Wow... Really makes you think, huh?...
Wow... Really makes you think, huh?
obviously, OP hasn't tried Lutefisk
should be ashamed.
The slant gook is right. I'll never have this problem because German and American cuisines are so similar, and traditional European dishes are unbelievably delicious. No person of any race can deny the supremacy of Italian cuisine, or Goulash, or Pierogi, or Paella, I could go on for hours.
>White-American customers with bland-American taste buds
Nice Freudian slip
Indians literally eat fecal matter squished between 2 nan breads.
Now I wish I had savd that screencap about the Indians literally consuming cow excrement.
It's funny how incredibly racist the left has become in America. What started as anti-racism is today full on racism. Race must be tied into everything. Everyone must constantly be reminded of their race and what limitations and advantages it has. It's incredibly racist.
I don't think a single news paper in Denmark has used the term 'race' or 'whites' in years.
if you're white you shouldnt eat food you fucking racist
Soon simply breathing is going to be racist.
>you have no right to complain about my slurping noodles like a downie because it's not inappropriate in Asian culture
>white habits should be condemned because they make me feel uncomfortable
>I don't think a single news paper in Denmark has used the term 'race' or 'whites' in years.
A part of me thinks is on purpose.
But yeah, the left here is pretty retarded. We spent the last 20 years telling children they're the shit, and now everybody is surprised millennials have become so entitled.
>tfw over-seasoned and one-dimensional tasting food is all they have
And even then, European food is still better than that.
It's a fair point, too bad it's wrapped in a shell of seething neurosis and self-loathing
>eating like a pig in a society where it's not appropiate to eat like a pig is okay because it's okay where I come from
Then here's a hot tip: Go the fuck back to where you came from.
As a white guy who showed this to my Japanese girlfriend she laughed and said, "is that over if those leftists you tell me about".
Why is this nigger complaining about not being able to easily access foods that are both culturally and biologically foreign to the region he's living in? I can't get plantains on a regular basis either, but you don't here me bitching about it. Also, while we're on the subject, did the concept of supply and demand not occur to him? Maybe the reason the stores don't have goddamn 'chicharones' (a South American dish) is because nobody knows what the fuck they are.
well they just took out constitutional right to privacy and resisting self incrimination so you might be damn near right.
Have you ever come across an Asian guy while holding your Japanese gf?
If so, what are the reactions? Hatred? Despair?
they DO have chicharones tho
as a brown
it pisses me off how this faggot thinks he speaks for me
I remembered someone saying whites that don't like pic related are racist.
Thanks for reminding me to filter "really makes you think".
the left is 95% of racism produced today. They make everything about it and find it where there is none. I mean, take OP's post, does that chink forget that italian food is stereotypical? or how about german food? how about the fact that english food is so terrible?
I was a liberal 10 years ago, and I have not changed in my beliefs, but since they became so fascist and hateful, I feel like I align more with conservatives than with those sociopaths
I dont know mate, Indian and Mexican food is the shit. European dishes are nice, but i have a deep need for spicy food, and no one makes spicy as good as beaners and poo-in-the-loos
Because american left never got the class treatment that europeans got. Hear someone talking about class? Probobly a european leftist, hear something about race? Probobly american left