How do you get muslims out of your country once they've gotten in and even become powerful enough to elect their own mayor?
How do you get muslims out of your country once they've gotten in and even become powerful enough to elect their own...
you don't
Hitler appreciated Islam though but I get what you're saying genocide them.
Civil war
If Hitler was around today he'd be dealing with Islam as he did with Judaism.
Appreciated it because he never really saw first hand. If he had even a small population of muslims in germany he would have definantly lumped them in with the jews and gays.
*indistinct accordion music plays in far distance*
they will get themselves out after they become infected with individualist western secular values.
internet and waltmart basically will do the job
Import white people (from Poland or eastern Europe) into their communities until they're only 10%. These eastern Europeans will try to act as British as possible, because why not they're in Britain, then the Muslims will follow suit. The issue is their communities are extremely insular and therefore don't receive much challenge to radicalisation.
You have to rise up and kill them
Like cockroaches
In all honesty Sadiq has been pretty cool
Wants better transport, cleaner air.
Not complaining with that.
You and your whole family will see the end of the rope when the day arrives
You corrupt their youth with porn, drugs, television, alcohol, victim complex's and run of the mill degeneracy.
t. Elders of Zion
Soon your women will be wearing burkas you idiot
Man you are weak
Cut cock doesn't taste that bad I guess.
Deport the invaders.
Hang the traitors.
>This is what liberals actually believe.
The just use the Internet to join Isis and spread their toxic ideology.
He said moderate Muslims are uncle Toms. You're falling for Taqiya
fucking this. However, some of the more extreme mudshits are more susceptible to comitting terror attacks due to them comsuming this degenerate media. This works by the imam telling these degenerates that they can be atoned for their sins to Allah by dying for him, such as blowing yourself up in an airport or going off to Syria to fight the Holy War.
Kind of a double-edged sword i'm afraid.
underground society
Do exactly as they did to christians in their countries.
All Muslims want one thing: the destruction of the infidel. They pray 5 times a day for it.
Sadiq is Taqiya incarnate. Don't fall for his lies.
Fight fire with fire.
He argued against removing the veil.
Seriously lad, are you thick or just a Londoner?
Dhimmi or Actual Muslim?
They could try making peace talks/covenants, but you should never fall for those.
Random sniper attacks, arson, flash mob destruction of businesses.
By accepting them into your homes, and marrying them into your families through your daughters, only will you remove them from your nation, by removing the Muslim out of them.
Sadiq isn't the problem as much as the empowerment that Islamists will feel due to his election. Though to be fair Sadiq has said some deplorable things concerning free speech, Israel, etc.
Literal cuckling.
Sadiq also wants affordable housing. Do you think any of that is going to happen?? Only pakis voted for this guy, that should tell you how many there are that he got more votes than Goldsmith. London blew their annual emmisions target level by February alone this year. There wont be any of what he's proposing. Hes a fucking terrorist sympathiser and London is going to be dividied into rich white and paki ghetto. No white middle or working class.