>We must do everything we can to preserve the white race!
>I refuse to get married and having children in this society!
Reconcile this, nerds.
We must do everything we can to preserve the white race!
Other urls found in this thread:
The white race deserves to die because they are weak, self-centered, apathetic, self-destructive idiots.
I will not waste my life for such a disgusting parasite of a race.
You see my dear weeb, why would we get married when women just does not worth it?
I mean, If you find your special unicorn go for it and have as much babies as you want, but the average women at least in your country (and soon to be in my shit hole) doesn't worth the risk nor the rewards, because there are none with them!:
Well, first of all, white replacement rates don't matter much when you're importing foreigners at a breakneck pace.
Secondly, most of the people arguing for white preservation, aren't the ones vehemently arguing against marriage.
Finally, even ideologically driven people have priorities. "Marry and reproduce at all costs," is a horrible idea with women and marriage being as they are, even if an individual wants to preserve their race.
There's literally nothing wrong with a racially conscious person not marrying the first whore to open her legs.
>Ex-yugo naziboo diaspora
If all the society does is taint white children and suggest that they hate themselves and destroy themselves it would be wise to change the society, then have children. If not, you're breeding your own extinction.
t. Hitler
I'm not an Ameridivorcee or Britmuslim so there's still a chance for the white race here.
Because its not like girls are throwing themselves at us or anything. We don't really have a choice.
I'm actually torn on this issue. I'd love to try to make a shitload of little white children to fight the good fight, but I also feel like the war is already lost and wouldn't my child to bear witness to the horrors of the end of the white race.
Also, I'm a disgusting beta male who probably doesn't even have the option to reproduce so I guess option B it is.
Pray, tell us who is the host then? Who's grand civilization do we consume the fruits of as parasites who, if dead we could not survive on without?
So many betas in this thread.
Y'all need to turn off Sup Forums and start saving the white race, one day at a time.
Everyone white man should have at least 3 children. If you don't you might as well just join the left and hurry the downfall.
I will but I gotta earn money and a future first. I'm only 20.
I want 4 or more kids tho
Nice one Achmed, how's German life treating you?
Why are anime girls so cute
>Everyone has the same exact opinion on this huge image board filled with thousands of people
lurk more
I love my children too much to bring them into this world.
We should preserve it but I do understand how it's made to very risky for a mans standpoint.
Western women are brainwashed to be liberated whorish career women. And going into marriage while half of them end in a divorce rape situation is pretty fucked.
So we need a civil war
I'm socially retarded.
Having children right now just kicks the can down the road. The system has so much influence over them that they're near guaranteed to end up opposing your ideals, and instead embracing degeneracy.
Fix the system first, then have children, or those children will only fight against you.
I think I'll bide my time until this:
I don't have to be married to your wife or sister when i impregnate them with my thick white seed, cuck.
I bought an engagement ring today.
>falling for the ring jew
Get a life, you faggots.
As a person, I would recommend that white people fix their shit first; but as a flip, I recommend you motherfuckers fix your shit fast because China gotta come take our muds.
Nice blog, you sad sack of pathetic desperation.
this is such a true thing.
how the fuck do we fix the system.
There is a natural population growth of native people here.
The next generation is in danger of being subjugated by an increasingly powerful fifth column though.
>this comes from the guy who has to show everyone else what kind of shitty escapism he's waiting for
>need to blog on this on fucking Sup Forums
>We must do everything we can to preserve the white race!
>I refuse to leave my mother's basement and socialize with other people!
Were moving into a designer baby era.
No one is going to want a niglet or a copy of themselves with shitskin.
>~30% minimum income tax + 8% sales tax for food + 22% sales tax in everything else
>taxes for owning a house, a car, for using government monopoly money (inflation tax).
>Government estimated to take ~50% of your yearly income through all these taxes.
>"Why u not have kids? its so easy lmao! Just go to the government and ask for handouts!"
>(even though these handouts are primarily intended for immigrants and you'd have a bad time if you tried to get them)
>"Education? Just send them to the government ""multi""cultural indoctrination camps where they will be beaten by shitskin kids!"
>"By the way, the no-incentive, state-sanctioned marriage is a trap and the feminist establishment and media will encourage your wife to leave you as soon as she gets bored of her life."
>"Single motherhood is fantastic and just as valid! Why don't you want your kids to grow up separated from you while you are forced to pay her support and the mother half-assedly takes all the important decisions?"
Just a reminder that a man does not glorify with a diamond other men's leftovers.
