The year is 1900 population wise.

Everyone in Europe is abducted by aliens.

It is your job to rearrange the borders in accordance to what land you think belongs to each nationality.

A super computer will distribute the nationalities equally and efficiently across the designated land you have assigned.

Basically, guilt free population exchange.




too lazy to do the rest

did you give a piece of france to germany ?

It's how it was in 1900

the horror


Kill yourself, if I was chancellor I'd demand it back or else I'll unleash my army of rapefugees on yours.

France lost the Franco-Prussian war fair and square

but then Germany lost 2 world wars, so really you both have no grounds for complaint

Greece is Europe's under-appreciated teacher in everything.

>implying the first one was lost

it really was, Mahmud


1 vs 1 Germany beat France. They could have occupied it and completely fucked the economy, but they literally just took a thin strip of german-speaking land on the other side of the river. = fair and quite generous, respectable. Sportsmanship.

France goes ape-shit winning a war with America and Britain doing 80% of the work and wants to dismantle Germany as a nation post WW1 and WW2.


>America and Britain doing 80% of the work

holy shit

Denmark=not cucked yet gets more land. Good.

Sweden/Norway=Land too cold for sand dindus. Good.


*And Russia

>and wants to dismantle Germany as a nation post WW1 and WW2

Everyone wanted that. And it's a good thing. Proof: most human progress was at time when Germany didn't exist.

well, no, they really couldn't. Britain and the other great powers might have been okay with Germany knocking France down to size, but they really would not have allowed France to be destroyed. Britain went to war with Russia over fears of Russians dealing the death blow to the Ottomans. They would have donew the same to save France.

And France did much more than a mere 20% on the western front of ww2. Yes, the conditions they laid out after the war were unreasonable, but it's not surprising given France's position as a country that simply couldn't go toe-to-toe with Germany. They needed Germany destroyed, their survival depended on it

>And most of that progress came from Germany* (1920s nobel prize winners)

I wouldn't say that Germany lost world war 2. We controlled Europe for a a great amount of years! Sorry that we got fucked up because the big brother was called to help the French. Lucky Americans they had great weather though...

Lacks Poland

No thank you


Didnt he mean the western front only? Because that would have been true

That's a map from 1914. Poland did not exist, sorry for history senpai.


Your army was obliterated and your land taken. Pretty sure that counts as a war lost.

Yeah I was just too lazy.
I do think that the balkans could benefit from a confederation type deal

Is it? Yeah they're really good in making debnts and let other countries citizens pay for it!

Let's keep a positive tone famalans.

That can't be a map from 1914 because Denmark has too much southern territory on that one.

I´m for pic related. The other smaller ones will stay absorbed.

The little island east of schelsvig (spelling)? My mistake.

Any reason for Austrie-Hungary to exist without Austria?

>And France did much more than a mere 20% on the western front of ww2.

I hope you mean ww1. France didn´t do shit in ww2 and the gained clay there helped germany.

In ww1, they at least stalled germany for a long time...

It belongs to germany.
Infact: All of Europe belongs to Germany but that's another issue.


Not really, just wanted all germans "heim ins reich". Hungary can have that clay, so that france, germany and hungary will determine europe mainland policy as countries of similar size.

Since OP said "guilt free population exchange" I didn´t use much logic when doing that.

Yes, of course I meant ww1

The height of Germany's (or "Germany"'s) territorial size was in the middle ages under the HRE. Claims outside that are really, really shallow.

Literally any country could claim Europe in that case


Best one in terms of detail so far. Love it.

Never ever post that again

This looks like an EU IV map.

In that case Germany would be a continental superpower, given that it already dwarfed Austria-Hungary, Italy, France, and even Britain. It likely could have defeated any of the great powers in 1914 1 on 1,

Have you been playing CK2?

More like CK2.


It's not Germans,it's just what they left Germany as, humiliated yet territorially intact was just asking for a nationalistic war of vengeance.
Should've done what America did to Japan, fair terms, create a stabler democracy and let it re-emerge as an ally of Britain and France against the Bolsheviks.

>Implying France wouldn't want more of a revenge

France caused WW2

True, they all tend to produce god awful border gore.

