Austria NO! 40year old Serb knives down 2 Algerian

asylum seekers in Vienna. One Algerian dies because of stab wounds through the gut and through the eye.

Attorney General says "that was no murder, there was no intention to kill anyone, stabbing people into the gut and through the eye into the brain doesn't mean someone wanted to kill someone else."

That Serb is Christian, by the way.

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LOL they just HAVE to remove kebab, even when they aren't in Serbia.

dumb serbian rat

maybe he should fuck off to his shithole if he doesn't like it here

Just doing his part in removing kebab, you should be thankful.

LMAO Austrians now must siege Vienna to take it back

Isn't Bosnia muslim though?

Kek people think he killed them because they're kebab. Probably would've shanked anyone to acquire shekels but those two just came in the way.

That is the way of the Serb, never let your guard around them.

Calm your nips Achmed.

Bosnia is a demographic and political clusterfuck.

Sorry he stopped them from making it to your mom's bedroom

>Attorney General says "that was no murder, there was no intention to kill anyone, stabbing people into the gut and through the eye into the brain doesn't mean someone wanted to kill someone else."

He's got a point there but I would just say it was self-defense because the serb was physically assaulted by muslim poo stink.

oh look, it's the butthurt dirty nigger croat emerges from his rathole again

kebab removal is a genetic trait of serbs

They can't be held responsible for it.

>He's got a point
I think the Muslim got the point.

Wherever I am I must also remove kebab

Fuck no.

Bosnia has Croats, Serbs and Muslims. Muslims and Croats are segregated to Federation of BiH, where they wallow in their filth.

They have the 2nd and 3rd most polluted cities in Europe (Tuzla and Sarajevo). We leave them to kill themselves, and work toward independence.

what the fuck, did the attorney general actually say that? Or is this a satire like the onion?

>serb kills kebab immigrant
>german gets triggered

When did you guys get so cucked

Tip top zozzle

Serbs will be the last left standing when IS takes over the world

Hofer should better pull some strings to get him out of Prison, once he is elected.

Serbia is one of few nations in Europe who has a fucking histoty of not fucking bowing down to muslims.
Literally Visegrads+Serbia only ones not kneeling to the mohammedan masters.

But you can't give the head of state, you already fucked up once.

Yeah but you have Dodik so it kinda levels out.

>inb4 someone posts how we were ottoman vassals once in the 14th century

Found the turk

If only we could harness the testicles of the slav (source of their courage and kebab removing tendencies) that Germany lacks and the brain of a German. That would be the European super soldier.

Dodik is GOAT, fuck off to your western puppet Vucic.

Also, George Soros funded protests today in Banja Luka, and he was actually named in state television. Try doing that anywhere else.

Dodik has done nothing but good for Serb identity in RS.

Why are you balkan niggers so fucking shitskinned?

From the ottoman empire?

Sure, but he's so fucking uncouth its ridiculous. Zero diplomatic skill.

A lot of comedy material though.

Vucic is a cuck though, you're right.

>thread immediately degenerates in Croatia/Serbia/Bosnia & Herzegovnia turf war

Wew lads

>then a german interferes

It's like poetry

Don't listen to that SNS cuck.

Based Dodik is based

Anschluss when?

He has been fucking western diplomats for years.

For years they try to deligitimise the existence of RS as 'genocidal' only to get blown the fuck out every single time.

If saying 'fuck you' to western diplomats is what it takes for a Serb state and Serb identity to exist, I'm all for it.


That "German" is likely a mudslime turkroach

I was watching his statement compilations just this morning and keking.


Bosnia is rightful Serb clay. Two entities, one kebab and one Serb. 3/4 of my family are from Bosnia

Having all those Serb immigrants finally pays off

Keep removing kebab!

You called him inept at diplomacy. This is just not true.

If he was so incompetent, RS would've stopped existing years ago.

So I don't know where that statement comes from.
If anything, he's a genius, he milks them for money, while providing nothing in return but words.

