What was I supposed to walk away with after watching this?
What was I supposed to walk away with after watching this?
I dunno. What DID you walk away thinking?
That Marlon Brando almost singlehandedly ruined the movie
The word fuck is obscene.
War is apparently bad.
don't fight a war if you're not prepared to do what it takes to win it.
a taste for the doors
a nostalgia for vietnam
the comfy feeling that is enjoying war from a safe distance, like the sound of rain on your windows
You need to be a bit fucked up to thrive.
same feeling you get from those disney boat rides - it's a small world, pirates of the Caribbean - but on a much grander scale
every one of them is a very unique experience though.
this is specifically the vietnam feels edition.
dat suffering, user
This. Movie built up to this point.
it aint me
an it ain't me vinyl
That fighting in Vietnam would have been comfy as fuck
r u avin a giggle m8
watch Aguire the wrath of god instead. you'll get the proper feeling.
Coppola pretty much lifted it entirely, you know that shot of the Laotian tribals shooting arrows accross the water towards the boat, that exact shot was used in Aguire
The horror
The horror...
Shut the fuck up, he made it.
>We train our boys to drop fire on living people but wont let them write "FUCK" on the side of the airplane because it's OBSCENE!
That you just wasted your time on an incredibly overrated movie
If you cut out the frog plantation scene then the REDUX is a solid 10/10 kino
There will be time when you are old enough to understand what the horror refers to. It's not today it seems.
Try again in 10 years.
This is obviously it.
I don't know how the fuck people walk away confused by its message. Sure, it has other themes intertwined as well but this is BY FAR the most obvious, and it's not even that complicated.
Don't be a fucking pussy in war, because your enemy won't be.
isn't the point of redux to have the plantation
Gtfo pleb, that scene is essential, shows the break down of the individual.
We did not fight the enemy, we fought ourselves.
>shows the break down of the individual
which is already shown in other scenes that don't break the narrative
nah, maybe you're thinking of renoir
Ever seen hearts of darkness? Way better than apocalypse now.
it ain't me
>seen heart of darkness
I'm living it m8