Do you actually believe you'll be able to afford a house one day?
Do you actually believe you'll be able to afford a house one day?
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I have 25k saved up so I'm pretty sure I could purchase one right now. But I'm waiting until I have more of a safety net
What does 25k buy today? A house in Detroit maybe.
I think he means he can afford the deposit.
Melbourne here.
No, I don't. Instead I plan to invest in shares which although take more mental effort are at least more accessible and after a doing so much work on my parents property, so much less physical effort.
Shares are a clusterfuck of information sorting and making assumptions and acceptable risk. I'm literally waiting for a power plant to be built to sell 200$ of gas shares, literally the last of my inheritance from grandfather.
Yes once I join the Royal Marines and save the deposit. Plan to eventually move to US.
Of course not, capitalism is collapsing around us
what happened in 1979?
Maybe down south but never up here in the north
I'm in Utah.
I just want a 2 or 3 bedroom house in a remote area.
I think this is achievable within the next 5 years.
I bought my first house at 21 on just above minimum wage + shift bonus + overtime
So yes if you put the work in.
its called a down payment you fucking retard.
Thanks for the motivation boost, 23 here and £100 to my name.
dont ever buy a house with skylights user. you are guaranteed to have roof leaks
I own 7 roachnests here, I just hope erdogan will get ousted soon so that his islamic goons might not take my property due to me being quffar in a future possible islamic revolution.
Renting 6 of them gives me around 20.000$. Decent enough to live my days as a NEET.
Not in any major city.
Nah. I don't really want a whole house. I'm autistic on a level that interfered with my ability to hold a job and maintain social interaction on a face to face level. No one really understood autism 15 years ago the last time I left my apartment. I'm happy where I live, the landlord understands, lets me pay (roughly) when I want, takes my laundry for me and I slip him an extra 50 every month.
A house is really an overrated cash sink anyway. Fixing your own shit, dealing with problems that previous owners left you, it's like buying a used car, it's just not worth it a huge majority of the time because you're gonna end up needing to replace half the fucking house.
building your own house is nearly impossible nowadays too, anyway. Like ~40% of all land in the west is owned by the state, good luck buying that land to or a permit to build on it.
Get a nice apartment, this way when you need to pick up and leave (you will), you can.
but being a landlord counts as a job, so you arent a NEET
I bought my first house at 21 and I'm buying my second later this year at 24.
I am guessing you went to University..?
I am sure you will be better off in the long run, I am trapped in a career path I couldn't care less for because I have no real qualifications.
bought mine at 24
Jesus, how did you get so many? Nobody has that many dead grandmas.
I do own a house u stupid fuck
On the rual area maybe, but im a city guy. so no
Thankfully I was born into a rich family so have an easier life than 99.99999% of humans.
He probably means a down payment.
Regardless, you can buy decent 2-3 bedroom homes with a good sized yard for 20-40k, most rural places here are pretty cheap.
welp, I better outsource that shit.
By being the only child of parents who in turn are also single children themselves. One side of my family was high ranking civil servants and both of my parents are doctors so they had spare money to invest and no one in my family know any investment except living frugally and buying houses.
I was lucky I guess, had I had one brother and one uncle things would end up badly.
>Complaining about house prices.
> $500K is considered """""very expensive""""".
Ah, yes. Every Englishman's dream, to leave deary ol' UK and live in California
I already live in a house, you stupid fuck
Here in MX houses ain't that expensive so yes.
Are you fucking serious. It's like 600k for rural area's and don't even get me started with the suburbs and cities here. That's crazy cheap dude.
Do you mean 20k a year?
That would be 280 a month that's like nothing
Median income in Turkey is 9-10k a year. 20k is decent money here puts you into a bit above the middle class. Its the average mid level doctor-engineer sallary.
Wife and bought a house for 800k 4years ago and the bank just appraised it at 1.3 million last week. Pretty good investment if you ask me - but we can sell and move anywhere else nice because everything is a million + in the gta
I hope I can BUILD a house, on my dads land. Buying one that I love is probably going to be out of the question. No point buying a shit one.
I could have actually bought a house instead of the apartment I'm posting from.
However, there are many pitfalls and you can risk bills in the hundreds of thousands of crowns if the roof shits itself, or the municipality decides you need a new sewage line for instance.
Also, constant repairs and all that.
Could still have done it with my middle-class salary, but I took the safe bet and bought the second cheapest apartment in Eastern Jutland for sale at the time instead.
More money for fun and I chose a ten year mortgage to kill the debt quickly
Yes. Then again, my profession is such that, if I choose to work like a dog, I can earn 10k in a week.
