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feminazis will find a way to justify it
But she's SJW now so it's cool tho
b-but muh equal pay
Why should she willingly give her money up to the patriarchal state?
shoulda purchased my dick to be honest
Crooked Emma
the eternal anglo
>preaches equality
>enjoys the privilege of evading taxes
she did it to hide the fact that her name shows up at the resident register
it's a common practice for celebs and in no way illegal
>angles from denmark
>saxons from germany
Does this meme apply to danes and deutschcucks?
She was never your friend.
who said it was illegal ?
There is nothing funny about this. Unless someone has a sex tape of her yet, she is largely uninteresting since becoming a bimbo SJW. I await the sex tape, if you can convince her to release one in the name of the proletariat, I commend you.
is that illegal?
ITT: misogyny
Not surprised
It was pretty clear she was just trying to ride the feminism wave for those sweet SJW dollars
Those fags will fund everything they are told to! Sad!
B-but she's for e-equality a-and fairness and she fights hate, a-and love wins, and he for she
I don't get why people are so upset with people taking their money elsewhere, where they won't get taxed to death
There is nothing illegal about using an offshore company to purchase property
Fucking scum.
Yet feminazies will probably think criticism is just sexism, not legitimate criticism.
Hope she gets raped.
She's a typical hypocrite cunt anyway. She said women shouldn't want masculine hunks and then she started going out with some bodybuilder.
Well you know that's because her investments don't make as much a males so she has to cut corners. Poor dear.
A fucking toothpaste.
Why does she need to a business in the first place?
>There is nothing illegal about using an offshore company to purchase property
Mate I had someone say that to me unironically about his taxes.
Was ready to hit the cunt.
It's morally wrong, not illegal yet - but WILL be.
I guarantee it with what I plan to do.
Bumping because I hate this colossal hypocritical moronic bitch
burn burn burn you virtue signalling cuck traitor whore
kek haven't heard that one before.
>women make 23cents on the dollar less, so it's ok we screw with the patriarachal tax system! in your faaaaaaaace!
Its scummy, regular people have to pay taxes that go to things they may or may not support
Rich and famous people do things to avoid paying those taxes, even though its easier for them to afford, then they campaign for their various causes and try to get the government to spend your money on them
I wasn't being ironic.
Who says she hasn't paid any taxes? What taxes are you talking about?
>what taxes are you talking about?
Its less of a tax, more of a toll
Can I just see her naked now? Christ, how long does a woman have to be in the media before you can see her naked? Both having sex and just posing, thank you. Tape and pics. Jesus, what is this shit, a Mother Teresa gig? 15 minutes is up, time to deliver.
can somebody please explain how this is money laundering?
What's bad about purchasing property from Panama or whatever? I know nothing but it seems to be a big deal, anyone care to explain to an ignorant user?
muh sogyny
Am I the only one that thinks she's pretty average for a celebrity? If I had to make a top 20 she wouldn't be in it
Schleswig-Holstein used to be Danish too.
Back then there were Danish saxons, angles and jutes invading britain.
>when white men do it its on purpose to hurt people
>i did it because I had to because of MUH PATRIARCHY!!
>Emma Watson
>Age 26
4 more years, Emma. Then we'll start to see what you're really like.
30, maybe 40 if your looks hold out, and we'll start to see what you're really made of. Get ready to run the gauntlet.
This. Rich people love lecturing the hoi polloi about how we should live. How we should be more tolerant, more diverse, less patriotic. Own fewer guns, buy more shit, pay more than our share.
Meanwhile, these people are living in 99% white enclaves, surrounded by armed bodyguards, and hoarding money in offshore asset-protection trusts. Fuck that and fuck them.
For those of us who can't into smarts:
What does this mean? She was avoiding taxes?
Agreed, she is pretty average. People only got obsessed with her since she was a child actress.
Can she be arrested for that? Panama papers = tax avoiding or money laundry necessarily?
>Meanwhile, these people are living in 99% white enclaves, surrounded by armed bodyguards, and hoarding money in offshore asset-protection trusts.
My personal theory as to why the globalists are trying to incite a race war is that they know we're close to collapse and that there is only two options;
Either the masses blame the rich, rightfully, for fucking them over and creating a wealth imbalance that's now as high as during feudal times, with inflation and cost of living that's insured people have the same salaries as people did in the 1970s, but cost of living is way up for muh profits.
Or they think the immigrants did it, and start killing brown people.
The rich are flooding our countries so we'll chop off the heads of niggers instead of the kike masters.
Nah, she's hot. I only got turned off by her when she started being dumb, which honestly happens with every actress at some point. But she's a nice piece of ass for sure, if only judging by physical merits.
Il take "why I became a conservative for 400" Alex
Seriously at least Republicans for the most part are aware of their surroundings. Fuck these liberals sending out messages of how" we need to stop polluting" from their private fucking jets, secretly signing explicit war starting bills and then blaming on the guy who founded wal mart because "the Chinese sweat shops I buy from can't compete"
I thought Sup Forums would support offshore banking since taxes are the devil that needs to be abolished anyway?
basically, yes. although it's in no way illigal she was avoiding taxes and investing in the ''patriarchy'' she says she hates and despises so much.
I thought she kept her money at Gringotts..
>tax avoiding
It's "tax optimization" which is perfectly legal.
Clack your clogs together and say "there's no place like reddit!"
I just hate how the kikes in the movie industry are cucking everybody up. All the actors, presenters etc are leftists scum.
Those celebrities use all kinds of people to do their dirty work, same people who made them into stars, since they need dumb retards like those to money laundry behind the scenes and make profits in their names. It's same shit with dumb politicians like Merkel, they like naive ones who don't ask questions.
don't worry everybody that gets blindly outraged at this stuff is completely uneducated in financial matters.
