Reminder Democrats are the party for the people, while Republicans are the party for corporations.
Reminder Democrats are the party for the people, while Republicans are the party for corporations
Then why is Hillary Clinton the Democratic candidate?
Reminder that corporations are people
Sure and labor parties actually support the working class.
Reminder that both parties are parties of corporations, and only insurgent newcomers are for the people (or believe themselves to be)
But the democrats have received an extreme amount of funding from the big corporations???
Maybe it just so happens that more regulations on businesses eliminates small businesses before they can become competitive in the market???
Democrats are the party of Welfare and Racism
The Democrat party is for organized crime.
Then how come the Democrats betray the people for corporations and the rich all the fucking time?
I will never vote Republican but I am just fucking sick of the Democratic Party.
>party for the people
No such thing exists or has ever
Both parties are parties for corporations. All major parties in all countries are.
>Maybe it just so happens that more regulations on businesses eliminates small businesses before they can become competitive in the market?
Oh my god why are you so fucking stupid?
Government regulations is the only thing keeping us from turning into feudal society again.
A good reason to vote republican. What have other people ever done for you?
Reminder that's the most bluepilled understanding of American political dynamics that it's possible to possess
Seriously you need to kill yourself unless this is bait.
Which people? Foreigners and other non Americans.
Has to be a troll, I mean the Democrats pushed NAFTA, and are pushing the TPP. Illegal immigration hurts the black community most of all, is a vital and effective tool to weaken unions, and also contributes to wage stagnation. The writing is on the wall.
>Reminder Democrats are the party for the
(government dependant/controlled) people, while Republicans are the party for (personal freedom and progress through) corporations
>Republicans are the party for (personal freedom
Weak ass bait. It's the party of fascism. That's why they nominated Hitler Jr., that's why they passed modern day Jim Crow in North Carolina, that's why they are pushing for neo-slavery.
>I mean the Democrats pushed NAFTA,
You mean Republicans?
>Democrats are the party for non-white, non-male people.
Party of the people?
Maybe, but not the white people!
don't go full retard on your first post... bait slowly
I mean Democrats. They completely backstabbed the working class in the 90s, and we're "feeling the pain" for it to this day.
>>I mean the Democrats pushed NAFTA,
>You mean Republicans?
oh.. so Bill Clinton is a republican now.. damn I need to keep up with the rewriting history shit.
>oh.. so Bill Clinton is a republican now..
He might as well be. Most Republicans voted for NAFTA and TPP, not Democrats in Congress.
Shit like this just backfires and makes me want to say nasty things about the Democratic party.
I'd feel the same about someone spinning the same style of bullshit for Republicans.
The fact is, the Democrats and that whole party are in bed with FAR WORSE than "corporations".
The Democratic party is entirely aligned with everything that can harm the future of America. Look at the way Obama has been running around the globe telling everyone how sorry he is for his piece of shit country and the way they bullied the Earf.
Democrats can eat a bag of dicks.
At least until we let Trump MAGA for a good eight years or so...
First post best post from the stereotypical shitposters. That is impressive.
>trump is le hitler
0 to trashcan in 20 words
Hillary actually fits the dictionary definition of fascist you leftist faggot
Today you are a scholar, straya
Pic related. It's (you)
>Not for corperations
If you really believe this, you haven't been paying attention to the Obama administration. It's corpratist as fuck. Also Hillary is too. Clearly. That's why bernie is ignored and shunned by delegates. The DNC is on the take
not an argument, not even relevant to what he said.
back to plebbit you naive, ignorant child
you've been duped
Sho' thang sempai.
but nazis believed in personal property rights
>you've been duped
A reactionary idiot who supports a plutocratic oligrach billionaire simply because of racism and fear calls me duped. LOL
And Obama is a Republican? And Hillary is a Republican?
Seriously, look up neoliberalism and actually look at what the Obama administration has actually done. It's extremely favorable for transnational corperations. Both republicans and democrats are on the take. Deal with it
>And Obama is a Republican? And Hillary is a Republican?
They are conservative Democrats, aka DINOs (Democrats in name only)
Stop shilling my safe space ;_;
>Being this delusional
Holy cringe. You clearly dont know what oligarch means. Just stop posting, this is the definition of cancer.
I guess the 16 year olds are out for summer break already.
>I guess the 16 year olds are out for summer break already.
I'm 24. The older I've gotten the more I've realized that being right wing is for pretentious edge lords like you.
The sooner you guys take the ultimate red pill and realize that the economy overall does better under Democrats than Republicans the better.
>look up neoliberalism
fuck off you faggot, the word neoliberalism is just a leftist buzzword with no firm definition. Start here:
>I'm 24
you're a fucking child, people your age shouldn't even be allowed to vote. i'm also 100% positive that you are not college educated.