Get a load of this richfag
or do you mean you're owned by a mortgage
with your own overinflated bubble in the suburbs
Enjoy your endless commute for servitude to sustain the upkeep
You have to don't you
It's all you've got
Sure. In a year or 2 I'll have a deposit and then I'll continue living at home while some loser pays my mortgage for me.
I'm closing on a three two in a wonderful black free neighborhood on monday.
Please don't make me stay
I'm guessing you sell weed and live in your mom's basement.
Finland doesn't know what a mortgage is. Wew lad
I own a home, I never went to college and I'm 25.
I would solar panel the shit out of that house.
Yes, definitely. It'll just be smaller than a normie house.
Modern houses are 3x larger on average than fifties houses. People are obsessed with having more than they can afford.
>Tfw own a 300k usd debt free house
Frels good to be middle class and not a fucking NEET
Absolutely. I was looking at one the other day. Have 20k saved but have rest credit.
Also, at least here in the states, you can apparently buy a house with only putting down 3.4% of a down payment. There's actually a lot of government support trying to get people to buy their own houses. Check out First Time Home Buyers Club.
And if you get a two family you can have the cost of a mortgage split. There's a lot of ways you'd be surprised that you can take advantage of stuff in the real estate industry
Gold and silver crash I believe, so basically the Jews
Starting a business in PA in my home town, if it fails I most certainly an hero and the dream or rather the nightmare will finally be over. So yea maybe one day or not idk I try not to think about it that hard. Scared actually
After my parents die :^)
I'm going to inherit my parent's house when one or both of them die. It's in a Floridian suburb and its property value has increased by over 100k over the last 15 years.
I'll be fine.
I just bought one. 2 bed. Corner plot. Big garden and driveway. £135k. Sucks to live down South now days.
I already own a house and a plot of land.
I am also going to inherit another house and a much bigger plot of land that's basically 90% woods.
Life is good. I just need to figure out how to create a much bigger profit than simply selling wood. I've got plans, but I am not entirely decided on what I want to do.
>Do you actually believe you'll be able to afford a house one day?
no, but my grandfather told me he will leave me his house when he dies. old man best not be lying...
Own a 5 bedroom house with an acre sized back yard and a media room with a projector and 7 foot screen
I just got out of college, 21 years old, no debt because my country doesn't charge you 100k+ for enjoying education, been working since august last year, own a house already. Got a permanent contract, started looking into houses as soon as that happened. Got a good deal for a place that's been rented out and in the market since 2008. Spent a couple of months on it after I got my 105k loan to buy it and now it looks great. Pay 570 euros a month on my mortgage. I got a sweet deal. If I can do it, anyone can.
Fucking christ finland
Shameful display. Commit sudoku now and pray that Väinämöinen will forgive you.
pic related
tfw don't want to turn my back on the UK but there's less and less reason to stay with every day that passes. The outlook for my generation is shit, the only way you'll become rich is by having rich parents. The rest of us will rent terraced houses for the rest of our lives, and keep hearing about how great immigration is for the economy.
I did once, but the market here is being abused by developers and money laundering Chinese now.
Nah.. Unless, of course, I win the lottery, which, I don't play, so, not gonna happen.
>property tax
The stress level of owning a house is fucking high. The what ifs when you sleep at night.. What if you lose your job..
I own 3. All have mortgages, I rent each out to college kids. Make about $2k month profit.
Aren't house prices in Canada relatively cheap outside of Vancouver?
Not that bad. All of these things are baked into rental rates, or the landlord would be out of business. Unless you live at home and are older than 18, embarrassingly.
Not really, only in shitty places.
I live in Toronto. Small town is cheaper but no job. I don't drive, so, small town isn't for me.
>rental rates
OP isn't talking about renting.
I'm comparing it to the alternative. Owning a house is cheaper in the long run in nearly all cases.
Just by yourself a nice cabin in the Yukon and hunt/farm all your own food lads, it's the only sensible option.
What more of a safety net do you need? You can get an FHA loan for like 3-5% down depending on the lender. Then just refi into a traditional a few years later.
That's what I did.
So, for a $200,000 house you're looking at between $6-10k down payment. Most mortgage companies will factor in closing costs, etc. into your mortgage. $6-10k leaves you $15-19k in left over money. That's plenty. You might have to spend a few grand on a new refrigerator or something not included but it's not going to wipe out the rest of your savings.
>in the long run
Sure, if your rich dead parents left you money. Other than that, starting from scratch is very stressful. Renting is better for most people in the city because not all are lawyers and doctors.
That would be amazing, really.
Yes. I live in Wales and the local population here (in the north at least) is dropping as people leave for the cities in the south or in England. House prices are thus dropping and the immigration into Wales (excluding Cardiff) is none existence.
