Help me with this map
Help me with this map
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Denmark should be STRONK
They are fighting
Russia is soon to be cucked.
Everything west of poland is cucked
Why are our lakes cucked?
HA not true my friend not true
and we are 99%
Russia is already cucked
found this map
and norway denmark and you were cucked
that is wrong
want to fix this map
No they aren't.
Austria should be uncucked. Denmark too.
How are Serbia and Croatia not based?
Bulgaria is also based. They hunt down invaders on the border like cattle.
Sweden started dumping refugees on our side when they filled up (northern border is non-existent)
Why's France cucked? Paris, Marseille, definitely, but implying the whole country is cucked is some stupid shit.
inb4 random picture of a Parisian neighborhood with negros
>Why's France cucked?
True. I would give you some cred because of Le Pen. At least FN is the strongest party in France.
Because you said "well everything but our biggest cities ain't cucked" you're cucked.
>less inhabitants than toulouse
Austria took in over 80.000 rapefugees, i call that pretty cucked. And have you seen Vienna?
I approve this
That's because you're on a remote arctic island, don't worry, you'll take in your share of rapefugees eventually. Nordics are the biggest cucks in europe 2bh pham.
UK should be kebab
Italy and Greece are both cucked. France is "Sweden Yes!" and my country is soon to be cucked.
Even outside big cities, France is full sandniggers and niggers, only North West is not cucked.
Greece, how to express this feel...
DId i ever claim that
Mr. cuck
>Why's France cucked?
nobody cares :( oh well.
norway finland denmark iceland cucked
dont make me laugh
we denied 500 refugees
and took in 32
refugees mostly children
Well, with the obvious victory of Hofer and the FPÖ, Austria is officially uncucked. You have to give cred to the countries that change their politics into a right wing/anti immigrant party.
We're not cucked
UK + France + Germany are as cucked as Sweden
Eesti is not stronk.
Natt pls go
Your capital city, the city that your country is known for is overrun by niggers and arabs. I call that cucked to oblivion you delusional cuck.
Niggers and Arabs could declare their own state inside your country.
:c why do you guys always beat us at suicide rates?
Because their capital city is overrun by niggers and arabs.
Your country is as cucked as Sweden too. 60% white london. Muslim Mayor,
small population and we are not that high
also we are one of the happiest countries in the world
proof that we are happy
> Niggers and Arabs could declare their own state inside your country.
Daily reminder, sometimes, on Sup Forums, you're actually debating with people who seriously believe these things. Jesus Christ.
Spain & Portugual has a very dark future. Pray for us!
But admit
you're pretty cucked
but you are not beyond saving
We will
visigoths blood
is still there
Close to 30% of the Paris is non european you moron. With population of over 12 million that makes up around 4 million non europeans.
4 million is twice the population of my country.
You could have a small foreigin state inside Paris.
>Over 4 million shitskins in Paris alone
>Not beyond saving
Are you people really that delusional? An ethnic cleansing would have to happen to save France.
>4 million is twice the population of my country.
Ripe for Anschluss :^)
You can kick them
the niggers though
they cant kick them
cause france... yeah you're right
I MEAN THE French let the niggers in the 50s
Not inside Paris, but in the suburbs.
> you moron
> 30% of Paris
12.1% of Paris is Mahgrebi. The SHITTIEST place in France is 22.2%.
France in total is 6.9% maghrebi (immigrants, second-generation immigrants included).
You have watched too much RT and are actually spewing out retarded garbage and you've never put foot in my country. You're a mongoloid and should stop trying to sound educated because you're very visibly mentally challenged
"The military history of Slovenia spans less than a hundred years"
"Active personnel 7,300 (professional soldiers) (ranked 123rd)
Reserve personnel 1,500 (contract reserve soldiers)"
If anything, muslims could establish a small foreign state inside YOUR country, cuckboy.
That doesn't look like a french word. What does it mean?
a picture of mad english muslims protesting in london when our government banned their burqa? whats your point nigger
Says the guy from the country that requires a license to use a TV.
Mais nique ta grand mère fils de pute.
T'es probablement un putain de bougnoule avec aucun sang islandais.
Are you saying that those are the only kind of shitskins you have in your country?
>Mais nique ta grand mère fils de pute.
>T'es probablement un putain de bougnoule avec aucun sang islandais
Why would I be a gook
and no thank you
I will not fuck my grandmother
Sweden and France are pretty much identical when it comes to this stuff, For instance both SD and FN have ~25-30 % of votes and are effectivly the largest parties.
Our major towns are filled with shitskins but the smaller towns/countryside is still very white etc..
Pourquoi est-ce toujours ce type de "pays" à la con, le genre de pays qui nous baisait la gueule en primaire car personne ne se rappelait de leurs drapeaux, qui viennent donner des leçons sur /pol?
