What is your relationship with drugs (including pharmaceutical drugs)?
What would you like it to be?
Be honest.
What is your relationship with drugs (including pharmaceutical drugs)?
What would you like it to be?
Be honest.
none of them
the same as it is now
every single one of them
its the ultimate red pill
>every single one of them
Physically impossible
>godless heathen of a county is degenerate
colour me surprised
Love stims and psychedelics.
I try to avoid everything else unless for medical treatments, and then only use sparingly.
How can I hate drugs that light a fire under my ass?
I smoke weed and use mushrooms when i can, but i would do any drug as long as i know the effect if i want too, nor do i care what drugs you do
That picture looks like a great time desu....got me salivating. Please Jew man stop fighting for social justice and miscegenation just get our shitty politicians to legalize this shit. I'll be content then.
I don't take any, but it's likely that I'll be put on Adderall and SSRIs soon. I don't even give a fuck if they ruin my life, because it's already shitty.
6-8 percocets a day with a soma here and there.
Rarely ever use them. Some vitamin D capsules but otherwise that's it.
Done most of them, still do them occasionaly.
I smoked weed every day for 1.5 years, stopped doing that because I felt it started playing too big a role in my life.
Anything in moderation lads.
Dat drink
>vitamin D
whoa whoa calm down there rob ford
I really want to get in a good nod, but dying of respiratory depression scares me. I used to do CWE codeine a lot. good times.
Stimulants are great but the comedown isn't worth it, so I don't do them that often.
Legalize it
get lost with your corruption-infested shitcountry
my dick's bigger than yours
I like acid and shrooms.
also weed ofc.
Nice. Have a (You)
well, yeah.
as much as physically possible then.
don't even drink soda or coffee
i'd also rather endure and work through the pain than take pain pills
i'm about as straight edge as people can come
>no recreational drugs
>no alcohol
>no caffeine except for soda every once in a while
>no medicine unless absolutely necessary
I actually matured after high school.
used to be a benzo addict, and later a heavy coke user. now i occasionally use drugs, but mostly just drink now. I wish drugs weren't bad for your body because I enjoy doing most of them.
heroinfag here
currently in withdrawl
fuck your thread
I smoke weed all the time and experiment with psychadelics anytime I have the chance too. I have tried cocaine and toher stimulants but I don'treally like that kind of rush.
Cocaine just made me want to beat up niggers,
I have never taken any sort of illegal drug, any sort of pharmaceutical drug, drunk alcohol or smoked nicotine due to not being a degenerate/american.
Shrooms, weed, alcohol, adderalls, LSD, and of course nicotine.
Kinda wanted some speed but no one I buy from has that kinda shit.
Adderall is speed.
I got prescribed opiatics for my back pain, made cold turkey
What's heroin like?
I mean I wanted hard meth. Not the watered down pharmaceutical version.
if drugs can do this to me
You need more cocaine Sven.
I drink a couple times a month max, and the craziest I ever did was 2 long island ice teas and a shot. I have never used and banned drugs.
Actually, IV'd amphetamine will rock your world as hard as any meth. The two drugs are quite similar.
Krokodil does that to you. Don't do that one.
Do you "WOOO" like Rick Flair when it hits?
Wish I could actually enjoy Kratom like other people. I thought it was complete shit- and yes, I went through withdrawals from it as well. Overrated as fuck.
Well, I didn't.
I went "HOLY FUCK".
I do NOT recommend IV drug use at all, however. It almost always ends in catastrophe.
I'm on sleeping pills and I have two kinds. One I can take every day that just makes me drowsy at best and one "kicker" pill I can take to force adjustments. The second one is just amazing and I want to take it every day but I don't get that many and it supposedly would ruin the effect. My favourite thing now is on the weekend to stay up past when my body wants to go to sleep, take that pill and watch some shit movie in bed enjoying the "high" until I drop and sleep for 12 hours. Sadly this ruins my sleep schedule for the rest of the week. This isn't very strong stuff so I'd really want to try real pharmaceuticals.
Typical illegal drugs like weed and coke aren't interesting to me. The former because the effect is boring and the latter because I'm not interested in that kind of high.
Names of sleeping pills/active agents?
Smoke too much weed, don't do anything else really, bit of drinking. Want to get rid of the weed pretty much all together, the occasional vape for old times sake maybe.
Drugs are good for your soul
How the fuck do you withdrawal from something so weak
I take ephedrine during my cut. Considering trying a cycle of tren..
