White kids learning to shoot and carry guns = Christian, very good, patriotic, acceptable
Muslim kid showing off his school project = terrorist throw him in jail?
im white but the double standard here is plain as day
White kids learning to shoot and carry guns = Christian, very good, patriotic, acceptable
Muslim kid showing off his school project = terrorist throw him in jail?
im white but the double standard here is plain as day
Other urls found in this thread:
cut your own head off and post it to youtube
but il go ahead and say it, the fucking muslim is an instigator, he constantly made tweets which after Clockgate deleted, about how he was going to possibly blow up the school or crash planes into it
>its just a joke bro
and then brings in this fucking mangled mess of wires, inside of a bomb briefcase, and then probably jokes about it being a bomb, and now the world is racist.
The kid on the right is a fucking egotistic kid for asking USA government another couple of millions for compensation.
I can tell you're trying but you're still askew
>plugs in clock and sets alarm to go off in class
>is outside surrounded by people who are also likely brandishing firearms
Wasn't it shown in the aftermath of the whole thing that the kid's family had a history of trying to stir up controversy and doing intentionally provocative shit to try and get money by suing?
Are you this fucking dense?
Rural school has rifle team that is school sponsored and kid is part of the team.
Innercity school where kid brings his "invention" in to class, unannounced, right after a major bombing.
If kid 2 had been in a robotics class or something that was school sponsored, there would have been no issue.
cool cock ahmed
if kid was in a robotics class he would have been laughed out for his premade monstrocity of a fucking clock, like, learn some fucking cable management
Hey Newfags, please that to recognize threads that are only created to waste your time. Even liberals aren't as retarded as OP pretends to be!
So lemme get this straight Sup Forums
Australian poster makes a well thought out logical arguement = shitposter ignore him and insult him without reading the content of his post
American poster make retarded illogical statements and presents them as irrefutable facts = clever patriotic american who we should all look up to?
I'm shitposting in a bait thread but the double standard here is plain as day.
pics or didnt happen
"Hey teach look at this device that looks just like a gun!"
> Even if this were to happen the fear factor wouldn't be anywhere as much as guns need to be pointed and aren't triggered by a count down or remote device.
Also show me where this happened in real life without consequence.
> So what from reality are you basing this comparison on?
Also i don't give a fuck if you are white, it adds nothing to my impression of your point.
The white kids make no secret of their intentions, and they don't try to pass their guns off as something else.
he brought something that irrefutibly looks like a fucking bomb to school, even in redneck hick middle school i went to you cant bring shit that looks like a gun, knife, or bomb. you couldnt even wear shirts that said GUN on them.
The kid doesn't even know shit about electronics...
>src: I'm an Engineer
Pic related, my current FPGA project written in VHDL
Here is your
it was a clock and he told them it was a clock and he still was arrested.
White kids march around with guns and people just assume they aren't doing anything wrong.
>im white but the double standard here is plain as day
white does not always mean smart... as you showed.
Aria Stark?
His sister told them to put the handcuffs on.
are they in school.. no
Newfags which part of bait thread don't you understand?
I agree with you, but thats not a target rifle. Target rifles are .22 and look like toys. Thats clearly a hunter
Can you even do that
Its pretty similar here in NZ. Group of white kids walking down the street at night = fine. Group of Maori kids walking down the street at night = thuggish gang members
You're like what, almost an entire year late with this shit bait? Apply yourself.
fuck maori scum
>cyclone 2
How s babbys first fpga class
never know until you try
all deserved to be wiped off the planet. Now fuck off Angela Merkle
I suppose if you have a guillotine that you can set off yourself from inside it.
Cutting your head off with a knife would be impossible unless you cut all the flesh around your spine before cutting the spine, and even then either you would've bled out or you'd still be paralyzed before you can finished cutting the spine
You can't do it with a fireaxe, either.
Oh wait, if you lay on a chainsaw you revved up does that count?
Does a chainsaw count as "cutting" though..
Muslims ARE terrorists.
Learning how to shoot builds character and will help us in the coming Race War.
Clockmed got ten gorillion dollars in free shit from white guilt faggots and if I recall correctly he's off in Qatar being richfag or some stupid shit like that
Absolutely degenerate desu, I bet his parents sent him to school with it knowing they'd get sweet, sweet raycizm bux
>A wild Hillary shill appears!
I hate these threads
You know what's a real double standard? In Muslim countries you get killed for being Christian, in white countries Muslim's blowup our shit and get to say they're the real victims.