They can't even comprehend that somebody would rather pay tax at the company level than in their individual tax bracket
>Rich and famous people do things to avoid paying those taxes
so you admit they are smarter then? Why don't YOU do the same thing? Like the dumb fucks that complain about BIG OIL making so much money but never considered buying some stock shares.. fucking idiots.
I don't know, she's average even for famous British girl standards imo, off the top of my head I can think of Kate Beckinsale and a few others that I don't remember the names of and they are way hotter
I heard somewhere that there's a new fap game for HTC Vive and Oculus Rift with Emma Watson as the star. Over 59 hours of real footage with interactive scenes. Didn't catch who the developer or what the name was tho. Or maybe it was just my imagination.
its a big deal because people are dumb as shit and think she must have done something bad. She did what smart people do, thats why idiots don't get it.
Rich and famous = smart
Modern education, everyone
My only issue is that conservatives do it and you ask them, and they go "yeah so"
Democrats hold up fucking signs saying it's equivalent to baby torture and then get caught fucking doing it.
Emma, please do porn.
>Intelligent, creative and socially well-adjusted people are leftist
Shocking I know.
>so you admit they are smarter then? Why don't YOU do the same thing?
It doesn't make economic sense for anyone but the rich to pay an attorney to set up an offshore asset-protection trust.
I suspect this is usually how guys ask her out.
You are delusional if you think rich people run their own finances, not even Trump does that. They don't even think about finances. I know from experience that CEOs been caught on bank because they were too stupid to notice they have fake money.
People are generally hyppcrites. Look at this board. NEET weebs who jerk off to pedo porn cry the hardest for morals and what not.
has she done ---anything--- notable career wise besides harry potter?
>tfw in 5 years she'd be too old and haggard for hollywood and the SJW carpet shes standing on gets counter-culture punched to bits
That's the way she likes it
You know what I see when I look at this kind of shit?
I don't see corrupt SJWs or greedy fucks.
I see a generation of kids who couldn't get proper guidance and lost all essence of moral value, being left to build their own.
This future we have is the result of humanity's children being abandoned to their own devices in a world build by people who may as well have been of a dead alien civilization.
Our forefathers could be a different species from another galaxy and it would make no difference in how we behave now compared to civilization not 40 years ago. We have long since failed the children of our future and now we live in the result.
the last thing we need to do is promote death against those who we hate. We must teach our children that the path of the future is built upon unity and unity alone, and that unity means tolerating and working together with people you despite - not working with people you agree with. Racial and religious relations are possibly worse than they ever have been, ever. To be strong we must be separate nations that work together in order to move into a better future, not a single nation of bar fights and poverty.
it cost me $280
What do you mean by this
nobody will be punished for any of this
it will be forgotten about in 2 years
of course they don't but it isn't hard to hire a financial advisor and it isn't even expensive.
Women tend to start to collapse at age 30. Their looks start to fade, their confidence wanes, and by age 40 they're bitter and jaded, husks of their former selves. Some go manatee, some stay thin but bitter and accustomed to being used. Women and men have different life cycles, we inflict it on one another. She's in her prime right now. She's approximately 4 years away from a reckoning, maybe a bit longer depending on her genes and whether or not she makes good life choices, which is unlikely.
You're fucking stupid/retarded if you think it's easier to setup an offshore trust than a UK trust to avoid having your name on the property registry
>tax evasion: the country
>tax optimization
White knights will give her a free pass because of gif related.
Femininazis will probably be very quiet on the subject or say "well men do it, why is it only bad when women do it, patriarchy, blahblahblah"
Precisely. We know all about it. 100% legal.
Beyonce has her own hair stylist whenever she flies with plane, she doesn't even thinks about her hair. There is probably also a girl who washes her nose and maybe even vagina. They have advisors and they advised them this panama papers, this is an old trick. Similar to insurance and credit fraud, people don't even read what they sign, not to mention understanding what it says if they read it. When you need advisor to advise you on advise, then you already totally dependent on other people.
>Who says she hasn't paid any taxes?
Literally the words "offshore company" screams nothing but the avoidance of taxes.
And I know why everyone is avoiding taxes, because they've been subversively fooled into that.
What's better - banks stealing from you or your government?
If you say the earlier you need to be put down.
Oh I know Turnball is corrupt, but at least you know it's him that's making the decisions (well.. he's in cahoots with banks)
Goddamn nigga you just got too real with me
So essentially women who haven't found a husband before their decline are fucked
Ruby player. A posh upper class cunt like her and her family.
That's pretty funny. I love the contradictions.
Too bad they're so common.
only in the west a woman that has 60 million $ in the bank, keep in mind that an average american MAN will earn ONLY 2 million $ in his entire life of work!, only in west can a woman that is worth the same as if an average MAN was working for 30 fucking lifetimes(like 3 000 years) and saved every cent of it, only in the fucking west can such a woman look that average MAN in the face and say to him that she is the oppressed one and that he is the oppressor. I honestly can not grasp the stupidity of anyone who takes this little cunt seriously in any way.
>It is likely that Emma Watson was aiming to avoid the very financial scrutiny that this discovery has prompted
Please burn.
Your little country only has one purpose - tax avoidance.
You didn't actually state that she hasn't paid taxes. Because you and I don't know and you are jumping to conclusions.
Also note how Denmark is probably the least cucked German/Nordic country.
Based Denmark, keep up the good fight. May our princess guide your people.
Stay jelly.
>Luxembourg Boldly Goes Into Asteroid Mining
>Grand Duchy backs robotic prospecting for water and minerals.