Would she have cheated on Tommen?
Would she have cheated on Tommen?
Her thing was she wanted power
She woulda probably fucked Tywin or something but why would she risk it when shes already fucking the King?
Only with BWIC (Big Summer Islander Cock)
Cant believe shes gone reddit:(
Not to be serious on Sup Forums, but I think she valued power and long term thinking over her own lust and immediate desires. She's a counterbalance to Cercei's character.
I'm surprised Cersei didn't fuck Jalabhar in the books
Kek imagine her first child being black and Tommen being clueless about it
wouldnt that be BSIC not BWIC???
pathetic tits
Yeah, I cucked up.
She'd obviously be killed.
She was like her grandma. She loved a good fuck every now and then, but she used her wet hole and her quasi-genuine kindness to get what she wanted in the end. She was simply far more subtle and calculated about it than Cersei.
Tommen would protect her
>mfw you realize Joffrey was the best King Westeros has had in 100s of years
Implying she already didn't discreetly have a guy, a gal, a tranny, a gender fluid, and other various people ready to take Tommen's sloppy seconds
You know you would be one of them
Also, thanks for not posting your question in that gods awful /got thread.
tommen could never protect anything
Sadly, true. Especially not best queen Marg. I was trying to come up with who would have been a better Queen, and so far all I have is Olenna and maybe Cat. Cat wasn't willing to play politics enough. Olenna is still alive, and I wonder if she would have been better, but Marg is still best queen that I've seen.
No. In the book Cersei sends men after her to try and seduce her. They fail.
What happens to Ser Pounce!?
you know she did
>Marg will never call you a handsome fellow
I think Marg knew to choose her sex partners, rather than have them choose her. That way she could ensure they weren't turncoats. Pic and Dorne related?