Man, this was fucking terrifying. The supermarket scene, the death of his dog, the church scene. Fucking god damn...

Man, this was fucking terrifying. The supermarket scene, the death of his dog, the church scene. Fucking god damn. It all felt so real, much more so than any other film I've seen in recent memory. And Mads was amazing, too.

What would you have done in his place? And what's some essential Mads-core?

Other urls found in this thread:

>What would you have done in his place?
Given in and broke, like all the times in middle school and after when I was mercilessly bullied.
>And what's some essential Mads-core
A Royal Affair is good (albeit sad), non-English.

I would just not be around anyone's kids, it's working out great so far.

It was incredible, Mads was great and it was so frustrating and sad. I definitely wouldn't of been as friendly to the little girl.

She had assburgers though, and even told people she made it up. More of the blame has to go on that guy who interviewed her and put words in her mouth and also on everyone else for believing it so readily.

True, I would've lost it at someone though. Which he did in the church. That was a good scene.

>What would you have done in his place?

Do it for real

Then we'll see who laughs

>Putting all of the blame on the little girl who was coached into lying
/r9k/ please go

>the death of his dog
felt so good

fuck this pedo and his dog

Fuck you.

I wouldn't be a sperg and when asked if I did it, I'd plainly say no rather than ask back if they thought I did it.

Also, the one friend who always believes him is his partner in crime. The door where he meets the girl at the end of the movie leads to the cellar where they did it, the one the girl described in her police testimony.

>what's some essential Mads-core
Pusher 1 (his first role) and Pusher 2 (his best role)

Don't cut yourself on that edge retard.

The last scene with the missed rifle shot still disturbs me

Well I wouldn't have diddled kids in the first place because I'm not a pedophile.

>tfw thought that the girl's father would kill Mad's and poison his food at the end

>posts on Sup Forums
>not a pedophile

>And what's some essential Mads-core?
Blinkende Lygter

I'm only like 15 minutes in but I think I know the gist of the plot.
I wonder how often women watch this movie and thinks it's bad ass what happens to this man?

>tfw I loved mads in hannibal and always hear that this is a great movie and even put it on my netflix list but I just can't bring myself to watch it because it seems like it would be too painful

Pusher is also a good mads movie

This movie was made because there are many more cases of child abuse revealed today then some decades ago. Pedos are trying for counter propaganda.

It is very painful. If I had a chance I would never have watched it.

This suffering deserves to be witnessed. Know that it happens to people.

The kind of movie you don't forget, made my blood freeze in my veins. The way the trap slowly closes on mads is terrifying

>mfw I costar in The Hunt with based Mads and this is my IMDb portrait.

I just saw lucas talk to his best friend.
I'm so angry now.
As someone that's been falsely accused of sexual abuse in the past this makes me never want to leave my home.

Lucas's son made me cry.
Society is fucked. People are so evil and fat in the head.

Can women understand this movie?

I'm not even being ironic

>we want the MRA neckbeard audience

Tell us the story user

what happened?

>mads mihhelsen

Reminder that reality is even worse:

The Paki/Indian/whatever was probably a robot and I feel sorry for him.
Can't say the same about the normie who got framed by the bitch though.

I just finished the movie.

I just typed out my story but decided not to post it. I know someone involved used to browse Sup Forums and I don't want to give anyone a chance to even bring me up or the story up in conversation. I've already been physically assaulted before.

Stay smart, guys. Know who your family is. Don't waste your time wondering if you can trust someone. You have to find out and know.

I will say it hurt way more having the closest "friends" in my life turn their backs on me when they knew it wasn't true. That hurt a lot more than a town full of people talking shit.

I agree.
People need to watch this.
Teenage boys need to watch this.

It does sound extremely painful to watch, I l feel the same as you. I really do need to see more Mads-core though.

Who else got nervous as fuck when he carried the little girl in the end of the movie?

I misread the scene at first.
I thought he was identifying some kind of pathology in the little girl and convince her to face her fears and walk over to him and finally be able to walk on lines.

Yeah, he's too trusting. I think the plot's a bit unbelievable that he'd be able to return to those people comfortably within a year. Pretty sure that doesn't ever happen in real life.

There were subtle tensions in the last scene. Then the not so subtle tension of the shot in the woods. His life was fucked up and will never really return entirely to how it was before.

He should have moved away.
Putting his life in danger to stay around his "friends" is irresponsible. He has a son that needs him.
But I guess his family is already troubled since him and his wife are divorced and don't get along.
Ughh.... now that I'm thinking about this I'm frustrated all over again.
Will society ever start improving again?

>He should have moved away

While under a pending investigation? SURE.

I never implied that.
He was released from jail and I feel positive the investigation was over by the time the next year rolled around.
I repeat what I say before, he shouldn't put his life at risk for his "friends" It's irresponsible.
I respect EVERYTHING about the character except for him putting his life at risk like that.
His son needs him more than the dying west does.

>And what's some essential Mads-core
Flickering Lights

Good movie, but the ending was bad.

What should have happened was that Lucas finds out at the end that Klara WAS molested, by the shifty child counselor. So he finds out and he takes his rifle and confronts the guy, and it turns out he did rape a bunch of kids in his basement, and it's really bad, so Lucas shoots him. Now he's a hero and everyone knows he didn't do it and all is forgiven and also his dog doesn't die.

Interesting how this happy ending would necessitate actual child abuse.

They'll get over it kids are resilient

Euros are ultimate pervs, what a shocker of a movie
It's like we didn't know of their depravity and stuff, amazing!

No, the only alternate possible happy ending is Lucas double wielding 2 MG 42's with extra ammo and slaughtering the whole town until there is no soul left alive there

I'm sorry user.


Some tips.
It's more likely to happen to if you if you stand out, even if you stand out in good ways. Standing out makes you an easy target for exploitation.
The little girl loved the main character because he stood out to her. He was kind and loving and beautiful to her. When she found out he wasn't what she wanted him to be she lost it.
The more you fit in the less people will suspect you of anything.

>essential Mads-core
Flickerling Lights
Casino Royale
The Hunt
A Royal Affair

And I'm not saying that people should all start doing everything possible to fit in.
I'm just saying be prepared. No what your risks are.
My incident taught me a LOT about human behavior.

Don't forget
Green Butchers
Adam's Apples
Men and Chickens

What the fuck mate. Of course we can, it's called empathy.
Are you actually serious?

Some essential Mads-core is the entirety of Hannibal. You'll have contrarians on Sup Forums saying that the third season was shit but they're simply contrarians. It was one of the best shows on television, in no small part due to Mads great performance. Anthony Hopkins was great in Silence of the Lambs but in Red Dragon and Hannibal whilst still good he's playing a sort of memey extension of the icon he brought to life. Mads as Hannibal creates a real rich, sophisticated villain.

Did you really need to come here just to play the victim? Like in this setting? Where we're talking about a man who gets his life ruined because he gets accused of a pedophile? Did you really need to do that?

Do you really think you know what it's like for people to look at you like you're a sexual predator? Do you really know what it feels like to be hunted by both men and women to be lynched? I don't think you do. I don't think you know the slightest thing about it. And I don't think you can empathize. So just be happy with what you've got and go fuck yourself.

user calm down.