>Soon to be cucked
I don't think so, buddy. The only people that cuck us are the Germans with their economical plans.
VERY vast majority of the peaucaca we have in our country yes. At least, the most cancerous part of it. I'm not pro-immigration by any means, but please, for the love of God, I'd take 5 Egyptians for 1 Algerian.
Did not make this map
thats why i need help to fix
no one really
realized the point of this thread....
>I'm not pro-immigration by any means, but please, for the love of God, I'd take 5 Egyptians for 1 Algerian.
We are cucked beyond repair, fix your shit.
Romania isn't cucked the least bit
As i said help me fix this
>SD have 25%
first time I heard that. Since when?
oh shit
you have been claiming not being cucked here you go
> confirmed for never meeting an Algerian in his life
It's like saying "give me 5 bruises instead of 1 cancerous tumour"
>No gibs, nobody cares
I think we fit that one the most. Regardless, we'd not allow muslims to do the shit they do everywhere else in Europe.
The only rational choice between Algerians and Egyptians, especially in your ratio, is this:
Fix Russia. We are cucked in a ways you will never be able even imagine.
We are 'no gibs, nobody cares'. Thankfully. Otherwise we might be.
Why do you suck at winter sports? what are you good at in your shithole?
Please Pablo, stop lumping us together.
You have a muslim problem, we don't. I wish people would stop shilling for a united Iberia. It will never happen, we fought too much in the past and it's in our genes to hate the spanish.
We gibs 288 euros+30 euros + money if you have children. We will also gibs them apartments to stay in for free, free education, health care.
Sounds bretty good to some 3 rd world nigger.
Based Icebro.
dont think you are fully cucked yet
Can the uk not be "soon to be cucked"? Like atleast wait til my bellend fellow citizens bow down to the rest of the eu.. And when I say the uk I mean uk minus this massive pussies up north in that shithole called Scotland. They're worse than pakis.. Literally every call centre job is a scots and a scots alone.
I asked you, what sports are you good at?
not paying denbts and suicide doesn't count btw.
What is "full cuckening" in your opinion?
Put Ireland soon to be cucked and the north as based
We are pretty good at sports
In football we are getting better
our size is so small
and still we manage to compete some what
but handball thats the sport we do best in
> buying niggers for entertainment because that's the only thing they're good at
Wow so cucked!
Lol... Good one
oh shit ireland you are not cucked my friend let me fix that
so basically just like the kikes, you are unable to play sports?
>b-but our size is s-small
yeah tell that to norway or new zealand, nigger
They get 30 € a month. Nothing more, and its the cash they want. Backup your claims with sauce next time. Everything else is of no use to shitskins, it does hurt our pockets though. Also, they get to live in asylum centres, they don't get apartments as seen in Germany. Government searched for apartments in case of need, which is less likely each day thanks to Balkan route being closed.
hmmm let me sit on that for a bit
how is macedonia bulgaria romania cucked?
Dude sd has been between 25-35% for a while now. Like 6 months plus at least.
300k 4 mil norway 5 mil
not fair to compare those nignog
also the olympics for countries under 1 mill
we raped that
we are a very athletic nation
and you are a retard for trying to compare norway new zealand with us
weird I never heard about your shithole in sports, and do I follow many sports, not soccer unlike you nigger.
damage control the post
Better country then you
french are so mad
you are showing everyone here you are cucked
Your all fucking abysmal cucks.
How the hell do you sit there joking around, when right this second thousands of young middle eastern, African, and Turkish men have enetered your country. Hundreds more every minute
They are taking welfare money and public housing that should be for your elderly and infirm.
They hang out in groups around nice family suburbs talking loudly late at night , smoking , drinking
They are harassing and raping young women.
Absolutely pathetic. This isn't the Hans and Sven I thought I knew....
>In football we are getting better
>o-our size is so small
>Implying Uruguay being a little country doesn't have 2 world cups, and 15 america's cups
But you are still good having strongmans, and I love your country so much, that I wouldn't even go to live there just for don't harm all its pureness, so don't worry about football Icebro.
João, you're fucking delusional, you don't have a muslim problem just because you are smaller and look one step shittier than us, and also muslims don't want to stay in this iberian shithole so they go to some country with connections with the rest of Europe, but if one day all those sandniggers start to flood into our land, you're also fucked, so don't love us, but better explode your bubble.
then you what
yet again 3 million we have 300k
dont think you realize how small we are
Isnt your army 30% muslim? Thats worse than cucked. Its caliphate tier
>w-we are a-athletic nation s-see this medal won in 1953
stick to shitposting nigger, thats the only thing you are able to do.