Oh shit the hivemind is real.

Oh shit the hivemind.

Everyone hating on Germany.

What the fuck 4chinchin I rereshed you multiple times and it didn't appear.


Gib flanders

It's okay, your oversight has been forgiven this time.

That's highely unlikely.
The French knew they had no chance against Germany, they wouldn't risk it unless they knew they could count on Britain and Italy, not just Russia, with whom they ahd an alliance.

I know it's not cool on Sup Forums to follow the mainstream narrative, but seriously, the war was largely caused by Germany and Russia.

Russia needed to save face after the Russo-Japanese war, and so it was rapidly building up its military capabilities, and reacted strongly to help the only ally they had left in the balkans, Serbia.

Germany saw an existential threat in Russia. It was widespread opinion that a decisive war should be waged with Russia sooner, rather than later, because by 1918 Russia would be too strong to tackle

please take us

I know, nobody could do shit against them 1 on 1. I might be biased because I´m german, but imagine the technological advances if germany could have avoided war back then by just being too strong and the others didn´t want to fight.

Germany was set back in that regard by the 2 wars. Imagine what the world would look like if we didn´t have 50-80 million death and 10 years of war withing 40 years of each other.

And I actually believe that this scenario would be much much better than the one that actually happened.

>inb4 those roman borders aren't exact
I know lads, I'm just saying modern roman empire would be somewhat dank.


Golden ages come and go. I don't see how germans are different from anyone else in this regard. A large empire would face success, then stagnation, and then decline


add polish luthuanian common wealth and give flanders to germanic state

try to find a flaw

Then I´m glad that this germany in that pic there isn´t a large empire and doesn´t have colonies. The ones being actually big with/without colonies are russia, brits and france. Germany would probably get 120-150 million citizens in the long run with that amount of clay, still way smaller then the US in terms of population and land mass.

Why would Kerelia and Kola belong to Finland?

I see it here so often, it's quite confusing. Those lands have belonged to Novgorod since the middle ages, and quite frankly, Russia is unrecogniseable without the dinosaur head

Meh, Byzantine is acceptable.

Fingolia too small


Fucking Cornwall

How come ottomans and poland always end up blobbing so hard?
France blobbing like this was my fault though.
I enabled them by helping against Austria.

>Estonia us an exclave
> norway and sweden are seperated but norway in denmark are together
>wales and cornwall are independent
>no basque country
>German exclave
>gave denmark rightful german clay
>That Ukraine
>That Bohemia
> Poland lithuania is a meme
> Greece is majority Turkish
>Hungary and Romania are the same country
>Balkanized Yugoslavia
>no Albania
>Corsica and Sardinia are there own country
>Why does Bulgaria have so much greek clay
>Slovakia being a country
>Belarus being a country
>Italy doesnt own istria
> Czechia is majority German
and worst of all switzerland, why dont people realize this is the most meme country in existence. It is just a relic of the HRE and engulfs Germans, French and Italians far from an ideal country.

You're playing an inferior game, friend.
Vicky and hoi are the way to go

But I'm a scrub and even EU4 is 2 hard for me.

>It is just a relic of the HRE and engulfs Germans, French and Italians far from an ideal country.

And yet, you can barely find a country that is more satisfied than them.

This is objectively the best map. I forgot to add a basque country though

Hoi is very easy, and Vicky is reasonable. There's just a bit of a learning curve as with any grand strategy game

Thanks for the support guys.

>Note if you want certain borders don't be afraid to draw them in.

Looks pretty good familia

no ireland meme tier out of 10

Why is Turkey even a country with all this love for Byzantium?

No potatoes, no independence.




underrated post

Still not one greater Bulgaria.


but its neverland u know =)

Czeck the first fuckin post, mate

No problems debt guy,

Wrong map-

Subpar greatness. Ugly. Needs more coast.

What se fuck is zis?


Why is scotland eating england

Why are some countries based on ethnic borders and similarities and others are just random smatterings of different groups

Cus Sup Forums


Someone please rank my map, I have one for the whole world - africa if anyone wants to see it.