What's stopping you then lad?
Just looked up Whitehorse, the largest settlement in an area twice the size of the UK, and realised that they've got half of the population of my small town in the UK which most people here haven't even heard of. It still amazes me how few people live in the northern half of Canada - is it really so uninhabitable?
Yeah my house is gonna be fucking dope when I win the powerball
I'm a cunt-owning gook who never held a machete in her life. I would just let the polar bear maul me for breakfast.. Or polar lions if there's one.
>It's like 600k for rural area's
How rural are we talking here
You can easily buy acre blocks in towns out west for under 100k, and building a house doesn't cost 500k. Building the house cheap compared to land in most instances (Obviously if you buy cheap land out west the house would be worth more than the land though)
These acre blocks in a new subdivision cost ~95k
You could find many more, I just thought of Kingaroy because my sister lives there.
Our market is tipped for a crash or at least a price correction. and I could afford a unit now or a house with a partner but I don't think its a sound investment at this point in time and its cheaper to rent in my city. (miners geting layed of so shit tone of places up for rent/sale)
There is no point. A pack of niggers will be moved in next door by the government and my property will be worthless.
At least it's affordable
>Do you actually believe you'll be able to afford a house one day?
But I already own 3 without any debts
> that feel when 1,15% intrest rate for housing debt
Also moving out West is literally my plan to buy a house when I'm older and more qualified that I could move out West to a town and get a job
I know we like to pretend that land was just super cheap and boomers had the cream of the crop of life, but when they moved into their first homes It was, at the time, on the outskirts of the cities or in new start up towns in the middle of nowhere. Millenials can't expect to find cheap housing near the cities because cheap housing has never been near the cities*.
*Cities that aren't post-Industrial shitholes with absolutely nothing going for them see: Detroit
All my siblings moved out West when they moved out of home (They're significantly older than me), and my parents lived in the rural Northern territory as remote Aboriginal community nurses during the recession of the early 90's because they couldn't find work or get a house in Brisbane. When my dad, born in 1953, moved out of home he didn't move to a 4 bedroom house in the suburbs, he moved into a 2 bedroom apartment with strangers. People romanticise and make the past out to be way better than It was.
I'll inherit one so yes
ugly as fuck
I live in Sydney, so no.
t. doctor who delivered you
I bought one a year ago for 260k and was appraised the other day at $360k.
It's nice clean and affordable given there are 2 govt job incomes and mild weather. I live in a quiet white neighborhood thats a 10 min walk to the beach and I'm converting some of my land to grow veggies because the earth is rich.
Owning a home is hard work but anything like that worth having is. Renting is bullshit. Pay into your own pocket. I'd rather the stress of a mortgage than the stress of the possibility of a landlord being shitty out of nowhere.
Not with all the fucking immigrants. RIP the australian dream :(
Unfortunately, not all are lucky enough to have a decent career. Are you happy, though? I mean, in general. Do you spend enough time with your family, if you have one?
I don't live in Canada so I think I'll be fine
Maybe after the Civil War dies down and I find some abandoned property to fix up I will, but in the present market I sure as fuck won't be a homeowner.
Considering a 2 bedroom house in a shithole neighborhood costs 300k; probably not. Maybe if I moved to Oklahoma or some other shitty state perhaps I could afford one. But fuck that, I wanna stay in Colorado.
I think there's a bit of luck involved but it's been mostly hard work to get my career to what it is. I come from an abusive childhood and had to bust my butt to do better and improve my life.
Once you realize life is a struggle in general and that you have to work for what you want you feel a lot more satisfied. When you work for something you appreciate it more.
I'm happy 90% of the time. I think it's healthy to have some time feeling low. "Can't have the sweet without the sour"
There's no such thing as enough time with my wife and daughter. I spend as much time as I can with them. I involve them with as many aspects of my life. My daughter is 2 and loves to help us till the soil and plant stuff in the yard.
Things are good but when you put good honest effort in things can be better. Improve your own situation. Grab life by the reigns and do something for yourself
Am I stupid or is it crazy that houses are incredibly expensive and difficult to live in much less own nowadays? Whenever you think of a human dwelling, mudhut niggers notwithstanding, you think of a house not an apartment building right? Someone under 30 or over 30 without a great job can only look at houses and shrug because it's never going to happen. It's like looking at supercars, there's about an equal chance of you affording one. At the same time I'm willing to bet the vast majority of the people here grew up in a house and their parents grew up in a house and their parents and so on.
Well, you're the man of the house. That's your role in the family. What about your wife? Does she work? Who stays with your child when both of you are working?