The Current Year has, so far, taken David Bowie, Prince, Gene Wilder, Mel Brooks, Christopher Lee, Jon Polito...

The Current Year has, so far, taken David Bowie, Prince, Gene Wilder, Mel Brooks, Christopher Lee, Jon Polito, Alan Rickman, and several of Hillary's pantsuits that were stained with shart.

Who will 2016 take next?

My bets are on Sir Sean Connery

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You ecshpect me to walk?

Everyone's dying this year. Literally. The simulation is set to end soon. Nick Bostrom is being namedropped EVERY DAY in the MSM for a reason. It's over, lads. It's shutting down.

>Mel Brooks
I'm sorry, what?
Last I checked he was still kicking. Didn't he tweet about Wilder passing?

Next week user ;__;

repeating digits confirm

screencap this post

Oh whoops, I forgot October 4 had't happened yet.

slick willy literally has days to live

Christopher Lee died last year ya dumb prick

dubs confirm

Nah, I think Bill has a couple years left in him.
Tbh he's really the only thing I'm looking forward to about Hillary in the White House. 2017 Bill antics will be fucking great, mark my words.

oh shit nigger

You have to be 18 to post here

He will be slapping bitches in heaven soon ;__;

Praise Kek

Queen Elizabeth



Could the costume designer be more gay...

as a matter of fact, yes

Anyone else really worried about burt reynolds?

fun fact:

burt reynolds was originally slated to play sean connery's role in zardoz

>Mel Brooks
He's not dead yet

Lindsey Lohan will relapse and OD

>as a matter of fact, yes

I stand corrected...

Mel Brooks was on Jimmy Fallon's show last week.