You only become a respectable member of society after army
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You only become a respectable member of society after army
>join military
>immediately think that civilians need to bow down to you and that they owe you something
People in army are the only reason you are not forced to worship Allah yet, can you protect your country from towelhead warriors?
if you come out alive
Army gave me college money and I was able to finish my BA and get my MA. So yeah, no student loan and a career boost was nice. Many in the military are to stupid to achieve this though.
>can you protect your country from towelhead warriors?
You don't have to be in the heat of war to deserve respect, just by existing in army numbers, you keep all the goatfuckers scared away
I'm surprised that in threads like these people are not willing to protect their country. Even if it isn't the military, and just being in some militia, they go "hurr durr im not dying!!!1 i let retards do that xd"
I'm afraid your Call Of Duty quick scoping skills won't be enough
>that pic
serves them right
Who do you think we are?
If you are retarded enough to join infantry in peacetime you deserve everything.
>Killing sand people for oil
>protect my country
pick one idiot
There is always room to change
excluding Vietnam veterans, and its not like there are veterans that returned from Afghanistan and Iraq with serious PTSD, being completely forgotten by their own government, with many becoming homeless
If you are retarded enough to think that now is peace time, only army can show you the truth
Yet those veterans created bright future for their whole country
I don't consider downsized COIN operations to be war. Might as well claim that Finland is at war because we have "peacekeepers" in Afghanistan.
Military people are welfare queens. The true people's army are the militias.
If your country doesn't have militias or they are illegal you are an occupied country.
Yet without those "small" operations towelheads will continue the chaos.
The reason why towelheads and Kim Jong Un donl't start all out shitstorm war is because of army's capabilities beyond military
Militias are shit-tier and cannot compete with modern military units in any way or form.
And what's wrong with that? CIA wouldn't get its opium? The military-industrial complex wouldn't get its billion dollar contracts? The entire area is a shitshow that's continuously fucked up by Western interference. Removing secular(ish) dictators and letting Islamist lunatics take control instead.
Have some sweet military advertising as well. I love how the FDF has started churning out quality media in the past few years.
The Austrian army is doing absolutely nothing to stop muslim invaders from raiding us.
>Army fags demanding approval
>muh freedumbs
>muh sand people terr
Whatever happened to discretion and valor? Did you forget that you work for us?
>tfw military police scribe/secretary/whatever
>pretty much the safest and easiest job possible if a war ever happens
>tons of benefits during the conscription and didn't have to take part in anything I didn't want to because I could just jerk off in my office all day.
>took part in all the cool and fun things like trying all the different firearms, swarming a building with dogs, etc while avoiding all the pointless bullshit.
>pretty much got all of the pros and none of the cons
>got promoted to a corporal before my conscription ended because the officers liked me and I did my non-existent mandatory duties flawlessly. Even got a 1000€ stipend for being exemplary.
Lol what a shitty sniper spot, every nigger sees you on this hill. Picturemaker should find some cover
All scribes who don't fuck up massively get promoted simply because they interact daily with the vääpeli, CO and XO. Hardly an achievement.
Only thing I'm jealous of is the free time scribes have. Can freely go hit the gym in the middle of the day whilst others are training.
>t. Proud Warrior of the Perkele Khan.
I feel like we strayed away from main point. Is joining army worth it for you or your country. And if you are not related to army in any way, are you as useless as triggered feminist to your country?
You are only a respectable member of society after
>Air Force
>Paramedic Training
>Firefighting Training
>Police Force
>Biohazard Task Force Training
Choose 1
That feel when joined the British Army for 4 years and literally only enjoyed maybe 1 year of it.
Training for Afghanistan was fun, deploying as one of three British blokes attached with a company of Estonians was even better.
That feel when went from slaying bodies on a daily basis to sweeping up garages and stupid exercises on salisbury plain.
Fuck the British Army and fuck peacetime.
traitor scum
> Singapore
Gtfo irrelevancy
At least we aren't known for sucking Arab dick.
P.S. Thanks for being such a failure as a collective people that you managed to overtake our failing birthrate, Bravo.
I wish I didn't eat shit as a kid now I'm a diabetic and will never join the military.
Dude even fucking Malaysia is more relevant than your chinkface city
>not including TRG training
The military mostly provides jobs for non whites and gives the rednecks something to feel proud of. God just go to school instead.
That feel when serve in MIlitary and deploy on operations and then when start work in civilian world all the ex military bros look after each other and if one becomes a manager he will usually only hire ex military.
The foot soldier is outdated in modern military. Most military programs are basically welfare, especially in the US.
You are degenerate who is happy about being useless and getting profit off it.Consumerist scum and not a man.
So are subsidized companies and their employees, I guess almost everyone is a welfare whore besides small business owners like me.
You mean Capitalist
>The foot soldier is outdated in modern military
Relevance doesn't mean shit here.
The only reason Sup Forums would give a shit about anyones country is if they did degenerate shit, namely yours you muslim worshiping cuck. Or if we shit in streets or murder children like Africans.
Sorry I had to live in a decent and morally pure society where shit like this doesn't happen
What did you expect from a leaf?
Foot soldier is the cheapest and most reliable resource for both defence and attack
Its okay Singapoor, being irrelevant to the western world isnt all too bad.
>joining the modern army to be a profiteering tool for some jews in suits
>expecting respect after
>america declares war on some random ragheads in a desert
>demand for weapons increases
>someone supplies that demand
>oh vey I wonder who profits from this
Nothing worse than modern day veterans. They go """fight"""(most of them just sit in a base on tax payer's money) some pointless war, come back acting like some whoopty fucking doo WW2 war heroes demanding benefits and free housing.
I never had respect for modern day vets unless they have seen combat first hand (99% of them haven't).
you lost that one germ
gg no re
ITT: NEETS BTFO because they don't get any discounts.
Shhh im just here for the b8 memes, but dont tell him man
Capitalist can be a good citizen and human overall, consumerist is scum.
Nice delusion
Discounts on what? They don't pay for anything.
Btw, finnish defence forces BTFO your 2nd cavalry regiment, or something like that during the joint military excersise a week back. Nice trucks and guns you got th0
We will come for you next
Got any source on that?
Somebody has to do it and out of everyone who applied I was deemed the best. I could easily argue that as an individual I am far more important and influential than your average soldier is. It's just that you need way more soldiers than scribes for the army to function.
>being this assmad
It must suck to be a non-American vet though. LOL You get beheaded for being a vet in UK while in America you get blowjobs. lol