>Germany to spend €93.6bn on refugees. 600,000 to arrive in 2016, 400,000 in 2017, 300,000 every year after.
Get rid of Merkel now Germans.
Refugees Germany
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>so what if immigrants and refugees cost money? it's our duty!
>damn these taxes! i'm moving!
leftists in a nutshell
Congratulations, you are now a libertarian.
They could have best military in the world after USA if they spend it on it
the worst thing is you will pay, eventually, and there is nothing you can do
let's pray for autumn of next year to come as soon as possible
so why do you deutschfags still remain in your awful country?
i can emigrate or sell all my assets and get NEET bux myself
would leave if i had a way
bye bye suckers
>Germany to spend €93.6bn on refugees. 600,000 to arrive in 2016, 400,000 in 2017, 300,000 every year after.
>300.000 every year
>civil war in 5-10 years
and it's gonna be hilarious
-Said Hans, before proceeding to pay his taxes after a hard day of work.
Face it: you are all too nice and compliant to do anything about it.
ficki ficki
What happened to that town that Germans were making? now theyre being called racist nazis or something. makes me lol
And the eternal Germancuck is still watching how a woman is single handedly destroying his nation.
Go make a demonstration about it. It's some top bullshit that your kids get literally fucked over while the rapefugees get everything for free.
To think how they mistreated South Europe, and now they act like this...
No love for Europe, leave meds alone you fuckfaces, you are an enemy too.
It just keep going higher and higher
and the cuck politicans know this.
>600,000 to arrive in 2016
Since 1.5 million arrived last year, what numbers were they expecting to come for 2015?
From that, we can probably work out how many will actually arrive.
Also, do we have any numbers on how many have arrived this year so far?
I honestly can't wait for New year's eve
taking ficki ficki to a new level
You'll pay or the gestapo will lock you up in a dirty dungeon faggot. That's what you get for electing a cuck. Your only option now is to kill as many fucking mudslime sandnigger as humanly possible or leave Germany because Germany is doomed.
THESE NUMBERS ARE STILL TOO LOW. The "plan" sais that the Bund (the federal government) pays 93bn. Yet, the states and cities also pay "hidden costs" (this is seperated and often neglected when doing these calculations) meaning an additional increase of 50-100% to that. Also add that we already have more than 600.000k migrants.... Realistic costs are not 93bn in 4 years, more like 300-400bn in 4 years.
On a side note: I is projected that you could end world hunger with around 220bn a year when spend wisely in non 1st world countries.
Imagine what that amount of money could buy.
ficki ficki
Every nation gets the government it deserves.
This is insanity.
You guys arent going anywhere, too many of your people are brainwashed. They even elected a muzzie mayor for Londpn
>Realistic costs are not 93bn in 4 years, more like 300-400bn in 4 years
holy fuck
>you could end world hunger with around 220bn a year when spend wisely in non 1st world countries
that i doubt, besides it's not in our interest to eradicate the primary cause of nogs death
You need to start to target families and friends of people in power positions (chairmans of NGOs, committee members...) and spread it.
The hate will do the rest. We need a german Breivek
Just imagine if that money was spent on education, infrastructure and so on. Or at least fot refugee camps outside of Europe. People would live like kingz in African refugee camps or middle eastern camps.
Nobody would come.
This. The beginning of a civil war is only a matter of time at this point. It will come.
>We need to make sure nationalism doesn't rise.
>Quickly, flood the country with foreigners!
But how would your women get thick brown refugee cock in that scenario?
Is Merkel even human anymore? How can any politician be so stupid. I cannot understand. Maybe the reptilian theorists were onto something.
Still cheaper than breed and train those engineers and doctors. The Germans are fucking smart and cunning. You think they are loosing while they are growing stronger and stronger.
all the money we spend in the multikulti meme, it's kinda sad
Your homeland is going to burn again and you think about "ending" world hunger. You are so fucked.
>tfw we could've had Mars Colonies by now were it not for Untermensch leeches and communism
Hitler would've prevented this.
Don't know if it's gonna be hilarious, I'm right in the middle of it all.
she's a puppet.
Outside of a country wide strike there is nothing you can do.
The communists will just take your money.
Finland talking about real probs which need to be talked about. Yeah, we need solutions about white pussies getting stuffed with BBC. Make this a policy then you will win big time.
press F
>civil war in 5-10 years
More like germans will obey their Führer again.
So we get Putin :^(
I thought Putin was a good nationalist and brought your country to stability?
>we are surrounded
Germany, for the sake of everything KILL MERKEL.
