Transgender ‘Woman’ Caught Taking Pictures Of Little Girls At Target

Transgender ‘Woman’ Caught Taking Pictures Of Little Girls At Target

>Dallas’s local LGBT community has come together to stand in defence with Goebel, claiming she should not be persecuted because she was “born a pedophile and therefore can not change her sexual orientation”.

>“We will be remembered in history like MLK for the work we are doing today. We have no doubt in our minds that within 5 years, all sexual orientations, including pedophila will be decriminalized. Weed also” – Dorothy Wright

Other urls found in this thread:

Obviously a false flag

Fucking bigots


It begins, the acceptance of pedophilia is a sign of the end times.

Guessing this is a bullshit article

that didn't take long
There's a big fuss about Target's new policy in my small little southern town at the moment. They want to force people to use the correct bathrooms but they're not quite sure how to enact that into law.


Oy Gevalt! I need to sell all my target stock before it tanks any further. It's anudah shoah I swear!

this shit reads like an onion article

That source for every singel article citing it:

I don't buy it.

If WE WERE IN MURICA A PROUD PATRIOT WOULDNT LET THIS HAPPEN! Ooh, what about me? Y.yeah I'm a patriot but I'll deal with it tomorrow don't want to get called a bigot ;(
t. All Americans on pol

>pedophillia is a sexual orientation

I did read both articles. Don't think this is made up when tons of people on twitter still defends Sarah butts. The anti gamergater that spread pedo stuff. It was only a matter of time before perverts took the opportunity with shared bathrooms for stuff like this.

>Implying it's not.

Holy shit, I honestly thought that quote was just OP exaggerating, but nope; that's actually what she said. So, they've actually moved on to defending pedophiles? I figured that would be the next logical step, but this whole thing is moving faster than I ever would have imagined. This is just going to keep getting funnier and funnier, holy mother of fuck. Seriously, though, I'm glad I don't have kids.

This is the homepage of the site it comes from. I'm guessing it was made by a leftie looking to prove that conservatives don't bother with fact-checking.

What does her sexual gender got to do with her act other than Sup Forums trying to vilify the rest of transgenders? There are probably tens if not hundreds of thousands of child abusers in the US who are male, and I don't see Sup Forums saying it is a straight male issue, but if a gay person or transgender does it then all of them are pedophile.

have you ever seen a news site that has not about, no redaction team, no social media buttons, no other news, not even a homepage?
Look at

thats a lot of effort put into some shitposting...

The tumblr gender spectrum is just as real as Palestine I agree

this was the suspect, James Goebel

>There are probably tens if not hundreds of thousands of child abusers in the US who are male

And without him there is one less

Thanks Obama, really.

Don't you have a hospital to bomb Mehmet?

I don't care how the news site looks like and so should no one. What's important is what the news site report. I find the story believable because i know that some people are fucking perverts. If pervs go to the beach to get some loli photos they can as well go to a shared bathroom to take loli photos.
A friend of mine did find a camera on a public bathrooms and thanks to her, he got arrested.
Here is another example

What would stop someone from going into a store, then identify as a woman on the spot, and go into the ladies room

All I'm saying is that I called pedo acceptance after tranny acceptance

>"weed also"
this isn't real


Slippery slope

>can change your sex
>can't change your sexual orientation

>claiming she should not be persecuted because she was “born a pedophile and therefore can not change her sexual orientation”.
Burn them all

Googled it, this is confirmed satire.

Too "perfect" to be true, and with no credible sources. Nothing to see here.


>can't change religion unless it's Christianity


>country being slowly devoured by Israel
>bothers to worry about the plight of dick choppers in the states
Get your priorities straight Abdul.

I almost took the bait but noticed the flag in time. Nice, user.

>said she could hear someone’s iphone camera snapping

Dumbass. Should have removed the sound.

Nice try, Sup Forums

Fucking faggots.

stopped reading there

Another fake article.

I wonder what the motivation of making these is. Are you trying to trip up the ebil nathzees on Sup Forums? Or are you trying to infuse newfags with a sense of skepticism?

It's strange because given the stuff we post here, the line between parody and reality is very thin already.

>Sup Forums believing bullshit from random websites ONCE AGAIN
It would be almost funny if these morons weren't voting, and if they didn't let the bullshit influence their opinions on public policy.

Go to bed polanski

Would you let this tranny watch you piss?

>Former Sherwood Pastor Arrested in Child Porn Case

>every year a new pastor is caught with child porn
>regular dudes caught with it all the time
>pol only cares when its a transgender person
im keking

I'm really glad I have Sup Forums
I'm a repressed tranny. And it truly is a mental illness. But I keep it in check. I never allow myself to indulge it. EVER.
Since I do not see trannies are true woman. It's a splinter in my mind. That my conscious brain disagrees with. I'm glad I went through male puburty. It gave me the weapons to fight it.

