How big of a nerd do you have to be to appreciate Star Trek The Original Series?
Like, 33? 34?
How big of a nerd do you have to be to appreciate Star Trek The Original Series?
I watched every episode of every other Trek easily and found TOS hard to get into. The hour runtime really kills you if it's a particularly bad episode.
So I'd say pretty big
What's there not to appretiate?
You just need to like the characters.
I was watching this recently. In the second episode (not counting the pilot) a kid with crazy powers is on the ship and he uses them to make this one lady's face disappear. It was fucking awesome. I can only imagine how people back in the 60's would have reacted to that. It was really disturbing. He makes his move then she comes walking around the corner with muffled screams.
TOS is the most normie trek, f am
TOS just makes me sad that I'll never boldly go where no man has gone before
Well, you still can. There's a lot of uncharted ocean
but space is much more romantic and terrifying. I hope I never leave Earth
Started watching it recently, having not seen much Star Trek before. It's just a good show - smart stories and interesting characters. I mean, it is very much set in space and the events reflect that, but it manages to establish an internal logic episode by episode without you having to learn its jargon or become obsessed with the minutia to "get" it.
yes, I remember that... disturbing!
star trek
>more terrifying than the ocean
I agree
why isn't William Shatner in The Cage?
This post doesn't have any worthwhile content and doesn't contribute to the thread in any measurable way. There's got to be some way that we could... wait a minute, wait a minute, waitaminute, Data, that's it! We have to reverse the polarity of the neutron flow! You bypass the auxiliary phase inversion coils, and I'll try to whip up a new quantum entanglement fusing matrix. I'll be in holodeck 3 if you need me.
Because that's the pilot.
No, Sulu is the pilot, Kirk is the captain.
watching episode 1 right now
it's surprisingly good. Captain Pike is going to get laid in his mind
The music was loud and horrible... not to mention lame as fuck.
Dunno what's so hard about this. I watched TOS for the first time a few years ago and it was super comfy.
>t. 20yo
star trek
I've only watched the first 6 episodes on Netflix and I thought The Cage was clearly the best I've seen. I don't have anything against Shatner, but which episodes are just as good or better than Pike's?
The Cage is the best episode of Star Trek full stop. My favourite Kirk episode is What Little Girls Are Made Of. There are a number of good ones though, IMO mostly in the second season.
>not being able to like Star Trek TOS
back to Sup Forums plebs
The Cage is the very best Star Trek TOS episode ever produced.
That's really disappointing, usually pilot episodes are the worst and shows only get better
Another sad victim of garbage trek addiction.
Enterprise was the only Trek series that was good from the very beginning.
Seasons 1-3 were the best. Season 4 was when the quality started to fade. All of the stinkers are in season 4.
Pretty much this.
Even if you're really into sci-fi, TOS won't necessarily do it for you because it's pretty dated. The fact that they run their ship on analogue systems makes it hard to see it as 'futuristic show'. It's a lot more rough and tumble too, that is, fight scenes, military themes, it's completely unlike the trek we generally think about (TNG). TNG dates much much better. It still feels very futuristic even watching it now.
But returning to anons point. The strength of TOS lies in it's characters. There are pretty great performances all round, but the three main guys, Kirk, Spock and Bones are main event so to speak. So if you like them, you will enjoy the show.
>you will never use your esp powers to kill yourself for 22 seconds
Captain, sensor has detected a Klingon right at my position, recommend firing photon torpedoes!
Did they mean to make them look like Chewbaccas?
Yes, there is a reason TNG is called meme trek.
Court marshall was a pretty good epsiode.
I really enjoy the goofy ones too like when they go to that planet that brings to life their thoughts like the samurai and alice in wonderland characters.
The khan episode was cool, cant believe they tried to palm him off to us as an indian though. That shit was ridiculous
Because Trek went through a lot of refinement before going to air. The original pilot was rejected, but NBC liked it enough to give GR a second go. Jeffrey Hunter dropped out at the urging of his wife (she felt he was a film actor and shouldn't be in TV), so the lead was reworked and became Kirk. The second pilot was more to NBC's liking, but there were still a lot of changes between it and the first aired episode.