Studio execs:
>hmm, who should we hire for the part of the strong, go-getting teen girl who will undoubtedly form a role model for all the teenage girls who watch the show?
>how about a healthy, happy, teen girl of sound mind?
>no, no, no! That won't do at all. I know; let's hire a mentally ill anorexic who looks like a sheet of latex stretched over a door handle!
>ah yes, very impressive, excellent choice sir I will see to it right away
Who thought this was a good idea?
Landwhale detected. Thought you fat cunts preached HAES?
It seems they like anorexic women in Hollywood.
Shit actress
Shit WW
Should have stayed in Israel
Nobody likes you OP
She's the perfect pick for the role she was given.
>wallflower at school
>'too cool for you and your friends' older sister
>part of the cool kids group because one of them is dating her
>attractive but not bitchy looking
>looks like she would be friends with someone like Barb in high school
>able to take a level in badass and confront monsters later on
She's everything you'd want in a likable horror movie protagonist, which is what the creators were going for with someone named after and based on the protagonist of the first Freddy movie.
She deleted her instagram after the show came out because she was getting abuse for her weight.
>mentally ill anorexic who looks like a sheet of latex stretched over a door handle!
Fucking women, crabs in a bucket the lot of them.
People like you are the reason she has an eating disorder. I hope you know that.
>tell a person they are too thin
>they react by becoming thinner
hmm yes I see of course it all makes sense now
>oh shit this anonymous person on a mongolian throat singing social network said I was too skinny
>better go puke up breakfast
Maybe it will balance out the landwhale epidemic and the average woman will be worth fucking again.
>we need to cast Wonderwoman
>Say no more, pham.
>the reason why she's anorexic is due to the fact that people find her anorexia off-putting
Makes sense
You're overthinking it. Stranger Things is a spooky show, what's more spooky than including a skeleton as part of the cast?
She's thin so what. I honestly think this is way better than being fat like the whole rest of the country including you is. It's not like suddenly every girl will now become anorexic because they saw a thin girl on television. They are still all fat, lazy and disgusting and the trend is very clear: It's getting worse. So fuck you, go look for real problems to complain about.
calm down
>not liking skelle girls
I don't care about how skinny she is. The real problem is her face, she has nice eyes but that fucking chin and her mouth area in general are really gross. Gaining weight wouldn't change that.
Actually someone posted a photo of fat nancy in another thread and the chin mouth area was pretty much fixed.
Holly is the patrician daughterfu
Kill yourself.
>that scene of her trying to swing a bat determinedly
It looked like her bones were breaking before our eyes
>hmm, who should we hire for the part of the skeleton monster?
>how about nancy dyer?
>actually let's make the monster less spooky
>alright nancy, i guess you can play the love interest of chad instead
>post with nancy's tits in it
They didn't look as bad in the first few episodes, but she looks a lot worse in the last ones.
Maybe they didn't know she's has anorexia
>who looks like a sheet of latex stretched over a door handle!
What website is this?
No one under 25 watches this. It's for adult nerds.
Also, bullshit. She's not that thin.
wondering this as well
she's from nashville and my brother knows her girlfriend. bonefu eats pussy.
You wouldn't believe the things fat can do for your face