Honestly shit like this makes him even more of a cuck


More pathetic than the autistic kid who thinks the chads bullying him don't live happy lives.

Hes and absurdist ironist comedian. Shit is lame. He's like a poor man's steven colbert.

Other urls found in this thread:


why u be all on Tim's nuts mane?

It's kind of funny how pissed off everyone on Sup Forums has got by this song. Clearly, it's working.

This is funnier than anything Sam Hyde has done on his show

This guy doesent even understand that the republicans has good ideas hahaha


Fuck off Gregg

>mfw the first line of I am a cuck!'

song is lit

Comedy songs are a crutch.

It's more of pity from looking at most of the responses

Sup Forums doesn't even talk about Tim.

Why doesent anyone vote for trump?


Tim is a provocateur who is rarely if not never serious and makes fun of everyone.

I don't think tim is actually a liberal

I think this is just part of his shtick. I mean, it's pretty absurd to think that we live in an era where having popular political beliefs will get you called a cuck retard that wants to get gangbanged by goatfuckers

Imma cuck

why does Tim trigger the alt-rightists so much?

The song was funny , learn to take a joke. You're clearly butt hurt over the song so it's working

>More pathetic than the autistic kid who thinks the chads bullying him don't live happy lives.
he's not saying anyone else is a cuck user
the song is not sung from the point of view of a trump supporter, it's sung from the point of view of someone a trump supporter would shit on
he's saying he's a cuck libtard
how did you fuck up this bad? kek

IF ONLYnly dOnalD TRUmp WEre PRESident


saying things are crutches is a crutch


sam hyde just ripped off chris morris and heidecker, and his spastic acolytes claim its something new.


sry u were triggered OP

I'm pretty certain that 90% of these threads are started by Tim and his fans and are just circle jerks about how offended everyone else must be.

Nobody outside of Sup Forums gives a fuck about him, and yet he keeps getting spammed as le epic liberal who triggers conservatives 24/7 on here.

Because they perpetuate the thought-terminating cliche that if you dislike Schmuley Hoidelbergs work, you're a cuckold and a liberal

This guy should understand thar christian values are

I actually haven't seen anyone be pissed at the song. Personally I'm perplexed more than anything.


Nah, it's just that Sam Hyde is in tune with the current counterculture, Tim isn't. That's why Sup Forums is all over him right now.

Id vote for jesus if it werent for trump

>Sup Forums neckbeards

>current counterculture

you mean white dudes who never left their mom's basement right?

>I'd vote for a man who thinks that looking at a woman and wanting to fuck her is a sin worthy of being tortured forever

Donald trump is like obama was before but now!

sam's constantly spammed as some epic alt righter who triggers iberals despite being the same generic satire as cohen/tom green/eric andre/heidecker/kaufman/like a dozen others

wtf i love cuckolding now??

Man this trump am i rite


>thinks that there's any gain in insulting a counterculture
Basically just pissing in a shitfilled toilet

I think tim might me liberal' not even voting on ttrump :(

is that ulililia

Sam is actually talked about outside of Sup Forums though. He has threads on Sup Forums all the time, unlike Tim. Fucking Buzzfeed tried to take him down, when's the last time anyone tried to do that to Tim?

>Sam is actually talked about outside of Sup Forums

donald trump hAs a chance

>Sam is actually talked about outside of Sup Forums though. He has threads on Sup Forums all the time, unlike Tim.

Wow, saddest comment all week. That's enough Sup Forums for tonight, kid.

I think it needs be more than some neets on Sup Forums to become a "counterculture". But wtf do I know.

Sup Forums is within top 5 boards in the world m8.

Why are Tim's fans so passive aggressive?


Donald Trump being nominated is evidence enough that it's more than some neets on Sup Forums though.

Why are Trump kids so easily triggered?

a) tim gets talked about all the time, it's how the I Am A Cuck song has 96k plays on his soundcloud right now
b) buzzfeed didn't try to take him down. if you actually read the article on buzzfeed about him you would see that they literally say—and I quote:
>It’s a trap just to read Sam Hyde literally — he’s built a career out of making fun of people who take his speech too seriously.

the only way in which he's different from those afformentioned comedians is that this time you are part of the joke instead of on the side of people laughing with sam at it

Yee like... Calm down? Right? Kiss ppl on the mouth and and love n suff

Sup Forums just jumped on Trump because he's not "politically correct". Most of the people who voted for Trump surely has never heard of Sup Forums among other things.

Sup Forums has always been countercultural. It's not THE counterculture, but it's undeniably a significant influence.

Mark of the millennial.