>mfw been living the NEET lifestyle since dropping out of college
>mfw everyone else in this country is the problem
Enjoy slaving yourself out so you can be replaced by shitskins, suckers
We'll try to not kill all of you when the uprising comes. We'll invade your shitty place to help what good is left there.
Germany will spend more money then the entire Croatian economy on cucking themselves.
I go to the netherlands. At the moment dating dutch girl.
No need to wait until AfD is in power. It will take time. I don't want to waist time. I join them but pay taxes in another country with similar culture but less fucked by media and politics.
>Voluntarily puts oneself in a situation in which one has to fight for food scraps against rapefugees
Holy fuck
You could finance 500.000 german births per year with a mere 25 billion euros, giving 50.000 euro cash to the parents of every newborn german kid.
This would end the demographic problem. A mere 25 billion euros.
Instead, they spend 100+ billion to pamper shitskins...
Not really. Putin might be a good leader, but the whole government is corrupt and consists mostly of his friends and friends' friends.
I'm not very good at politics, I'm sure some other Russian user would explain why Putin is bas better than I can.
Damn, that really puts things into perspective.
how does it feel to be weak?
We don't want stability, we want world war.
Just put on the hat Hans. Become what you were meant to be.
Put on the hat.
>go make some deomnstration about it
We try.
Here is the problem. The same state that enforces these anti German policies on behalf of the usual globalist Jews, is the same state that gives permissions for protests, permits specific locations i.e. anti German faggots get the good places pro Germans get the bad places no one will see, throw 50 times more policemen at a protest of pro Germans than rape mobs, pay people to underwander the protests and cause trouble so the police have an excuse to stop the prostest (nowadays pro German protest take extra measurements to prevent that its crazy) and the whole public and official media is leaning so far left and pro immigration they play down and censor the protest ie 5000 appear media claims 1000 appeared and picks out photos of only fatter old people, and dare you to go violent if you are not some ANTIFAG or rapefugee or muslim
why dont germans just engage in non-violent sabotage and ground the country to a halt
Do something ffs. Do not allow yourselves and your country to be killed with no resistance.
If your calculation is correct then it shows that the real goal is abolishing national states and equalizing europe.
They want one government to rule all. Bilderberg works out what Merkel does.
>Population in germany in 2013
>assuming we wish to match muslim population growth
>0.375% of the population need to have a kid every year
Oh come on germany, you can take more refugees:)
Come to Autria when hofer gets elected.
How does Ahmed's dick in your ass feel?
>You need a permission to riot
Haha noob.
I'm surprised somebody hasn't shot Merkel.
Germans have never tried to kill any of their leaders.
Source: History.
500.000 x 50.000 =
25 billion euros per year, 500.000 new births per year, 50.000 cash for every kid born.
They dont even need to hand it out in cash, they could just hand it out in the form of cheap credit so that young families can afford to build a house. This would solve the problem with the housing shortage and the rising prices for property too.
It's pretty obvious that the german zionist occupied government is waging a genocide against the germanic people here, which is why I chose to drop out of college and never work a day in my life for these people. Your taxes, your labor, keep these people firmly seated in power.
>what numbers were they expecting to come for 2015?
According to leaked info, Merkel expected 90,000 to arrive in Germany when she made her open doors speech.
Needs to be done with a Luger or a Walther p38
so she's confirmed retarded?
I hope there will be a first time in the next month. Somebody just has to go full retard and do it.
An organized group of 10-20 people should be enough even with knives to get close enough and murder everything. Or 50 people just storm the bundestag and kill every politician there.
Even Sweden! Top Kek!
How are u able to get benefits? How much do u recieve per month?
Our gov keeps inventing taxes and we avoid it like Neo avoided bullets in matrix.
Stupid law-obedient germans.
This is what happens when your shitty country doesn't intervene in Syria to create an excuse to not allow them in as refugees.
You should have been fucking up the middle east as soon as America didn't want to pay for it.
with what army?
It's not an issue of demographics, they're trying to dissolve national borders all together and lead us forward to the Globalist Utopia. Otherwise they would just do what you said, it's the obvious cheap option.
Germany was a mistake.
Just like last time
What? Not liking what we are seeing? Hmm?
Full version
Why haven't the germans thrown that shit merkel out yet?
German people where once great and proud to be aryans and would have fought for what is happening today...
What happened Sup Forums?
I love how my wife will finally register to vote to get rid of Merkel,
I disagree. WWI was a mistake.
> inb4 germans fault meme
>angloscum complains about germans being brainwashed
That's just chutzpah.
Leftist brainwashing and other kike methods