SJW (Jews) Take Down Oxford Law. Introduce trigger warnings to lecture
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Nice double op
Can't wait for the world to finally end. Got about 20-30 more years boys.
Imagine this generation in 30 years with political power. Its game over. We're done for.
My only wish is it wouldn't happen when I'm so old, gonna suck dealing with that shit at such a late age. Would be better to endure as a young man.
I thought people who went to Oxford were smart and mature.
>mfw it started as an ironic meme on tumblr
>its real now
Fucking SJWs at it again
Most are, but you still get tumblrinas unfortunately
t. cambridge
hopeful fuck
Need meme magic to burn it faster and harder, the quicker the burn the damage may be less, and we might have a shot at recovery from this nonsense. If allowed to fester slowly it will do much more damage.
Lol you think sooner? I doubt it. We got 20-30 years, 50 tops before shit really hits the fan.
Look at how quickly Detroit decayed. If we don't get rid of brown people soon, within a matter of 200 years civilization will revert back to African tribalism merely by the absence of whites to maintain shit.
These people are the catalyst. They are the useful ones. Useful until useless For he cast down like a bolt of lightning.
no, they excelled in the subverted and intellectually castrated good goy education system. Every western nation's government education programs have been filled with globalist marxist programming.
Honestly I am so tired of these stupid social justice warrior stories. Anyone can make fun of SJW's it's honestly getting old. They are the easiest to pick on.
kill me now. i long to die. i want off this shit ride.
Very nice
i either want final victory or total nuclear destruction. no middle ground.
Thank you mom
Next you'll have surgeons being triggered by gore and guts.
If you can't handle the job, then rethink your career.
I say we vote Hillary. She'll without a doubt cause civil war. Texas will secede. Red states have had enough. She'll probably try to take guns. It'll be great.
At this point I think Trump is just prolonging the inevitable. Nothing is going to reverse the climbing birth rates of brown people. We'd have to go full blown racist and even then we only have 8 years to accomplish it before the pendulum swings back even further left next election cycle where we get a hardcore commie socialist as President.
The american and british academic systems, the first even forged out of the excellence of the elites of western countries during the world wars, to the status it has today, can't be allowed to fall... I feel there's not enough severity being ascribed to this, education makes or breaks societies, and can lead civilizations to glory or ruin.
This can only spell the end of the west
and there's the problem.
where i live will just get worse though. we need the south here in wa state to balance out the fucking hippie degenerate scum.
Wait wait wait. They are LAW STUDENTS, shouldn't they have to learn about rape crimes? What are they going to do if thy have to take a rape case once they get out of college?
>americans make fun of "nanny states"
>they get treated like literal children in their places of higher education
Hillary is the establishment, and she has a weight of fist too hard to let that happen. If it's not conducive to business, her jewish and corporate overlords will put a stop to it, so I'd rather we choose trump and hope he has a plan up his sleeve for this shit
Good question. The National Review had a word on that:
>This isn’t just annoying or stupid — it’s actually dangerous. After all, rape law’s being too “triggering” to teach will result in fewer people knowing how to prosecute rapists. It’s putting the misguided, abstract idea of achieving an emotional “safe space” above actual safety in a real, tangible way. Clearly, it’s time to wake up and take a look at our priorities — fast.
it wasn't like this at all even 6 years ago. things are shit out of nowhere.
>trigger warning
>They are easiest to pick on
They're destroying academia, you stupid fucking leaf.
Do you even know where Oxford is?
Going full racist won't do shit if you're a minority in your own country which will happen under Open Borders Hillary (at least among military age men). But then again, you're a shill who already knew that.
>SJW adult-children walk out on "triggering" material
>75% of the class stays put and just ignores the "trigger warning"
>75% of the class becomes top tier lawyers
>25% of the class becomes top tier baristas
Capitalism finds a way. Honestly all this bullshit in colleges is just going to increase the value of graduates who aren't retards. It's only when they completely stop teaching "triggering" material that society is fucked.
who the fuck goes to oxford just to be able to work at starbucks?
Huh? What are you talking about retard. I'm saying if we went full racist under Trump we only have 8 years before we get a Democrat for President in 2024 and SJWism ramps up again.
I didn't say anything about us going racist under Hillary. I said Hillary would cause civil war. Trump is just a temporary bandaid.
The non-pussy students must love it because they know that shit won't be examined.
Also, $10 says all the triggerlinas are female.
>my literal face when non-STEM
The ones who walk out on triggering material and when interviewed about their experience in rape/murder cases have a meltdown.
SJW's only exist in academia as colleges are just meeting the demands of their customers. Once you have to work and be useful to society all that shit goes out the window or else you end up being a barista crying for Bernie to make college free/forgive student loans because life isn't fair, fucking rich 1%.
Amazing really. The Masters are long dead, but their servants carry on, unaware of what they are doing.
Yeah until companies like BBC start putting out job adverts saying "No white males"
Why are they studying law if they cannot handle such situations?
What are they going to do in court? Ask the judge for a break so they can vomit a bit in the bathroom every time someone says something that triggers them?
two same numbers
>implying these people will actually get into power
Then form your own companies. If the Marxist machine advances to the point you can't even do that then join the military since the coup is right around the corner.
It's really not that bad out there yet, don't fall so hard for reactionary rhetoric that you lose sight of reality. Companies still have a profit motive and law firms that cover triggering cases will always exist, even if others stop covering those cases, and it will increase their demand/profit.
do you?
which has already happened...
That's my point. He's trying to downplay it like it's no big deal.
I have more
From now on Jews must give trigger warning before they remind me of the 6 million
The Irish survived NINA. The Chinese survived being railroad laying equipment. If you're the 'master race' if white people are so superior what is stopping you? Someone rejecting your job application?
Please realize how much of a yuppie pussy you sound like when you say that. The reactionary right on Sup Forums is the same as the "progressive" left on tumblr: a bunch of whining millennial children with first world problems complaining about the slightest inconveniences.
Who cares if the BBC puts up NWNA? The most impressive human economic invention, the internet, exists! Form your own podcast/news/talk show! If there's a demand there's a way to make money from it and it's easier than ever. You just can't be a defeatist pussy looking to have success handed to you like you're some affirmative action nigger diversity hire.
that is so obviously racist!
You're probably some melodramatic boomer faggot that thinks he actually had to work hard in life. Kill yourself.
Point proven.
>the boomers/SJWs/Jews are why I'm not a winner!
>I deserve success for being a white male!
Wew lad.
I'm just glad my generation is a bunch of lazy, whiney fuck ups, it makes it easy to succeed. Graduated as an engineer 2 years ago, 24 and have already been promoted to a senior role for my work ethic/quality of work. Keep making those excuses.
Easy on him, there are no Univeristies in Canada he wouldn't understand
Its really amazing how well it worked. The masters died long ago but their creation lives on.
>Most are
Hahahaha, no. I live in Oxford and I've met tons of Oxbridge students and you are ALL pampered little autismo faggots. I've never met one I didn't wish would have an aeroplane crash into them.
The worst people tend to be those from the best backgrounds. Maybe it's because I'm working class as fuck and do maths, where money can't get you in, so almost everyone is from a comprehensive.
I have met some right stuck up middle/upper class bitches doing shit degrees like psychology.
"Mommy and daddy and the government paid for my college. Everyone had it as easy as me!"