Nice memezzword

Wtf! CuckCuckCuckCuck

Sup Forums is just contrarian. And whatever influence it has had is greatly diminished over time. Memes arent real.

If you want to really trigger lefties and (((moderates))) change your YouTube handle to the word "KEK" repeated as many times as possible. I've had massive success triggering people with that, even when posting completely harmless comments.

>being this obvious that a nerve was hit


I don't see how pointing out passive aggression is being triggered, but then I guess it also merits pointing out how TIm's fans also try as hard as they can to sound alt-right and 'cool'.

Even while they deny that the alt-right is counterculture, they adopt it for themselves.

This guy gets it! Bonus meme: mr reddit

Nah, I think the influence just took a different shape. For example, now that the Left has won the culture wars, they're in a vulnerable position because the Right can now frame itself as anti-establishment, edgy and rebellious. 4chin-inspired shitposters on various social media have done a marvelous job exploiting that to the point where censorship has become a preferable option. That's pretty much textbook Aulinsky - create a situation where your enemy can adequately respond only by becoming more oppressive.

>seeing the matrix

Trump will def win

That's what I'm saying. The movement Trump represents is much bigger than Sup Forums.

1 more trump

>its in the bag


But the influence you claim has still not resulted in anything tangible.


>pointing out memezzwords memes is impossible to do in a dispassionate way
Not an argument

He represents a movement of lower class whites who tend to be uneducated. Whose privilege in society was built on being white and good manufacturing jobs. Now as the US becomes more "brown" and manufacturing jobs go overseas. This group of people are quickly losing their socioeconomic power. Trump has promised it back. But it's too late. It's already gone.

>twitter banning Milo
>Germany arresting people for expressing the wrong opinions on social media
>Brexit going from being a fringe issue no one cared about to something the majority of the U.K. voted for
>Youtube enacting a 'terms of service' for monetization that's literally 1950s Hayes code tier

Well, what would be tangible in your opinion? Would TIME devoting a whole issue to bitching about right-wing trolls be a good example?

How about Hillary mentioning the alt-right and almost every major publication writing an article that either shows a picture of, or mentions Pepe?

How about feminism becoming so hated that every feminism-themed YT video that comes out gets immediately criticized by like 20 other channels?

"Make America great again!" - George Carlin 2032

I'm not making a value judgement though, I'm merely commenting on the size of the movement. You're not saying anything that hasn't been said a thousand times by media pundits already, and yet, poor people are voting for him anyways.

>twiitter banning Milo
>Germany arresting people for expressing the wrong opinions on social media
Rise of the right in Europe. It happens all the time.
>Brexit going from being a fringe issue no one cared about to something the majority of the U.K. voted for
See above
>Youtube enacting a 'terms of service' for monetization that's literally 1950s Hayes code tier
Might have a point.

That leather-jacket + sunglasses pepe is pretty cool

>Rise of the right in Europe. It happens all the time.

We'll find size of the movement on election day. Also poor people tend to have low IQs.


>Rise of the right in Europe.
To which the only response the establishment seems able to conjure up is actual state censorship. As in, 'say things we don't like and you're going to prison'.

It's not the rise of the right that's interesting, it's the response to it.

That was pretty good. I like how he mentions "I'm loyal to no country and all white people are bad yet when the alt--right mocks them I get sad."

Tangible would be winning a president election. Winning some seats in the Senate. I dunno, like things that matter.

Yeah, poor people are pretty much trash. Rich people are better at literally everything, they're even rated as more attractive.

Poor people understand the issues they face far better than rich people do, that's the basic principle of democracy.

Democracy sucks.

I know, rich people should consolidate all the power for themselves.

hehehe ive really got those idiots thinking i am a cuck now, what a bunch of suckers

They already did and they get stupid poor people to vote for them.

Well, we did get Britain out of the EU. Next step is to make the EU fall apart, but that's pretty much inevitable. It'll continue to exist as a formal institution, but the countries comprising it will drift apart.

As for the elections, I don't want anyone to win those. Attack the system, not the policy. Democracy must be destroyed.

>leftists claim to not hate poor people
>they make fun of the working class poor every chance they get

>conservatives/alt-right claims to care for/about poor people better than liberals do
>they imply that "poors" are the source of most problems in the USA



What did you mean by this?

This is what the establishment class in both political parties want. This is what the vast preponderance of businesses want. This is what three massively wealthy and influential people in American politics are outright telling you they want:


But yeah, you're totally a voice of the people, yo! You know so much better than the white working class what's good for them, and you're standing UP to the powers that be!