I hope that in a few years when you regret thinking with your dick instead of your head you remember this post and blame yourself for having been so stupid.
the risks aren't worth the rewards
it is just as simple as that
I want to marry my girlfriend and have children with her though.
>I refuse to get married and having children in this society!
I refuse to get married because there is no benefit for men anymore and women hold all the power plus modern women make terrible mothers and housewives
Life isn't anime. Real women fucking suck in literally every way, they're not beneficial in any way, neither are children, but rather, they're detrimental in every way, and to top it all off, they age like a bag of fucking milk in the sun.
What if I tore my hymen with vigorous masturbation?
get ready for the economy to start to crumble
Get real assets pic related hell get a bitcoin if you can wait 5-8 years
Get storable food and water Rice and beans are cheap and easy to stock |
get seeds to garden also potatoes and garlic
If you do that you can basically pick a quality young piece of tail when the collapse happens and have a nice little family
I plan to get married, spawn one kid and adopt an actual american orphan of the opposite gender as my spawn. I will then indoctrinate them with my views and values because my memes are more important to pass down than my genes.
The question is how to find a cute white or asian girl who has a good relation with her parents still because thats a pretty good sign of a girl I can spend my life with.
im too much of a loser to get a gf so i blame jews
The benefit is that it pleases allah
I'm too delusional to marry a woman
Holy shit first time in Sup Forums since 2013 why are there so many tripfags here
has summer started a month early?
It's really hard to reconcile.
On one hand, I want to preserve the white race
On the other hand, women are fucking shit and will completely fuck you over, divorce you, and take away your property and your children.
Either way you lose, but it's about how you want to lose.
Personally, I reconcile it by recognizing that there are decent women out there somewhere. I plan on one day getting married and having children, but my standards are relatively high and I don't want some feminist former slut who's just a walking red flag.
>or asian girl
I'm married with 3 kids and own guns and my own home.
Get on my level neets. Also wtf is this pol some of you saying you want 1 or 2 kids.
3 is the minimum.
Its two different people you moron.
Orphans are most likely of lesser genetic stock. That is, in a roundabout way, why they are orphans.
Im looking to adopt a real orphan, ie a kid whos parents are dead, not some foreign shit stain or a feminists get out of jail free baby
Here are my reasons not to breed.
- Manlet
- Gyno
- Major social anxiety / shutin / NEET
- Applying to 40 jobs a week and can't find job.
- 2d women are so beautiful
- 2d will never hurt me or cause me pain
I think that's all that comes to mind at the minute.
Why adopt at all? Why not just have a second child yourself?
And are you even able to get that sort of info from the adoption agency? "Hello, yes, I'd like to adopt a baby. None of those mistake babies though, don't want them. Parents need to be dead. "
Poor holland going to shit skin mix in
Or the Muslims in the south west?
If it's the latter then let them take em
But I am getting children.
They will be mixed race though :^)
Germany everybody.
You can generally request info on the parents because their future claims to the child matter.
And I want to help a child that genuinely needs parents
We don't have to have children if we genocide/enslave non-whites, steal all their wealth and resources and put all the money into immortality research.
>western women are slutty whores
>I don't want to expose my kid to the brutalities of this world
>I only want a son; I could not handle raising a daughter in modern western culture. I would eventually resort to beating her and I'd go to prison
>financial issues - the economy is always uncertain
>I'm not going to get married and have kids just because people on Sup Forums angrily told me to just because I'm a male and you think I should be a disposable slave that toes the line
>women are hypergamous and HATE settling, they all feel entitled to a monogamous 10/10 Chad Thundercock, and I'm just average. women are so lonely these days because they all feel entitled to a perfect guy that does not exist
I'm not white. Checkmate
I should also add that western culture is very anti-male and anti-family now. There is no right conditions for one to start a family even if one wanted to.
Besides, women are encouraged, like I said, to only go for a 10/10 Chad Thundercock. They HATE settling, and western culture encourages women to be evil sluts that hate their boyfriends/husbands if they are not Chad. Our culture teaches women to be rotten and that's one big reason among many that the situation is irreversibly damaged.
I agree with both statements buy I'm a pooloo so there's no compartmentalisation.
>I refuse to get married and having children in this society!
False. I want to get married and having children. Except, 1. I'm in massive debt and unemployed, and 2. I'm single because my previous girlfriend ditched me even though I wanted to marry her and I even told her that.
Protip: Blame feminist women, not men.
wow, you are really willing to marry a 11 years old, because that's the only women who are still virgin.