Previously on /bb/: HoH (Head of Household): /fit/ Vic
Veto: Christmas
HoH Nominations: James/Nat
Most Likely Going Home: texas or FTs
Previously on /bb/: HoH (Head of Household): /fit/ Vic
Veto: Christmas
HoH Nominations: James/Nat
Most Likely Going Home: texas or FTs
what does FT mean?
fat tits?
who the fuck is texas or fts
they now having a big deep discussion on who to evict. james or natalie
OP is a faggot that doesn't know James names and doesn't know where Corey is from
way to go reddit bad thread
Sup showfag
good try reddit
did anyone ever notice that Jozea is doing the smug pepe pose
they want to look like james is a goner and they want to blindside her and evict her
Moo is in jury
smarter for Paul/Vic to keep Nat this week since she has a good chance to win and they could persuade her to target Corey/Nicole instead.
is fall season just for feed fags or is it going to be on TV?
online only
Only for us students of the game
i hope you know that nat is picking paul and nicole
Apparently there will be recap episodes of events during the weekday with the live show on Wednesday at 10pm EST.
But you'll have to watch on CBS website.
people casted are going to be butthurt that they dont get to attention whore on TV
Yep but they don't control the votes
Basically next week we'll have James and nicorey versus Paul for that hoh.
I think one of vic or Paul leaves if he doesn't win
Since its for feeders, hopefully they cast gamers instead of attention W-bombs
Nope. I retract my statement then.
Victor: "Blindsiding Natalie would send mental shock to James that he'll actually have to play in the upcoming HOH. This plan could work."
Paul: "That's what I'm telling you. James would get rattled and wither up."
Corey: "We all need to be on the same page for this to work."
Nicole: "Exactly. Natalie's going to cling to one of you three."
Paul: "Let her cling."
Victor: "We don't need her."
robyn kass and the regular people aren't casting the fall season
I love how savage 18 has been from 17
I would prefer they just get nat out now. I'm pretty well over her.
Kinda interesting that whichever makes it thru this week also will make it to final 4 and probably final 3
vic should make a final two with james or natalie that way they have a chance of only paul going up if the person staying wins hoh
well looks like they are gonna evict natalie
victor still not 100% on the idea tho
reminder james and nicole still have that pre show deal of splitting the prize. you can't break up the collusion.
>Natalie to James- Meech doesnt like them (Corey/Nicole) for a reason. She was in an alliance with them and they betrayed her #BB18
jesus natalie is in love with michelle
> Paulie will be in the jury house with five women
more reasons to root for corey
Reminder that Natalie's a d-hey that turned her back on Bridgette the second that the majority did
and 17 was still better
yeah natalie really sounds like she wants james to go, cant wait for the blindside
i have never played dominos. were there instructions included?
Eh, Bronte was the glue that held the spy girls together - Bridgette and Natalie wouldn't have gotten close without her to begin with.
rules are pretty much similar to uno but no special cards
Oh good
Since its not on TV you assholes can't clog up Sup Forums with your nonstop threads
natalie damage controlling once again for michelle
depends on what kind of game you're playing with them. I only know how to play chickenfoot
there are tons of threads for netflix original programming, i guess you dont consider that to be Sup Forums and film either
swimmin in poon
Why would you come into this thread to post that to a comment an hour ago?
filter the thread and move on with your life.
fake tits, like natalie's
How said must your life be to enter a thread for a show you don't like/watch and leave a comment about how you're happy it'll be online in the fall when you can easily filter these threads?
that pizza box really makes this picture
>Corey to Nicole- We are 1000% voting Natalie out. I dont care what Vic says
>We got James back instead of Johnny Mac
Literally season of missed opportunities
sounds like victor is now 100% on evicting natalie
James, Nicole, and NigVon were all terrible choices. Fuck grodner
>natalie will never be in final five
The feeds are going to be delicious.
They're saving jmac for all stars
>Paul and Vic agree with Corey/Nicole to vote out Nat which C/N want
>Corey/Nicole get James on their side and go into the next HoH 3v1 against Paul
>Nicole wins
>puts up James and Paul
>Nicole/Corey wins veto and doesn't use it
>have the votes and force a tie and Nicole votes out Paul
>mfw thinking about -.- watching the feeds alone on a saturday night and not having a /bbg/ bro to keep her company
it would be paul/vic. because vic could win veto otherwise and take paul down
I think she said she stopped watching the feeds and was back at collge
Bf asleep? Wake him up Queen.
i miss paulie
>tfw feeds are shit but I don't care because I can flashback to when they were good
>watching midnight July 11/12
>Frank and Bridgette talking about Books, Food, TV
>Frank says he tried to read Ulysses, but couldn't get through it.
Hopefully they cast another Califiore for a future season. Like his Dad
I miss Bridgette
the uncuckening of james