Will he win reelection?
Will he win reelection?
Better question is will he ever get caught? Show is pretty predictable.
>start a monumental shift in american domestic policy, possibly the biggest since WW2
>barely even mention it in the next season
His wife will betray him in order to become president herself
His wife will win
>implying you wouldnt rather see him climb back to the top again
Season 1 was the best season
Season 2 was pretty good.
The look on Frank's face when he burns the letter was amazing
I still want to see him start ww3.
The writers should go all out, that would be the real rejuvenating horrific twist to his reign of power.
Did you even watch the uk show?
duh. fronk dies.
what happens in the uk show?
It's pretty unrealistic that none of the people that had dirt on him never went to Fox News or any other right-wing media source.
Like that one reporter that knew that Frank had killed his waifu, and ended up arrested for stupidly trying to break into the NSA because his newspaper didn't believe him. He could of just told Glenn Beck, Limbaugh, O'Reilly, Matt Drudge or whoever about it and let the right-wing echo chamber do the rest.
The (seemingly) complete shift in Clare's character, making her a power-mad bitch, really entitled me. Not saying she wasn't power-hungry previously but all of a sudden she's become massively entitlement (and stupid with it). It was just jarring.
It really entitled you? What?
it was just the makers of the show trolling feminists. she's set up as a legitimately strong and pragmatic business partner of frank that has a tremendous amount of self direction and independence.
and as the show progresses she just becomes a powerless nagging bitch that fucks things up. she goes on to beg frank for scraps that not only did she not help earn, but she actively worked to fuck up
isn't there like two weeks until election in the show? how could they come back that quick?
the show is trash
but at least season 4 was fun trash
>really entitled me
>she's become massive entitlement
What the fuck are you saying, tumblr?
when is the next season?
his reign is set to go out with a whimper due to some shoddy work he does domestically and in Cyprus and his wife has him assassinated before any permanent damage is done to his legacy.
Wife sounds pretty fuggin alpha.
I don't have anything to add to this except that I hope Thomas Yates gets hit by 50 trucks
Yes, she's perfect, doesn't cheat on Francis, and is not a major character.
UK show is better in this regard.
That really triggered me. Still watched the show for Spacey though.
Why? He's great.
this show is only interesting til the first episode of season2
no more
He will rig it