Delta And The Bannermen edition
Ded again
Delta And The Bannermen edition
Ded again
So is this story actually good or?
For some reason, that issue of DWM with the series 24 survey always stood out to me with the cover blurb "did don do well?"
What's the best way to get into Doctor Who? I saw an episode with David Tennant and liked it. But if i just jump in at the beginning of that season will I be missing out?
>will I be missing out?
Not really but I guess it depends which season it is. Eccles and S1 is decent, would be better to start back then.
do you still remember which episode you watched? Just continue from there, you'll get the general gist eventually.
Series 5 is a good jumping in point. (New Doctor and companions).
Or series 8, again a new Doctor.
Then go back and watch older seasons as and when you're in the mood.
If you liked Tennant then you can start at the beginning of the modern show with series 1. 13 episodes before Tennant shows up but the first season does a good job of introducing a lot of important concepts of the series and there's world building that continues with David Tennant's Doctor.
>series 8 is a good starting point
Go watch Deep Breath again and realise how retarded you are
I like that episode but I agree it's a terrible place for a new watcher to begin.
>#MichelleGomez on #PearlMackie: god help her. Missy is coming for her apparently #DoctorWho #FanExpoCan
>I liked a Tennant episode, where should I start?
>How about starting after Tennant left
Adam wrecks again
Oh of course, it's a good episode, but a shit episode for a new person. Old companion referring fairly major things from past, crime fighting crew of new girl, lizard and potato that they've never seen before but apparently should have, and this random woman at the end. Am I meant to know who she is? Also the Fires of Pompeii reference.
Hello /who/, I have a storytime to finish from last week.
You can find the first story in the arc, "Voyager", here:
Today, we'll be doing "Polly the Glot" and "Once Upon a Time Lord".
Reminder that Moffat thinks electric guitars, fish tasks and marbles are the height of modernity and that kids still use Bebo and MySpace.
The poo and the poo with the poo go poo poo
If one poo too many one poo too few
Previously: A Time Lord named Astrolabius stole some star charts from a mysterious being known as Voyager. Voyager has tasked the Doctor with getting his property back for him.
In case you were wondering, Asimoff previously met the Fourth Doctor in "The Free-Fall Warriors".
nice. i enjoyed this last time. thanks, user
That's it for now. I'll be back in a few minutes for the final story.
And here we go.
You might be getting Mind Robber vibes from this.
And just when you thought things couldn't get any weirder...
And now, for the conclusion.
And that's the end. I hope you enjoyed it.
If nothing else, I've kept /who/ alive for another hour.
>it's a good episode, but a shit episode for a new person.
Recommend an episode from years ago, and the new person might feel the amount of time needed to 'catch up' is too daunting.
Recommend one too recent, and he/she may need some additional 'background' info to understand what's going on.
Catch 22.
Thanks for posting these.
True. But if you're getting into basically any not new show you'll have a fair amount of catching up to do.
>What's the best way to get into Doctor Who?
Is the rumor true that the next Xmas special has a 'Clara echo' as guest companion?
First, Jenna Coleman is busy
Second, it would make no sense, although it's not really an argument when Moffat is in charge of his own plot devices.
No. It's a new companion from the future played by Fleur East and Missy features in it, apparently posing as Santa. Announcement is tomorrow.
This is a bad meme and you should feel bad.
I know a few people that started watching when Day of the Doctor was first broadcast, and caught up fast.
However, they kinda knew enough about the show at that point to 'jump in' anyway. And pretty much everyone knows what a TARDIS is, even if they've not watched the show before.
Series 5 is fine I think. It still feels pretty modern and Eleventh Hour does a good job at hooking people into the show. Then you only have 4 series to watch and catch up.
No, the companion for the Christmas Special is Nardole.
And the story will explain how he got his body back.
The ice warriors are the villains.
It's silly fun so of course /who/ hates it.
This is the most likely, and the most predictable.
poor meme
Great story. Season 24 is really the earliest season to bear any resemblance to the tonal/imaginative mix of the best in NuWho.
No but her feet are rumoured to cameo in the finale.
I want to say season 17 has some of the precursors for NuWho (companion who isn't a subordinate to the Doctor and occasionally has some romantic moments with him, more comedic tone, etc.), but the McCoy era does feel like a blueprint of sorts for how the modern show would work.
I had a dream the other night where, within the dream, I had a dream about a really cool Doctor Who story with the Fourth Doctor and Romana, events out of sequence, time loops and a self-sacrificing villain. I woke up (into another dream) and immediately started writing it down in order to remember it so I could submit it to Shit Trips, but then I woke up AGAIN and couldn't be bothered writing all that shit again so just went back to sleep.
It's horrible. Watching Paradise Towers and this back-to-back nearly made me give up on McCoy.
While I do think that with some of the interaction they're trying for that, yes, other elements, notably the kinds of aliens encountered, and the emotional stuff, do seem to originate with McCoy.
Future Showrunner coming through:
... I say 'the emotional stuff', but that's a whole way of looking at the world really, an idea of what Doctor Who should be.
Give me the rundown, is he an idiot or not?
>Captain America Civil War t-shirt
stopped right there
>I would put The Doctor through a consider amount of torture, but I would really want to see what it would take to see The Doctor snap
>literally ripping off Heaven Sent and Hell Bent
That's almost identical to the official synopsis of Hell Bent
It would've been interesting to see what the girl from this would have been like as the new companion.
He doesn't like Moffat too. Hilarious.
>literally ripping off The Ninth Doctor with his Doctor idea
Why is Jenna Coleman so pretty?
Good genes and didn't get fat.
>i'm going to be terribly realistic about it
>wants to exile earth
>thinks he can somehow get the budget for an alien planet every episode
That was definitely being taken into consideration.
Why are you so lewd?
It honestly amazes me how pretty she is. I'm gay af yet Jenna has something so unique that just makes me wanna be inside her.
I feel like 10 when he was going to regenerate or 11 when he was going to meet the Daleks in Time of the Doctor ;_;
Hold me /who/ ;_;
everything's gonna be okay, user
i got you
Why do you stalk the Class cast, Josh?
for the lulz