Who wouldnt want to suicide looking like this gigantic faggot? i sure would...

who wouldnt want to suicide looking like this gigantic faggot? i sure would, i would feel ashamed of being a failed garbage gay ass musician

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Mind that edge there.

Said the fag who no one will remember lol

Bet OP doesn't have the guts to do it himself. Ik you're trolling. But please kys. Ur just as helpful as donald trumps hands.

Failed musician...... Yeah with Over 70 million albums sold.

in all honesty it was probably the fact that literally every 2 out of 3 fans began to shit on them after the Minutes To Midnight album came out and started spamming all of their shit with "YOU GUYS ARE SELLOUTS, GO BACK TO THE OLD HYBRID THEORY FORMULA OF SONGWRITING. METEORA OR GTFO".

Tell me that woudln't begin to fuck with you, it began to fuck with him

holy shit stop the presses, this is a hot opinion. everybody needs to stop and listen to OP

you said the exact same thing in the other thread dipshit

stop stalking me

Failed? This prince was worth 200 mill.

Whether his music was garbage or not he made a career out of it. What's your definition of success, retard?

And no, I don't give a shit that he's dead.



You do realize this was a human being don't you. With the exact same makeup, from the exact same species as you? With people who loved him, just like your family loves you. He didn't get "rekt" in a video game. He didn't get pranked on youtube. He is gone. His children no longer have a father. His loved ones can no longer see or speak to him in person. Ignoring the fact that he has spent the last few years fighting pedophilia with his organization and has made a positive impact on people, he's a human being, same as you or me. You're not being edgy or cool. You are failing at basic human compassion.

The whole band should suicide because they're so shit

Honestly if you had that amount of money how could one ever even think of the idea to kill one self?
Nigga you can do literally anything you want!


I hope he had his will set up good

Whos gonna member this assclown in 10 yrs ? You fags are only listening and care about this fuck bc he was a pussy


Mental illness that and he excepted nigger culture all awhile pushing white culture away causing inner termoil.

He sold 70M albums but the one who committed suicide is not me

Wasn't trying to be. I'm not super intelligent. I'm not clever. I'm not mother teresa. I'm a person who has made a lot of stupid decisions, hurt alot of people, and tried to make amends when I could. I don't know if I'm a legitimately good person. Many would say no. However, I do not understand a complete disregard for human life, just because it's someone that you weren't on a first name basis with.

You've been through the 12 step program am I correct?

nice pasta

>he excepted nigger culture all awhile pushing white culture away causing inner termoil.

Heh. A few.

Take into account that everything in that post is a direct response to the post it linked too. If it was a pasta, I did a hell of a job finding it within a minute or so, and making it relate perfectly as a response.

In the end it doesn't even matter


stop using pasta

The 13th step is the best.

Tell his children that.

Tell you what. You are accusing me of finding pasta within a few seconds that directly relates to the conversation. Find it, screenshot it, post it, and I'll buy you any game on steam.

You're going to need to base pointless accusations on something more than the fact that my post contained more than 6 words and doesn't contain a single meme or insult to anyone.


RIP lead singer of TOOL

I've been clean for 14 years. I snorted my last line of coke the day my son was born. 12 step programs are pointless until you have a personal reason.

>looking like this gigantic faggot
I shouldn't laugh at this

pretty hefty insult there fella.
pic/timestamp showing us
what you should look like
in order to not kill yourself?

God I hope he's next.

Careful, your insecurities are showing.

It was his friend's suicide that pushed him over the edge.

Minutes to midnight was a great album. Their last album was what started a lot of mad fans

Went from hard rock and rap to fucking soft feely pop

buy me fnaf

Heard he RIP by "hanging?" Where was he hangin' out @? Who was hangin' w/him?

I never really listened to Linkin Park as a kid. I only really heard them on the radio and on amvs of Naruto. But about two years ago I had the opportunity to enjoy all of their albums in their entirety, and I even got my dad to hear a few tracks, and he enjoyed them as well. This didn't even occur to me until I was telling him about the suicide... I think it is pretty sad when anyone kills themselves. I hope his bandmates are ok.



Hahaha you got baited. He has two exwives and 6 kids? He's better off, no?

Wonder who's gonna sing in that NY park now... Summer's hot, sho nuff

I don't do the whole "spout pointless insults with absolutely no basis or possibility of legitimacy" I could attempt to further the conversation by asking "baited into what exactly?", but you know and I know there is no answer. It doesnt matter if he had 1 child, 3 ex wives, and 12 cats. He was a human being with people that he mattered too, and now he's gone. This isn't a video game and he doesn't get to try again.

What exactly are you trying to say?

Doesnt equate as quality music

Most people are moron


I am a human being!

Killing yourself is one of the most cowardice things you can do though. Not that I would expect you liberals to know shit about anything.

As a general rule, the whole "u mad, u crying" is used when someone is resorting to all caps, cursing, displays an inability to rationally respond due to excessive emotion. That is obviously not the case here. In my experience people resort to completely unrelated baseless insults when they simply have nothing else to say but are upset.

we were talking about success, which he was

Everyone has different taste, so "numb" that edge, it will be "easier to run" if you think "I'm by myself". Let's be real, your dumb post is "pushing me away".

