gums around my wisdom teeth were the most annoying fucking things i have ever had to experience. for a solid two months i would always have my tongue poking at the gums. wasn't really painful just infuriating.
Flossing doesn't remove bacteria you idiot it gets bits of food stuck in your teeth out
Got ya, thanks for the advice flossanon.
Of course lmao youre only trying to remove excess debris and crap, i think u just need to chamge ur methods.
It depends on why there's a gap. I had a gaps between my front teeth and it was explained that it was because my front teeth were too small for my jaw. Which means braces would have pushed them together, but after the braces came off my natural jaws position would push them back to how they were over time. I ended up getting veneers over my teeth which are the correct size, and they're great - they're just expensive, like 1k per tooth.
Braces do what you want them to do.
Yes they're actually receding and I can see way too much of the bottoms of my front bottom teeth
If I can see black/green/yellow in between my two bottom front teeth and I can see black cavity type shit in between the top of my front top teeth and my gums, that might be a sign that they're FUBAR
I'm calling you a cuck because you have this cucky just-world-fallacy belief that everyone's life is just like yours and everyone's problems are just like yours
My teeth are ruined, cucky potter.
unless you look like fucking david gandy you don't need to spend loads on making your teeth 'perfect'
weird teeth can be cute too. my canines are actually pretty big compared to other peoples for instance.
So it removes things that becateria feed off of/come from, which in turn removes bacteria.
>brush teeth two times a day, floss 3 times a week, teeth are a bit stained from years of drinking soda as a child but are otherwise fine
>sometimes I randomly get a pain in the top right set of my teeth while eating hard foods
This really freaks me out, I don't want my teeth to break or some shit. I tried paying extra attention while flossing and brushing but it didn't seem to do anything.
Am I a goner Sup Forums?
>food is between your teeth
>bacteria eats the food
>bacteria gathers between your teeth where the food is
>flossing removes the food and the bacteria
Brushing isn't going to reach the spaces between your teeth.
1. Flossing is good
2. Flossing is meant to remove debris
3. This can be dont by gently flossing
4. If the above points are hard to understand, throw the floss im the garbage, go on amazon and buy a helmet. Do not leave your house without placing the helmet firmly on your head and buckling it. You have bigger problems than dental hygiene
There's a reason the human mouth is so filthy
I had to get my Wisdom teeth removed maybe 15ish years ago now. It was totally crazy. My dentist tried to do it without putting me out, just freezing, and it hurt so bad that I passed out. Then he realized it wasn't going to work as they were coming in all wonky, so he sent me to a specialist and they knocked me out for 30 minutes while they dug them out.
Then I had these holes where the teeth were and had to squirt them out, because otherwise food bits would gather in the holes, and get grown over. I kept getting infections from that.
What a pain lol
don't be rude dude