Otherwise coffee and the odd beer are all I need
Kratom does nothing for me except gives me the mental power to run 15km with ease
basically am a functional alcoholic. have a 9-5 that pays okay though and my bosses like me
it's like a hug from your waifu
smoke weed and do speed pretty often
take mdma and psychedelics occasionally
I like it the way it is desu
Like the most intense ASMR resonating throughout the whole body.
Only done morphine and codeine. But in enough quantities to get it.
Makes videogames amazing.
Smoked weed once as a teenager and found out it's a great medicine to quit bitching about women. I would never some regularly/for fun though. degenerate as fuck.
I drink because I'm a happy drunk but only with close friends.
I take dietary supplements cause I'm too poor/lazy to eat a decent diet.
>There are real life cuckolds on here that fall for the pharmaceutical Jew
get out weaklings
Used it daily I guess, till I ran out, chasing the opiate dragon, which I never found. Ive withdrawed off opiates before too, so I know all the tell tale symptoms and yes, it was as bad as any other medium to heavy opiate, except it maybe lasted only a few days.
Booze. Had to quit weed to look for a job. Watched Drinking to Oblivion last night kind of drove home that I need to sort my drinking out a bit. This is a shitty data harvesting thread, isn't it merchant?
Exactly. NOT something you should feel like doing on an opiate. Seriously, who wants to get super fucking hyper from taking an opiate? Just drink a few cups of coffee if thats the case.
A friend of mine is growing totally ornamental mushrooms right now and he told me that after 2 weeks his mycelium cakes have not produced fruit. Anyone here familiar with mycology willing to give my friend some advice?
>general manager
>only smoke pot
>few times a week only after work
>alcohol is degenerate unless family gathering/birthday
>coke once maybe twice a year
psychedelics are for teens and hippies
cigarettes are for the weak minded
pills are for the dependent
heroin is rich man/poor man
crack and meth you fucked up
I saved my nods for once or twice a week. Usually at least one for a 12 hour security shift.
Depends on how long they incubated after inoculation. Whether or not the mycelium had grown throughout the entire agar before trying to "fruit" the cakes
He had let them sit after 100% colonization for a week before birthing them. But apparently he's a moron who didn't think dunking was that crucial so he let them sit in the incubator for a week before dunking them.
Fuck the red pill
Take the orange pill if you follow me.
You look like you need more FAE
fresh air exchange
way too few holes on that FC
Caffeine - One to three cups a day because I love the taste, sugarfree energydrinks when partying
Alcohol - Occassional beer, wine and vodka for social gatherings and parties
Hashish - Once or twice a week
Marijuana - Very rare but might use when partying
Cocaine - Once or twice a month for special parties
I'd like to be able to purchase these drugs legally, I tend to stay away from individuals who use them more then me.
I smoke meth when i have too study for a big test. So far my Mexican dealer has been fair with me and doesnt sell me weak shit. I nigger tried to sell me meth once and it was just caffeine pills.
Water evaporating off the cakes triggers pinning(tiny shroom heads) so you want to mist and fan frequently
Does caffeine count?
Your spores are shit
enjoy your psychosis
At more than a gram a day I'd say.
Love weed, shrooms, and acid.
Really want to do DMT.
I only smoke weed right now and rarely do other drugs. Only drink alcohol when i smoke
Gibs me dat!
Assuming that the chamber has remained moist/humid and kept at the proper temperature(I think it depends on what strain it is) you should still get growth...make sure that there is oxygen present and keep it in a dark place.
That's not his chamber. Here is the current state. The discoloration is bruising not mold, has been checked using q-tip method .
Should mist be sprayed so that it lands onto the cakes or not?
Yeah there's no holes so they aren't getting oxygen. If its been 2 weeks since he started trying to fruit the cakes its probably too late. The mycelium needs gas exchange (GE) but in order to fruit it needs Fresh Air Exchange (FAE) which i can understand a new grower getting them confused
No other /frauds/ on Sup Forums?
Done and will do again
>growth hormone releasing peptides
Want to try
Done and will not do again
I take gabapentinoids for general anxiety disorder, if I had it my way I would be taking barbiturates but they won't give me benzodiazipines nevermind black beauties.
Nicotine - I like nicotine, but tobacco makes me sick. So I vape.
Caffeine - Love it, some form every day. Usually coffee. On days off and I have time to sit down and bang out some vidya is when i'll grab a soda or a rockstar.
Marijuana - I love it, wish I could do it more, but I don't wanna deal with the illegal side of shit and shiesty dealers.
I wont do anything harder than these because my mother was murdered over hard drugs and the money.
If I just want a small boost should I try and weasel some chest smearing T shit from a dotor or should I go straight for the illegal injections?