Knowing this, and knowing the DNC, the establishment Democrats, and almost all the party insider superdelegates and other heavies support Clinton and supported Obama, you still think the Democrats are for the people? That is the definition of cognitive dissonance.
Sure, and the Labour parties are always working for the working class
>i'm also 100% positive that you are not college educated.
Getting my diploma this summer user.
I am so fucking sick of you guys consistently attacking Obama. It's cause he's black. that's why you hate him. He's spent the last 7 years trying to clean up Bush's mess and Republicans have opposed him every step of the way.
>unironically posting occupy democrats
you need to kill yourself promptly
>Knowing this, and knowing the DNC, the establishment Democrats, and almost all the party insider superdelegates and other heavies support Clinton and supported Obama, you still think the Democrats are for the people? That is the definition of cognitive dissonance.
Sanders is the model. You work from the bottom up. You become precinct leaders in the Democratic party. Run for mayor, run for city council, run for state rep. An entire party can be taken over by progressive liberal Berniecrats though grass roots movement. We are already seeing this movement sweep the nation.
getting your diploma? this summer? so what, you haven't even graduated high school yet at 24? because when you graduate from a university you get a degree, not a diploma.
fake and gay.
that dow jones statistic is a flat out lie, I googled it. unemployment rose. gdp did not grow. deficit did lower but the national debt went up 10 trillion. Consumer confidence means nothing.
Nice sources on these infographs by the way.
All of that stuff happened BEFORE Obama was president. Obama's hasn't been able to get anything passed since 2010 thanks to RepubliKKKan fillbusters. That's why he's tried to pass executive orders, but he's not a dictator.
>unemployment rose.
Lol these Koch brothers shills.
>He's spent the last 7 years trying to clean up Bush's mess
Right and he did so with the slowest economic recovery since decades.. really gets you thinking right?
>yes all those terrific executive orders like obamacare, he should lynch himself just for that one.
And the Republcan healthcare plan is if you are sick, you should die quickly!
>All of that stuff happened BEFORE Obama was president
I know you're stupid, but you're obviously not blind, so take another look at the graphic and realize that you're wrong.
>We are already seeing this movement sweep the nation.
But no, I can't talk too much shit, I actually like what Barney is doing on the other side. He's basically the Democrat's Trump in that he's destroying their normal establishment. I don't agree with that fucking commie, but he deserves to win over shillary, I'll give you that much. I have a close friend who's also a barneyfag and seeing how he's fucking the Dems up like Trump is doing to the Repubs, I can't help but root for him over that corrupt cunt.
I disagree with all of his policies, but can respect your support of him.
>Right and he did so with the slowest economic recovery since decades.
What part of the fact he's faced the most obstructions by any party in US history?
The fact someone like Trump, who started his career claiming Obama was born in America, is the GOP nominee should tell you all you need to know about the far right that hijacked the GOP.
>hurr job growth is unemployment rate
>hurr it's good because yours is bad
not an argument
Enjoy your fatter bank balance, shill. I'm out.
Please explain how that graphic is showing something good. Under Obama job growth has been outpaced by population growth, meaning that their are fewer and fewer jobs available for the working population each month.
That graphic actually shows how badly the economy has performed under Obama.
Easy to increase job growth when you make one man's job a two or three man job and divide up the hours and pay equally.
>That graphic actually shows how badly the economy has performed under Obama.
We had NEGATIVE job growth under Bush during the Republican caused Great Recession.
Obama pushed for a Jobs bill in 2011 and the GOP gave him the middle finger. This is the GOP Great Recession.
Also that pic doesn't take into account Obamacare didn't come into effect until Oct. 2013.
>We had NEGATIVE job growth under Bush during the Republican caused Great Recession
Yes, normally there is negative job growth at the beginning of a recession. And that always ends naturally in a short period of time as the economy goes into recovery. The fact that the period of negative job growth ended says nothing about Obama.
Also, the Great Recession was primarily caused by Clinton because of regulatory changes that were spearheaded by his Secretary of Treasury Robert Rubin:
Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999
Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000
The only thing Bush did to contribute to the crisis was ramped up Clinton's program to direct Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to buy up mortgages given to low-income home buyers to increase home ownership among the poor.
All the biggest corporations in the USA support the democrats. Also, look at the top 10 richest people in the USA, all democrats.... the democrat party keeps the rich getting richer.
>look at the top 10 richest people in the USA, all democrats
More than half of them, but pretty obviously not all of them
>Democrats are the party for the people
Aussie the bantzmaster bringning hot bantz as usual
come back when you have some experience in life. My youngest child is older than you.
>What part of the fact he's faced the most obstructions by any party in US history?
How many bills did Harry Reid sit on and not allow a vote? hint, its over 400