Can we have this thread again?
Libtard logic
>strawmen are valid arguments XD
fuck off
My personal favourite
That's gold. Saved.
ITT: conservashits straw men and imaginary "libtard" friends they do not have
Here is my favorite one.
Got one for me?
Tough luck Schlomo?
Aljaž odjebi
Nah sorry those ones are the ones I got
Calm down man.
haven't seen that one before, nice user!
implying these are straw men and not literally what liberals say and do all the fucking time
Underrated post
Reddit in a nutshell
see what i did ther
Another one of my favourites
At least credit the dude that made all of these, fb page called 'counter signal memes for fashy goys'
Jesus christ I can't believe how brainwashed some people I know are.
This is a fucking PhD student as well, he is meant to be bright and open to debate.
Does this guy really not see what the EU is head to?
This guy bangs on about how the establishment is so bad, but wants the EU to continue!
I don't get his logic
On the day before the EU referendum there's going to be a presentation on the EU at my university and I will try to redpill as many people as possible.
ITT every flocked over to the Facebook page
Of course they see what it's heading to. Most arguments from leftist pundits are:
"I don't trust the Conservatives to run the country well outside the EU, they will destroy protections on small businesses and human rights."
They prefer having us in a union with people who are far more left-wing than the British population, because they know that if the British people had total control over British laws, their leftist agenda would be much harder to implement, for example immigration would already have been massively curbed.
pls gibe moar
I gotcha senpai
Fucking saved
what the fuck
bretty gud
It's not a strawman if I hear them every fucking day, you stupid twat.
Hi, Anthony.
Fuck. On mobile and blown my load now. Got like a whole folder on PC
Kek. People who do that are so obnoxious.
>not having Memeneux backed up on mobile
Tip top kek
Maybe I'll dump my mobile collection.
>tfw no pet pig
I need to stock up in case I run into an argument in the wild
>implying it wouldn't be 60 trillion or greater
Could somebody post the "why do you have a gun" one?
No, OP. Libtards are terrible, but typos are serious business.