Ironically my parents are leftist accepting sjws and I'm the "bigot"

Rigourous no fap. And intense exercise to stimulate testosterone help a LOT

If I ever feel I might lose control. I'll take pimozide as a last resort. Damn the side effects

it's not even a real story. Sup Forums once again fell for fake stories on random websites. Seems they don't care if its real as long as they can use it to advance their right-wing agenda.

It isnt, its an illness like homosexuality

A nigger wearing Goebbels name

What a shame

The only good general on /lgbt/

Wtf there is a lbgt board?

Why are there no raids happening

I link them to attack the trannies but all I get are a few anons each time.

Just hail this as proof of a growing trend in female paedophilia and a downward trend in male. Enjoy the Pilling.

Except the story is fake, and you would know this if you bothered to spend 5 seconds verifying the information.

Time to highjack some Sup Forums threads to make a raid happen

It isn't true. Dallas Texas' newspapers have nothing yet. Snopes says no, the source is known for tabloid bullshit. I will pounce on a real event but it hasn't happened yet bros.

Im straight that's my sexual orientation. Does that justify rape because i cant change myself

>letting a bunch of absolute degenerate and perverts into women's bathrooms
what could possibly go wrong?

>reminder that I will never go to vestheim

Now thats what I call shitposting 14!

Bye Target.

I always hated paying extra for the same China junk just to avoid the freaks at WalMart.
Nice try bub

Pedophiles are more universally hated than niggers.
They're the one thing a white supremacist and black panther, and narco would come together to beat the shit out of.

Its never going to happen lol.

fake and gay

>“We will be remembered in history like MLK for the work we are doing today. We have no doubt in our minds that within 5 years, all sexual orientations, including pedophila will be decriminalized. Weed also” – Dorothy Wright

I doubt the veracity of this quote.

Dallasfag here... target's gonna get some serious protests

Saying the same thing over and over again is a sign of insanity.

>protesting over a FAKE story on a RANDOM WEBSITE
Please do!

Please visit your nearest gp and ask him to refer you to a mental health clinic.

Although this is fake give it about a year. This shit will become as real as aids.

lmao samefag

kill yourself

>g-guys, i-i-t's totally gonna start happening
>r-right guys?

so progressive and daring

thanks obama kun ^_^

It fits the nigger.

Cross board raids are against the rules.

They are just part of this hellscapes scenery, like /d/.

Overall the boards are good neighbors to each other.

>Sup Forums in charge of fact-checking
story's so fake snopes disproved it, the nigress 'suspect' is some random mugger from a different case.

It's not a raid. It's an invitation to a general. In line with Sup Forums's views and not in violation of /lgbt/'s rules.

Repressing is still lgbt related. But it's the one aspect of lgbt Sup Forums should approve of. Because it creates people who act like regular cis heterosexual men.

Honestly, who didn't see this coming? If i was one of those girls fathers at target i would beat that disgusting tranny faggot into a fine ground meat sauce.

I got in an argument with my sister over this. Surprise she's a Bernout. I told her there's no line you can draw to decide whether someone is a "legitimate" transgender. They can just say it's day 1 of their transformation and they identify as a woman, they're not always going to be wearing woman's clothes and makeup. How do liberals not understand the implications of grown ass men going into the little girls room being a societal norm?

pedophile tolerance is already starting

Yes, LGBT scum, make it legal for us to mold and shape young girls to our will before they get the chance to make poor life decisions. Whites will take advantage of this to repopulate.

>Weed also

O-oy vey?

>Click on Link
>It's real

Kill me now plz

No I wouldn't.
The second it tried, I would give a firm fist to her jaw.

Mfw this is real

>“We will be remembered in history like MLK for the work we are doing today. We have no doubt in our minds that within 5 years, all sexual orientations, including pedophila will be decriminalized. Weed also” – Dorothy Wright

This is satire right?

I identify as a nurglegender demiherald, and if you don't respect my right to spread sickness and pestilence where I tread i'll get you arrested for being a germphobe, you cis tzeentch scum.

Now this is shitposting!

>Obviously a false flag


Sage and report this thread.

bullshit they executed gerbels

Sappho of Lesbos was a pedo, all of her love poetry is to little girls.

Wouldnt that be Israels job?

Use car bombings or stabbings for Palestine.

am of unaligned chaos and i agree , everyone else who disagrees is a xeno hating false emperor worshipping scumbag.

>>It's real
No, it's not, you fucking retard.

No. It's not, you fucking retard!

Agreed, it's the only article they have

Sounds like a false flag to me

>Registered On
April 09, 2016