>Group of Maori kids
Probably because they claim to be a gang and walk around pretending to be american niggers, and routinely start fights and sucker punch people for no reason.
Poor trigger discipline. 0/10 would not operate with
Yes. Was dating a chick who's kid went to the same school and had a few classes with Ahmed or whatever his name was. He had been stirring shit up for a while, and had brought similar shit to school like 5 times before, and had been told to knock that shit off. Finally he did it again with some sort of substitute/guest teacher that hadn't dealt with his shit before, and that's when shtf. Plus the kid was apparently a super self riotous douchebag to the point of having no friends. Local news channel alson did some digging and his dad was a failed (Egyptian?) Politician, then after everything calmed down he took the family back to the middle east and tried to jumpstart his political career.
The assumption was that he used the kid to stir up shit, then used the platform of a poor oppressed Arab who's been beat down by the evil Americans, and returned home where his family was safe to try and get elected as some mayor. Gf's kid corroborated that the dad ran the show, and Ahmed had even told the rest of the kids at school that it was his dad actually tweeting and shit, and his dad was telling him what to say in interviews.
NZ hillary shills have been out in full force the past few days, look out
dude you have to post some proof you live by there
So let me get this straight, liberal.
White kids learning to shoot and carry guns = they will shave their heads, summon the undead soul of hitler and kill entire ghettos with their tactical assault cannons which fire 900 explosive assault clips a minute.
Arabic kid making a bomb threat = He didn't do anything wrong, better get him a trip to the white house?
excuse me im a femenest (man trapped in a woemans body with a femenime penor) and i think ur post is offensive for these raisins:
1. ur a bigoted niger from nigeria who needs 2 rethink his priorities while being a citizien of the united states of america
america has a proud history of guns and bullets and magazine clips and if u dont agree with guns ur not american and u should go back 2 afrika like the little nigerian loving niger-supporter u are
At work on the night shift, and stuck at my desk. Not posting my Id either. Have the address on a flyer for the shitty pizza place the day guys ordered lunch from. Best I can at atm. Kid went to school in Irving, which is like 20 minutes from Dallas.
It isn't a double standard unless Christians start yelling "THIS IS FOR JESUS" and killing random people to terrorize the infidels.
> Learning safe firearm handling in private
> Brandishing a potentially explosive device in a public, populated location
> Let's ignore that and make this only about race/religion.
God, libs are imbeciles
The kid tried to scare people and make it seem like a bomb you dumb fuck. It's not even the first time they've done something like this, they're literally con artists
Only there should be some program running to stop filming and post the film on Youtube after either a set amount of time or when the lobbed of head falls onto a switch of some kind
You are an idiot. First of all if you look into the kids past he was basically a dick who liked to push buttons... so when he dismantled a clock and made it look like a bomb the police were justified.
The fucking kid did such an awesome job being a troll that the president supported him and he got a full ride to go to the middle east for education and what not.
In short he knew what he was doing... it was a hoax to piss people off, and now he is on a gravy train for life.
>talking about a dead story over a year old.
Muslims are always misleading everyone, nbever believe a Muslims that tells you to act against your countries interest.
>safe firearm handling in private
Unsafe firearm handling (brandishing, finger on trigger, in public).
>off his school project = terrorist throw him in jail?
A stupid clock put into a briefcase, no charges present for supposed "bomb", easily identifiable as just a project.
So yeah. "conservatives" (or whatever you want to call yourself/them) are dumb. They don't even know what a clock looks like.
Thats only true 60% of the time
In fairness, the clock did look like a bomb. Its not racism that people reacted as if it really was a bomb. Its better to apologise for over reacting than to apologise for failing to stop a bomb.
>White kids march around with guns
ROTC programs don't discriminate against everyone who isn't white just because niggers don't sign up for them, retard
I know that's hard to understand for a person who looks at crime statistics and becomes 100% certain the reason most violent criminals are niggers is because of racist police, as if they're just ignoring white people shooting each other on every street corner about petty drug related disputes
Who cares about a mudshit
I used to know this fucking kid in middle school. He would make terrorist jokes about himself all the time. I guarantee the whole clock bomb was him trying be a troll. He knew what he was doing.
>takes 20 seconds to make
When the white kids learn to use guns, they also learn not to take them into schools, because they aren't complete fucking mongs.
When the paki makes his ""clock"", he makes it look like a bomb, ticking sound and everything, and expects not to have some burly yankee bodyslam him.