The thing is, lots of """"Serbians"""" you see in Austria or Germany are gypsies that were born in Serbia and have our citizenship. So people(even our own PC media) guilt trip us when those subhumans commit crime out there. But in this case they probably were Serbian


>half-turks killing Algerians


Die Staatsanwaltschaft wirft dem massiv, hauptsächlich wegen Suchtgiftdelikten vorbestraften Mann nun absichtliche schwere Körperverletzung mit Todesfolge vor. Die Anklagebehörde geht davon aus, dass ihm im Zweifel kein Tötungsvorsatz nachzuweisen ist. Bei Messerstichen in Brust und Auge erscheint diese Sichtweise doch eher eigenartig.

From the source:

Basically, the article summarize this as the attorney general accuses the Serb of intentional battery that resulted in a death but says it will be very hard to show that the Serb acted with an intent to kill, even though he stabbed the Algerian in the gut and through the eye in the brain.

>through the eye in the brain

good shot

Also source for George Soros funding, named and shamed on national TV.

Of course, who else is gonna destabilize the region.

Just imagine state television calling him out anywhere else.

You can't. This is the power of the irl shitposting from Dodik.


UAE... shitskin... give me some money

are croats not white?





but we are the master race

nice tan hans

not again fuck

>Attorney General says "that was no murder, there was no intention to kill anyone, stabbing people into the gut and through the eye into the brain doesn't mean someone wanted to kill someone else."

This is hilarious and pretty cool but I don't think they should make that up.

They should just say it was self defense.

Serbs are so fucking based

so all these white people are not common in croatia?

those are not white people

"Save image as..."


No, Bosnia is nominally 45% muslim or so, but they are as muslim as you... Seriously, quite frankly, the UK and France are 1000x more islamic than Bosnia.

Good tho that for the first time in 100 years they are killing non-white people...


Are you fucking kidding me Ahmed? You do realise that Serbia aided the Turks in a few battles against other Europeans, that Serbs willingly became vassals to them, that later on, when the muslims and catholics in Bosnia rebelled, the Serbs begged them to stop and make peace with their beloved Sultan???

Serbia does have an honorable past in fighting them, but so do the rest of the Balkans without a single exception, even fucking Albania fought them.


Man o man, I have really nothing against Serbian Serbs, they are even okay in my book, but god damn, Bosnian Serbs should be all burned alive without exception, you are as dumb as your Turkish forfathers

balkans were never blue eyed or blonde

>wanting to be white

No Jamal, the Balkans were always populated by mediteranian white people, you know, the ones that started off civilisation while the "aryans" were fucking their goats to keep warm

Serbs are pretty based.

>get Muslimproblem once more
>let slavs do the dirty work once more


> No intention of murder
> Stabbing people into the gut and through the eye into the brain doesn't mean someone wanted to kill someone else

It's almost Trayvon Martin level of explanation tier.

>That Serb is Christian, by the way.

'thou shall not kill"

Behind every Jew, there's a Croat

>those sunburns


Fuck off roach. Go back to sand nigger land.

>not bowing down to the muslims

We had to once but not truly willingly, as a matter of fact a woman ruling as regent cucked us to the Turk even though there was no need to

>Krauts try to steal Slav clay because muh untermensch
>Krauts get raped by Slavs
>Krauts import rapefugees by the millions because doing an honest day's work is beneath them
>Krauts getting raped by rapefugees
>only Slavs can save them
Like pottery.

>You do realise that Serbia aided the Turks in a few battles against other Europeans, that Serbs willingly became vassals to them,
Romanians are the true kebab removers

But even Wallachia, which is a Romanima principality, was vassalised and aided the turks.

Like said, nothing is ideal, everyone hated the turks, but people being people mostly valued life higher than glory or honor

>Attorney General says "that was no murder, there was no intention to kill anyone, stabbing people into the gut and through the eye into the brain doesn't mean someone wanted to kill someone else."

>you guys

Take a break from Sup Forums belgium the generalizing memes wont bring you further in life, dont you have to napalm Maalbeek or something

>praising degenerates
that shitter is drug addicted and a dealer.

typical tschussch

Top kek. Based Nico Bellic

>Press F1 for help on removing kebab