>They communicate with aliens using math
Yeah, sure...
>They communicate with aliens using math
Yeah, sure...
Confirmed plebeian.
Math is a universal language retard,
How do we know? How do we know we haven't gotten something wrong and aliens know the right way?
Humans invented mathematics dipshits
>they hack the Aliens' ship using a normal computer
What if certain numbers are threatening to the aliens? How do we know?
the only way this could be true is if you travelled the entire universe to confirm
How do you say "hello" in math?
Read a fucking book sometimes. Here's a simplified version in case any of you faggots stumble into E.T and don't want to get laser blasted because you were mistaken for non-intelligent life.
>pic related
>Math is a universal language
>still believing this meme
Not reading your pop science Reddit picture
You're welcome. You're now a little less stupid.
That's literally what it is though. Pop science garbage
citation needed
we live in a simulation too right? kek
Look, you fucking morons
Maths isn't a language, we're not ever going to communicate with maths or anything like that. The idea is that mathematics and the physical sciences give us a common ground to work with.
When you first run in to another language you use common objects to learn words and shit. Like this is an apple, apple in french is pomme, etc. shit like that.
But with aliens this common ground is non-existent, an alien planet isn't going to have a fucking apple on it, an alien isn't even necessarily going to have really obvious shit like fingers or eyes or a brain as we recognise them. So instead we use maths to facilitate the conversation. Like "oh, you use this symbol to refer to pi? We use this symbol, does your symbol have an additional meaning like ours does?" And so on. It's not going to be done by scientists or any of that shit, it's going to be done by linguists USING science as a backdrop.
You're LITERALLY so new here you don't know to use the abbreviation "tl;dr"...fucking.cancer.leave.reeeeeeeee
What level are you on right now, buddy?
all Fucking c/lit/orists should be fucking hanged
How does that say hello or communicate at all?
Just shows them you can count to ten
How do we know aliens are religious fanatics who view certain numbers or formulas as evil?
What do you consider communication nigger?
It's literally any common ground of higher thought.
Remember that time your dog drew a right triangle in the dirt? Oh yea you don't because it never fucking happened.
Sup Forums Gold...I bet you're still entry level.
IF a religiously fanatic alien race was even able to become advanced enough to travel the distance required to meet us, the chance their ONE fucking hangup would be a series of numbers that spooks them out is astronomical.
>they communicate with aliens using drugs
yeah, sure
my cat can count to 5 and regularly paints the walls with the blood of mice and snakes
>can count to five
Those are rookie numbers. You need to rack those numbers up.
i already
>They communicate with aliens
I'd let my guns do the talking
What if the send us 666
First we need some good coke.
Yeah exactly, he needs to get up to 8
Well we still have racism, sexism and islamophobia, so we surely didn't get it right
You don't "invent" mathematical theorems, you discover them, dipshit.
Maths is just the language of logic isn't it? How do you know aliens even use the same logic?
>someone wrote all this garbage, just to justify his power fantasy where he gets to bang any chick he wants
wew lad
What if they come from a different universe where this world's logic does not hold entirely true? What then?
Then they couldn't exist in our universe.
>after 20 years of trying to get the aliens to understand that you're using base 10 and binary with linear scales, not base 26 with logarithmic scales, the former of which they find absolutely retarded and useless for counting the multiplcation rate of lesser quorkabels
>you find out that they don't actually have a fully developed sense of logic
>they came here on a generational ship, using telescopes to aim for the brightest dots
>Earthlings, unless you provide a dozen males to be our sex slaves for reproduction for the rest of their lives, we will blow up your planet!
Would you volunteer to be such sacrifice?
are they hot aliens
will they like me
Depends what the aliens look like.
islamophobia will bring more arabs freedom than any other ideology. islamophobia is a great thing
Beauty is relative
They will fuck you even if they don't like you
They are oppai lolis
will i get the succ or just give it
do i fuck alien babes too
can i have cigarettes on the space ship
I'll take the bullet.
If we were ever contacted an alien species locally -- aliens able construct a means to travel such a vast distance to meet us -- You could pretty much assume they had far more advanced understanding of the abstract concepts which describe reality. We use mathematics, physics, sciences, ect, ect to investigate and communicate the same concepts to each other and they of course might use something else, but nevertheless, the underlying concepts remain universal and thus we share a common ground, albeit at different levels. If i remember correctly, for us, it began with geometry and if they traveled by some form of space craft, they must understand geometry too. Geometry applies to just about everything, chiefly of which language, the use of common shapes and symbols to communicate ideas. So from this, these aliens and us could perhaps construct a temporary nascent language out of geometric patterns to converse with each other. I'm just speculating of course.
fucking nerds lmao
>being this retarded
Glad I'm not you.
The first communication will be something binary, like a blinking light. There's no way to reasonably communicate language through that way initially but obviously you can send numbers. Sending something universally recognisable like the first 8 digits of pi on a loop sends the message that we exist and we have intelligence.
Communication will still take years depending on how many light years they are away
Ask for their fax machine and transport myself to a timeline where I have a gf
What if our universe can't exist with them?
>>They communicate with aliens using cucking