Why did they make Giant Man so slow and clumsy? Looks retarded as fuck.
Why did they make Giant Man so slow and clumsy? Looks retarded as fuck
Because it's a movie for children.
Stop making Civil War threads.
Everyone else saw the movie months ago and has already discussed it. Just because you're an aspie shut-in who has to wait for rips because you don't want to leave your basement doesn't mean that the rest of us should have to deal with this flood of pure, autism-fueled posts about the movie.
This. Just stop with it. Figure it out on your own.
Marvelkeks don't want their movie to be criticized.Blu-ray is out fags that's why people are discussing your shit movie.Consider suicide.
Why did they even have a hard time with him and how would he keep them from catching Captain America? They could just shoot at him from a distance instead of going in close or ignore him and fly off to the side straight to Captain America and there's nothing he could do to stop them because he's so slow
Why didn't Captain America and Bucky just fly the Eagles to Antarctica?
Yeah, like anyone here actually got the blu-ray.
You just waited to pirate the movie because you're too fat to fit in theater seats and going outside among the normies makes you sweat through your shirts.
Because a giant man is not automatically faster, he still is influenced by earths gravity and can only move with the same speed as before, it looks slower due to his hight
Because apparently when you're big you get super fucking slow.
It's the first time he's gone giANT out in the field. Did you forget the training montage in Ant-Man where he was just getting used to the shrinking abilities? Now imagine that but being fucking huge. God, I'd expect this type of not understanding things from dumbasses who didn't understand BvS, but when you make stupid reaches like this for a movie like CW then truly all hope is lost on you.
>get really small
>have the same power as a normal man but keep same number of atoms so a much smaller surface area with same mass causing large forces of impact
>get really big
>somehow have even greater power to rip off a wing from a plane even though the logic behind it would result in atoms ridiculously spread out
Shouldn't he just float away like a plastic bag as GiantMan?
>threads talking shit about how much BvS gets talked about and no one talks about Civil War
>now threads made about Civil War all the time and no one cares about BvS
Time to pay the piper.
They didn't want to kill him.
You can't shoot at him, he has a shield.
Arrow was also long range.
Witch could fight off long range.
Try again.
Preach senpai
Shouldn't he crush the ants he tries to ride?
Gee, it's almost like the physics of Ant-Man make no fucking sense!
yeah lets just bin the logic behind it completely and start making him fly?
Because he has a ton more air resistance against every movement now.
If that were true, he could run about 200 miles per hour. His movements were obviously slowed down for no fucking reason other than they thought it would play on camera to retarded 14 year olds.
The bigger something is the more wind resistance and air pressure effect it, that's why land animals can only get so big and why skyscrapers would fucking blow over if they weren't anchored on and given a little sway in their design.