How was this so good?
How was this so good?
What do you mean?
Great writing.
Hardly any pointless filler, even if it was pointing something out about contemporary america.
So much is expressed by a simple gesture or facial expression, allowing for more story in little time.
Great acting.
Characters who are neither only good or only bad. They're complex, and their motives usually make sense.
Fucking amazing selection of music throughout the series.
It's hilarious, yet dramatic.
It's just so much better than anything that has ever been made.
the fucking music was great.
and the writing was just so good. all of the actors were good. they were like watching real fucking people. so FUCKING GOODDDD
none of the plot was bullshit with holes in it. everything made sense.
Nearly flawless and authentic casting.
What were the flaws of The Sopranos? If we could go back and change anything, what would we change?
Idk about that, but it's a top tier TV program
CGI Livia
Rot in hell you rat fuck.
What about Melfi not telling Tony about her rapist?
the episode with the rapper, there are a few, particularly season 1 that could be lost/tightened up
>tfw your wife won't shut the door
the things i would have done to her... #RIP
There were some tonal inconsistencies in the early seasons. Sometimes it would feel like a tarantino movie with the corny and unrealistic mafia murders and shit like that.
Everything from season 4-6 is perfect though. If it were up to me I would have kept Tony B around for another season.
different strokes. i think she's ugly and that the russian girls were adorable.
the whole idea is that she couldn't or she'd be going against like everything she ever stood for. she wasn't a criminal and wasn't going to ask some psychopath mafia guy to go kill/beat up a guy that raped her, even if everyone wanted it.
that's what makes it a good show. it's deep shit. nobody is one dimensional in the entire fucking show.
This, and maybe one fewer gay Vito episode
>CGI ducks
They weren't CGI
That made perfect sense you retard.
I mean I would have told Tony if I was her but doesnt mean I cant understand why she didnt.
>tfw we never really knew if tony's mom was a psycho bitch or just a stupid old lady and tony was hallucinating everything
She was manipulated by Corrado and vice versa. They both fed off each other's own insecurities and their threatened positions of power.
fuck off satan
You just described Mad Men, m8
but mad men was retardedly boring half of the time and some of the characters legitimately sucked dick and didn't need to exist. and there were loads of plot holes
>ywn listen to him breathe heavily ever again
How were the dream sequences sooooo good?
worst parts of the show.
My favorite part of The Sopranos is in The Test Dream when Tony is dreaming that he has to go to meet Finn's parents at Vesuvio's with Carmela, and Carmela's mad about being late. Tony then notices a TV in the kitchen and begins watching. Carmela says something like "every day with this stuff". And Tony says "I know. It's just... so much more interesting than real life..." That line really cuts through me.
the Matt Bevalacqua murder was incredibly brutal and realistic.
I'll give you the Chucky Signore wacking as being a bit corny.
Underage faggot gtfo and learn to appreciate kino
Admin it Sup Forums. You were fucking spooked to shit
>plot holes in Mad Men
Where? The show barely even has a plot.
The only thing I'd change is Melfi's time with Tony. I understand the purpose of her character but it got old for me. I don't mind her character but the therapy sessions become predictable and stale