I'm a 19 year old british Roman Catholic

I'm a 19 year old british Roman Catholic.

Ask me anything?

Other urls found in this thread:

biblestudytools.com/nlt/leviticus/passage/?q=leviticus 15:19-33

Why are you delusional?

I don't know, why am I delusional?



I take your point, but that isn't a question

Leviticus 18:22, mon amis

Do you pray the rosary?

Why do you faggots keep picking and choosing from the Bible if it's God's word?

I tend to alternate between the Rosary and Liturgy of the Hours. I swap monthly

Picking and choosing?

Are you though? Because nobody here believes in that god bollocks except 85 year olds and they're only praying the winter doesn't kill them.


Yes, I am. I was born, baptised, raised, and continue to be Catholic

biblestudytools.com/nlt/leviticus/passage/?q=leviticus 15:19-33

Do you follow this OP?

I'm a 31 year old Canadian manic-depressive with a massive anxiety disorder who was raised Roman Catholic, but lost his faith after his grandfather died. I'm now a Nihilist, but have a strong foundation for being a good person despite no longer having faith in God or the Church.

My question: Will you have more resolve than I did?

A request: Save this thread, and remember it if you have a crisis of faith. Either take it as a reason to continue believing, or a reason to abandon it as I have.

Why though? Did you not receive an education or are you so thoroughly brainwashed by your family that you can't think for yourself?

Do you believe in heaven?

Additionally, I was being trained for the priesthood, and lead many prayer groups, and was in the service for ~10 years.

You appear to not be aware that Christianity has something called the New Testament. But of course, acknowledging that would take away from your edginess.

How does Muslim cock feel in your ass?

I'm not OP, but I follow this, it isn't appropriate to ask BTW.

No, I don't. Not in practice. However, the message is a good one, and I follow that

Why the fuck doesn't God answer my prayers?

Jesus was put here to put a stop to all that jewy shit

My faith is a keystone of my life. I will not abandon it without a stellar

Goddammit! You're edgy. Don't stop being

I'm currently at university studying physics, I am pretty well educated. I believe because I cannot see how life could be without God

Probably on account of the fact that a magic man in the sky is something only old people and the brainwashed believe in

Do you treat prayer like it is a wishing fountain?

Of course


Ask the Jews ;)


Lev 18:22

Am I going to hell?

Why is our pope a cuck and not asking for another crusade?

Life is perfectly fine without believing in imaginary deities. There are plenty of works of fiction to read besides the bible.



Prayer is not answered directly. It is answered in our daily lives. We do not pray for events or absolutes, we pray for safety, well-being and happiness. That is when we see God's work in our lives

Was raised Roman Catholic, found it had no use in my life. Why do you continue to believe in magic people?

Why are you on Sup Forums ? A true Catholic wouldn't come anywhere near this place. I bet you're a paedo

He can answer that better than I can. I don't want a new crusade


No that's called you living your life you fuck

If your life is fine outside the faith, great! Mine wouldn't be, in my opinion

Magic People? I don't believe in any magic people



Talking to imaginary friends is in no way a guarantee of safety, well-being or happiness. Its absolutely mind blowing to me that there are still people so readily willing to believe such utter nonsense. Grow up.

Being a Catholic and liking Sup Forums are not mutually exclusive. And no, I'm not a paedo


who is the fattest person in heaven?

Fucking THIS

The problem with most atheists is that they care more about how others live their lives than any proselytizing born again Baptist ever could.

Do you worship satan?

Do you do anal so you stay a virgin?

Perhaps, so maybe God guides us all, whether we ask Him for help or not?



Fucking Christians and their excuses.

>Hurr durr we follow the New Testament not the old one.
>Hurr durr the Big Bang was made by God, doesn't disprove him.

Fuck off.

Your life would be just fine. None of it is true, fucking obviously, so your life will be exactly the same.


>we don't follow the old testament
Not real Christians.

Opinions on the Orthodox church?

No, you guide yourself because you have a functioning brain and make your own decisions.

If it's utter nonsense, why has it had a consistent following for 2000 years? Do you really believe that life just *happened*? The universe just *appeared*?

Hahahaha no.

Good question. Not really sure.

Are you one of those bible thumpers? Like someone doesn't believe then you start throwing pocket sized bibles at them?

Do you all carry teddy bears around with you?

Only on Wednesdays

as a mexican with catholic parents I can say that ur fucking stupid for believing in a fucking "virgin" who gave birth to a "god" or "son of god" or "god assuming a human body" omg are religious people stupid. I hope ur girlfriend gets pregnant by "god" in otherwords, tyrone

No, though some people do. Never really appealed to me

Because people who can't comprehend anything else will believe whatever they think answers their questions about the universe. And no, the universe didn't just 'happen', it spread out from a single point. We don't yet know what was around before that but there are many promising theories, none of which involve a magical beardy man in the sky popping everything into existence in a week.

Do you listen to Arvo Part's music? I find it very moving. His Litany is one of my favorites.

Okay, if I took away your fundamental beliefs, something that you base your entire life around, could you carry on as though nothing had happened? Probably not. It's unfair to expect others to do so

Life evolved when atmospheric conditions allowed amino acids and proteins to gradually form cellular life. Read a book you fucking bible bashing retard.

I don't really know enough about it to have a detailed opinion, The Catholic church was the original church, and therefore the true Churcch

My brain cannot control external factors

Obviously you haven't seen any of the atheist responses in this thread. You should refresh your browser.

You mean a Gideon?

No, they're protestants. I respect people's right to an opinion

No, why?

As one who has been tested and failed, I hope you're stronger than I. I stand by my request, however; even if you think this is garbage or a troll, if you feel that you're in a crisis, look back to those who succeed and to those who fail.

Will you do this?


I believe in what is scientifically proven because I'm not a retard who believes in magical pixies and unicorns. If what I believe in was taken away I would be like you.

I am acutely aware that there are many promising theories surrounding the Big Bang. Is the existence of God not among them?

I haven't previously, I will be sure to check it out

What? Of course it can. You have limbs and senses. You're free to manipulate and change the world to your heart's content. Without fucking dumb ancient beliefs you are a free man. God can't control 'external factors' either seeing as there is no such thing.

I know, I'm not an idiot. I just don't think that chance was behind it all

Here is his Magnificat:

Thankyou. Yes, I will

Obviously you haven't seen any other religious people in your life. They have literally been foisting their beliefs on people for thousands of years, committing genocide and conquering.

So do I. The Big bang, relativity, evolution, the lot. I just believe in God, too.

Do you masturbate yourself?

No, it isn't. Religious fools would have men of science say it for fear of their safety, but realistically nobody in the scientific community gives any credence whatsoever to the thought that a magical being made everything in a week.

But supposing, hypothetically if you must see it so, that God *does* exist. How would you be able to comment on what life without God is like? How do you know there is no external force working to orchestrate this grand performance that is our existence?

Can one masturbate someone else?

>not an idiot
>believes in magic
Pick one

No, I don't.

Please see

Only if they're the opposite sex, and only after marriage