Come on people, give WP a chance!
WP World Peace WP
damn how she so thicc
I hope your racist show goes off the air and aonyone you ever talked about it to hates you for the racist you are.
We are taking power, make no mistake. We are the future of Western Civilisation. Without us the West is doomed to be veritably overrun by mudscum who will out-breed you and rape your women. But you still want to be nice and liberal and worship equality and stupid Marxist shit like that.
Did this person not realize Sam cancelled the contest?
I really don't find the show funny. I think their jokes are bad
>thinking Sam actually cancelled the contest
>thinking in materialist terms and only wanting to participate in the contest if $2000 are on the line
good goy
It's just not funny though. I gave it a shot but there's just nothing funny about it.
You're literally going to jail
Haha. You think you can scare people by stupid threats like that?
this video must trigger so many people.
i kinda like it
isnt it funy how this clown actually calls himself "alt right".
but no single organization hillary called the "alt right" is willing to take up the name. not breitbart. not alex jones. they all say it is made up by the left.
and this clown is right after the eric andre show
really makes you think.........
the alt-right isn't real and anyone who thinks otherwise is either an edgy 15-year-old posting on trump's subreddit or a literal autist.
>user: dannyboytbh
mde is either going to get cancelled, or catapulted to success. it will be interesting to see what happens. i would like to see more of charlie's political insights, to be honest, fama shiggity.
Reminder that this is your hero.
shes hot as fuck
The Jews are counting on its success. Controversy sells (which is why they approved Sam's shitty show in a graveyard slot in the first place) and Sam Hyde is so unfunny and physically disgusting that he makes the "alt right" look bad. It's win-win.
Sam never called himself "alt right"
Its actually right in the middle
you're probably somewhat correct. it's unfortunate, because some of Charlie's rants will be considered to be comedy by most people. at least, they have a venue. what a fucking game, though.
I watched 4 episodes on youtube and thought it was surprisingly funny. Now I feel bad I didn't watch it on tv and boost the ratings or however tv works.
Oh look. It's a jew-like shill unironically shilling a supposedly anti-Jew show on an anime forum for weebs.
This is a Bhutanese fresco painting forum