If you were given the power to remove one group of people from the Earth, who would it be?

If you were given the power to remove one group of people from the Earth, who would it be?


Right now I am leaning toward sand niggers, but you can make an argument for the other 2 pretty easily

Other urls found in this thread:


Russians who play mobas.

Sand nigger here, why the hate friendo?

Fundamental Abrahamic Religious


You do know that houses and cotton clothes were invented by "sand niggers" right?

That would be nice

But they weren't?

Not sure how you invent a house, but what do you have say....in the last 500 years?

Take your time


Sadly nothing since then.........

Sand niggers cause jews are also sand niggers and 2for1!

Haha this is so wrong kek

Black people didn't invent PB


Not Europeans.

Allahu Akbar

What is the Problem with Sand niggers ? The religion ?

Stupid sand nigger. How did you invent something that isn't fucking native to your continent!?

COTTON clothes, so not even clothes, just clothes made of a certain material, not really that great of an achievement

I just invented blue-peppermint-wrapper clothes

In 2040 the relative population of whites will be less than 50% in America . White women avoiding pregnancy stretch marks has taken care of this for me . I'll save my wish for something important .

It would be g hannelius

Fuck off g hannelius guy

Clothes are even older, duh. You forget about everything made of hides that even existed in prehistoric ages? The comic shows her with even more primitive clothing, so obviously modern clothes are pretty much cotton-based.

Or polyester/nylon

That's a gross misrepresentation of cultural appropriation, further proving how fucking retarded red-pills are

> Since the beginning of the 21st century, cotton has been used in about 39 percent of the world's fibers. While about 58 percent of fibers use synthetic materials, cotton is still the most used fiber among naturally produced, non-synthetic materials

Living in the United States it is difficult not to say regular niggers.

If they were all gone tomorrow, the U.S. would really be heaven.

I was gonna point that out, but the stereotype of polyester clothes is that they're horrible, and affordable especially for poor people.

white people, i can just wait 40 years tho

Same person as this post, forgot to clarify one thing.

Complaints of culture appropriation are obviously bullshit. Both people in the comic are obviously dumbasses

Race war now

just and true

Both? The guy obviously thinks it is also BS but is using her own argument against her

Amhurricans like you

No matter how great a foundation niggers are given, when they become the majority shit falls apart.
Not a better example than South Africa


Not bait, seriously

100% TRUE.

I'll take niggers over the delusional, self-righteous Philistines from the suburbs.

The guy's implication is that both houses and modern clothes were invented by whites, but obviously they weren't.

But if it's the girl who thought that, then yeah she's double as dumb

Prove it

>not bait
Even worse you dumb shit

I can speak Farsi, but anyone technically could. Then again why would anyone else learn it. Proof?

Modern houses were invented by whites, and not all modern clothes are made of cotton

For sure African, Arabs, Slavs, Indian, any Islamic Asians. Most Hispanic/Latin, save for the good people of those respective countries.


Post a pic of yourself with a timestamp

Only if you consider cement. Anything with stone or wood is basically a world-wide standard for houses. Hell obviously if we didn't have euro-standards for houses something like Asian standards is an easy enough replacement. And older middle-east houses prior to Greek still looked decent enough.

What I'm getting at is that we wouldn't be in huts still without white influence.

Jews. If you take them out of the equation, then the sand niggers will be able to swipe all their money and try to take control of the monkeys or kill them if they refuse to follow their religion.

You're killing three birds with one stone here.

He's just saying for her to keep to her own culture as she is to him.
It's not JUST white and JUST black here.

The point being, blacks didn't invent or in many cases even contribute to MANY things are are used in the modern day.
Whites however can easily say that they've been inventing and advancing things since they first got the idea in their heads to make life easier.

Blacks actively DESTROY modern inventions in places where blacks are the majority. This is a commonly known thing.

Whites have done the most for modern civilization. The Asian coming a close second. (Arabs apart from a brief golden age, nothing) Blacks ... Haha

>I'm a sand nigger btw

k hold up

Pic related

Read the comic again.

He said "stop appropriating stuff invented by WHITE culture" LITERALLY in the comic.

Yeah, she's a hypocrite if she appropriates any other non-black culture, but what I'm getting at is that the dreadlock guy is still wrong about it.

Cause they're still both wrong, again my point.

I'll give you that, but if we say the blacks don't get to appropriate any culture (because no one else would really help them) then they'd be like that

Well yeah, I don't disagree, but like I told the other poster, the guy said white culture.

Basically we all appropriate the most useful or convenient things from other cultures.

My real point is that complaints of culture appropriation is bullshit pretty much, but also that white-standards are not always the de-facto standard for modern inventions.


Tried my best to replicate that face ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
If you look next to the card on my arm, you'll see I have the sandnigger exclusive vaccination mark too

Seeing how only a few people are picking the Jews, really shows how horrible the other 2 really are.
I think niggers are the best option. You get rid of a whole worthless Continent, and many of those niggers are also muslim. Win/Win

you look like Andy Warski

Hah, I just looked him up. If I leave my hair to grow it actually will look like this eventually: i.ytimg.com/vi/Hbz1aOI2CJY/maxresdefault.jpg

I've never let it grow that much though

Well i'd say that's because a lot of the good important ones, perhaps most were invented by whites

> no spics
Thank for making us honorary aryans.

Jews. Always jews.

Id remove the people that let them have rights in the first place

Tell me, my dude. What are your thoughts on The Religion of Peace?

All of them




Actual picture of Muhammed taken in 601 A.D

Actually I take that back. The memes are dank

No...No...No...you fucking moron....
You kill the jews last....so they can see what coming to them

Sand niggers at least contributed to the world: things like algebra, astronomy, etc. It's only recently they've gone to shit.

Regular niggers have done shit. No one will miss them.

That is really the core of it. Back when they were more secular they put out great shit and contributed to the world. Religion is at least curable.

Niggardliness is not.

>letting them live so they can scheme you out of your world-saving scheme

Yes, we need to keep these logical thinkers alive

sandniggers are jews

this is what I don't get from Game of Thrones.. seven kingdoms with absolutely no niggers spics and arabs in them and they STILL couldn't be happy?

not all whites are pure Aryan. So there's plenty whites to get rid of when jews, niggers and spics are eradicated

remove the jews, power and money will still be concentrated somewhere
remove the sand niggers, regular niggers still destroy everything
remove the niggers, society flourishes, more than enough for everyone, sand niggers dealt with using bombs, which is super fun, and jews just keep on keeping the books and are a little less powerful due to us all not being distracted by gang crime and dindus.

Uhh I would remove racists that spread hate speech like this. You don't belong here.

"People of color". Easy.

0/10, too obvious

Yeah, that is the problems. Not niggers destroying shit and killing for their gangs or sand niggers killing in the name of Allah. It is the people who think badly of those things.

Keep walking nigger

Trannies and gay men

ALL conservatives. And I'd do it by lining them up and putting a cheap bullet in the back of their heads.

Conservatism is CANCER.

I hope AIDS will become more potent, and end this problem. If AIDS killed in a few weeks, it would not longer be called a disease, but the cure