This was taken yesterday in the UK. The UK is finished
This was taken yesterday in the UK. The UK is finished
Don't talk shit about my 7th heaven warriors.
Imagine the guy before you farting like an animal
They didnt think this through properly
its not like the smell would be any different
Thumbnail looked like a game of minesweeper
how they do this in battle
seems like a great opportunity to snipe them or just run em over
It still is in a way.
This picture is several months old you cunt.
Still depressing as fuck.
If we destroyed Mecca, would they spin around on those mats like broken compasses?
ha made me kek
except everywhere you click is a landmine
They would probably explode.
They need to implement this in Carmagaddon. Massive bonuspoints.
Why fight. Islam solves the feminism issue. We should embrace it.
farting breaks the prayer, you have to leave go wash up again and come back, you don't get your spot back
If you think this is bad check out Russia.
Great fire of london 2 needed.
>look at the trees you cunt
If I lived in UK I would not have kids. No point anymore you are being occupied. Just protect the regions you have left and us Canadians will do the same. The West has a few more generations left before we are totally wiped out.
>I have a cold, cancer will fix this!
they're just tanned British street druids
Praise be upon Putin :^)
Youve brutally kept your Chechens in check though.
Once the infrastructure in Europe starts to poop out you guys are gonna look kind of like Afghanistan.
Why are these guys aiming their butt to somewhere?
wats that bentley doing there? i thought moslems were broke Sup Forums
Well the mayor is a mudslime so it slowly is becoming Londonstan.
>tfw I don't live in London
>If we destroyed Mecca
I want to see this happen.
They tried to
nothing to see here
move along, sir
Drop a bomb on em. Fight fire with fire
Ah, yeah, "domesticated muslims" maymay. Love it.
Two of them are based.
>Rather be dry than pray
it's a kingsize traffic cone
Top kek
>live in wales
>no muslims
>very few nigs
>just sheep
>cheap lamb
feels good lads
What the fuck
#1066 #neverforget
also this is literally the only date i know outside of American/Texas history
This can't be true.
Does anybody have the pic that shows the muslim behaviour in correlation with the muslim population?
Islam will save Europe from degeneracy
What is this flag? On mobile can't see
Here you are, lad.
they just can't help it
Thanks m8
Go dig us some sand you faggot.
thats not from letting muslims in thought, thats because to conquered muslim lands
jesus christ! if something like that happens here, we will killed all of them in no time.
what the fuck is wrong with you faggots?
London is the most expensive city in Europe. How can all these sandniggers afford to live there?
carpet headbangers!
Only one way to find out user!
willing to live in shitholes
it would be extremely painful
They're funded by taxpayers m8.
Don't forget that taxation is theft, and it funds white genocide.
One man with a flamethrower could solve the problem
housing benefit, child benefit, ride the benefit pony for free everything paid for by ethnic British.
Haha too funny I can hardly breath!!
Kill yourself
Is it bad that I know exactly where that picture was taken?
this is no bestiality board. fuck off
Angry roach?
Angry roach.
Go back to your shitty little village so we can actually progress as a country you goatfucking-devil-worshipping-shitskin son of a whore. Cancer of this country and world
The dump I take each morning has more braincells than your two-bit pedophile-loving mind
The world would have been a better place if your oxygen-wasting mudshit dad just came inside a bucket instead
If you were to kill yourself today the world would still be not ever the huge shit you took on history, not now and not until the heat death of the universe
Why are Turks always so butt mad? I don't understand. The Israelis take the Jew bantz pretty well but these Turks, It's like they know they are inferior.
Angry roach!
Your bomb gone off yet?
It's great actually, if you promote this and organize it you can just blow them all up.
they're like droids from star wars
can't you just fuck off and die?
>T. butthurt turk who can't complete a visa application.
You sure as hell better hope we don't leave before you can slide under the doorway.
Has anyone on Sup Forums ever bothered to factcheck anything ever?
Europe's officially over. Lost the war without a fight. How sad, how sad for the people of Europe to open the doors to the invading horde. Disgusting and sad.
>Sup Forums
It was pretty obvious that the photograph wasn't taken yesterday.
Ya because marrying your cousin to shave a few points of your IQ isn't degeneracy.
Anyone else feel like taking a semi or a tank and just driving through all those Muslims?
Triggered muzzy
This. You guys fall for obvious bait all the time.
dude we all know the picture is old
what am I doing with my life
>tfw no sharpened combine harvester
Everyone knows where it comes from, that doesn't change the fact that it's a real UK picture.
anzu pls
top kek
There might be a zerg Overmind below Mecca, controlling all the mudslimes
calm down koksal
We're not sending help, just so you guys know.
Charles 'The Hammer' Martel