30 million. Thats not 200 million

I wasn't speaking album sales but personal net worth faggot.

Thanks Dr.phil

No, i'm just amused by your faggotry. Linkin park was always and will always be emotional garbage. Shit tier music.

Why are people calling him a fag for offing himself but didn't say the same about Robin Williams

And if it were made known that you passed away, I wouldn't "rejoice" for you either. I would feel sympathy for your loved ones, and hope they found peace. Your actions, at least as demonstrated here don't exactly make me happy, but you still come from the same stuff that I do.

The moment you come across some good money is when you realize, money isnt everything in life. In fact, it doesn't mean anything.

So success is only measured in dollars made? That's where music is now? Nothing about the art form?

They did. Stfu

This conversation has nothing whatsoever to do with music. The op is expressing happiness that a person died. I'm questioning that. I'm talking about basic human empathy. I outright stated I didn't particularly enjoy the music of the band.

this guy is the biggest troll in here he is trolling us all

First album was good for about twenty minutes until it over saturated everyfucking thing. Their style wasn't new but it was done in a unique and well polished manner. Sure the lyrics were angsty but the sound was fresh at the time, until it's popularity was shitting all over itself.

Other albums were shit, idk, didn't listen to them because they suck. But what he did for a living is unimportant, It's a human bean, who lost his life, which is always a bummer especially when it's suicide.

So watevs, soft RIP. Also check em.

OP needs to post picture of himself w timestamp for science

Yes, of course success is only about dollars made. There are much better musicians who are much less successful.

Are you so emotionally involved with everyone that hangs themselves? I call bullshit on your empathy.

In answer to your question, yes. Because it is built into human psyche to mourn a loss that someone else has experienced. Empathy is not the exception, it's the rule to some extent.

> I call bullshit

Based on what?


This is why creative originality is dead and why linkin park was an integral part of that problem. Made to sell, not made to be musically good.


'Cause you're full shit --- either a faggy white knight or clearly a fan who cant take the fact that most people aren't sympthetic or empathetic to his suicide. Most people dont care. Suicide will happen. Life isn't that important nor is it sacred.

Failed? How many albums have you sold? How many people are going to come post on 4 Chan when you decide your shit life isn't worth living anymore.

I'm willing to work with you here user. You've got to give me something to work with. You're making wild accusations. People do this when they know they are wrong or are desperate to validate themselves or gain acceptance

I'm not a fan of the music. I am most likely what you describe as a "faggy white night", because I definately take exception with the idea that it's ok to harm others "for the lulz."

If you have a point to make, I need to you be a bit more coherent and make it.

As an aside. You are wrong in that "most people don't care" While the majority of people aren't going to lose sleep over a celebrity death, most people WILL feel empathy for the person's loved ones.

I'm sorry that you feel the way you do. However, until you can create life, or give it back to someone, it is important, it is sacred, and it is precious.

>In the end crawling in my skin breaking the habit

Yeah all artists and singers are liars.

Chester and Linkin Park are sellouts, which explains why they keep changing their genre. They were willing to do anything to live up to Hybrid Theory, even please the studio executive, hand rubbing jews under their desks.

this guy made more money in a year then you would in a life time OP, so who is the gigantic faggot now?

Only because he sucked some rich, oyveyer's cock.


>who wouldnt want to suicide looking like this gigantic faggot? i sure would, i would feel ashamed of being a failed garbage gay ass musician

If Sharjah Ruler didn't force this guy freemason parents to allow him to molest and record a video...

nvm.. this shit is fucked up. All because Mohammed (Akadawa) needed child porn to double his energy.

Am happy I made Mohammed Bin Sultan plans fail, don't care as long as I halted his final plans, you never get away with raping Dubai Ruler daughter when she was in the 6th grade.

Big no, I don't allow it. My morals would never allow it. Explains the total madness of Aussies and this cursed devil, I mean akadawa, i mean Satan. whatever fancy name he wants to pick for himself.

>People do this when they know they are wrong or are desperate to validate themselves or gain acceptance.

Thanks Dr. Phil

Nothing is sacred, your life is no more important than that inert rock you kicked down the road. Life isn't sacred, it's just a ride. Stop being "sad" for people that are dead.

You sound like an idiot that just knows big words.

That's cool.

Why are you trying to find empathy in Sup Forums of all places?


Stay strong, user

I'm sorry you feel that way. I truly am. I have a son and a sister that feel differently. By definition that makes your argument a fallacy.

I miss his drag phase... :'(


Super deep bruh

top kek

You're right. I'll say it right now: ROBIN WILLIAMS WAS A FAG. ONE OF THE BIGGEST EVER!!!

One of you responded with an irrelevant meme. Another used the word, bruh. Another used the term kek.

Poor kid is gonna grow up with a huge closeted faggot for a dad.... kid is never gonna find out what it's like to have a non faggot dad to look up to

Boy you sure showed me.

I'm not him, but why do people use the phrase "closet fag"? Should somebody gay or, for that matter, straight just walk up and talk about who they fuck?

e d g y
