Women are the downfall of civilization and society. How do we restrain women?
Women are the downfall of civilization and society. How do we restrain women?
Stop with pro equality propaganda, for instance
Don't let them vote
Strong religious morals.
>A Frenchwoman politician want Frenchmen and Frenchwomen to give birth to French babies
>Some crazed-feminist got triggered
>Open to Kikebook
>[OP's Image Related]
Why they want to make their own kind to extinction?
She's not even a natural blonde, degenerate race-mixing is hard-coded into her very genes.
That cant be real...
I partly agree with your reply but why don't people see that one can be had without the other? Religion has just been a vehicle for transmitting them.
Femen are a serious disease
Backed by Jew soros
>Facebook screenshot
>not real
I took it myself, I don't have the link anymore. This was 1 or 2 years ago though.
Daily remnder that FEMEN is funded by Soros
Have you ever met a truly moral atheist?
Wish these feminists would move to the countries these disgusting foreigners are from. Their whole shtick is dependant on not actually being oppressed. Real oppressors wouldn't put up with their shit.
There is a reason why every civilization in the history of humanity was insustainable with unleashed promiscuity.
We don't even have to fully understand it to see that it will eventually, and naturally, end.
We are going through a period of abundance of resources, this causes our "values" to be useless. Men don't have to pay the ultimate price for pussy anymore, women don't have to pretend to be chaste.
But you can't turn that around conciously in a societal scale.
Just do what everyone is doing, but better for now, see why and how things are happening and adapt.
>How do we restrain women?
Because women are evil and want to destroy civilization, just like women want to cunt everything up that males do together. You know how they always wine that "it's a man's world", "women have been marginalized historically"? Well yeah, that's partly true, because men have historically been the builders of civilization. It's been a man's game from the start, women were just passive observers or minimal contributors at best.
It seems irrational but I think their behaviour is a side-effect of female nature. Historically cities and people were conquered over and over again by invaders, the men and children killed off, the women enslaved and raped or married off to the invaders. As a defense mechanism women had to develop this cocklust for foreign dick, so they wouldn't be crippled by their attachment to their old spouse that was replaced. I think what we're seeing is when this mechanism goes haywire in some women. Or maybe it's something about introducing more genes into the gene pool (you might think this is ridiculous but a beneficial allele can get to fixation in a population in just a couple of generations, and researchers believe it's through introgression for example with Neanderhtals that we got many beneficial traits like language processing).
>Men don't have to pay the ultimate price for pussy anymore
What do you mean by this?
And how can I get pussy?
t. involuntarily celibate
I found it.
I cant fucking believe it. Its so low, so self-destructive that i can not comprehend it.
Met more of them than I have religious people. For some strange reason most religions morals have hate as a central tenet.
Promiscuity has nothing to do with humanities failures m8. Its all thanks to economic decline because of the vast gap between wealthy and the poor.
This, we need Sharia law
It's too late. WOmens suffrage was the worst thing that could have happened in the west. The damage is irreversible
I can't judge the morality of many people since I don't know them that intimately, but yes. I work and socialize with mostly educated people, people with graduate degrees and above, and the vast majority are atheist. The vast majority of these people regardless of beliefs are also utter cunts. The ones that pretend to be "Christians" however are fucking hypocrites, duplicitous, and complete and utter cunts. The only ones I'm able to stay friends with are people who don't give a shit about religion. Another example is my own grandfather, one of the most moral, upstanding and serious people I've known, who has always disdained religious manipulations for their effect on the rural countryside he grew up in. A third is Marcus Aurelius. Religion and morality are divorced from each other, deal with it Ameriblob. If you have to derive your reason for being an upright, ethical and moral being from punishment by some sky-daddy I question your moral value and integrity of character. If you need a counterexample for that, just fucking look at highly "religious" countries like Romania that are constantly building churches yet rife with corruption and hampered from moving forward, or all the Muslim countries that are always so "pious" living according to their Shari'a laws yet complete trainwrecks socially.
Women are a lost cause. We should focus on genetic engineering.
>Promiscuity has nothing to do with humanities failures m8. Its all thanks to economic decline because of the vast gap between wealthy and the poor.
I mean that no one tells girls that their pussy is valuable, so they just give it off for free. You don't have to get married or work to fuck beatiful women.
Most guys that I see that want but can't get laid fail in one simple aspect: Realizing that most girls live in the moment, because they can. They will do incredibly slutty things without realizing it until after the fact.
You just have to convince her at that moment, that simple.
You can maximize your chances by grooming and working out and dressing better. But ultimately you just have to be a decent seller for your dick and be at the right places at the right times (be sociable often).
right here amigo, depending on your definition of morality. If it definition excludes atheism then that's a tautology anyhow.
Sharia law
>puberty to age 27
It's still bad.
t. age 28
Islam is the answer.
Why so surprised, Denmark?
Still didn't learn after all these years, did ya?
>I mean that no one tells girls that their pussy is valuable, so they just give it off for free.
They give it for free but the conditions for it to happen are when the planets align, unless you're genetically gifted, exceedingly rich or extremely smooth.
high five
I'm not talking about humanity's fail, I'm talking about our civilization's failures.
Economy becomes a lot simpler if you boil down to: If people are producing and working, things will be fine, maybe not great but at least fine.
Men are gonna stop working and raising families, this is the crux of the thing. Marriage is the back-bone of society and its concept is lost.
I'm not complaining about it, I think this is the natural course of things.
>Women are the downfall of civilization and society.
No. Severe lack of self responsibility and control, combined with tolerating and justifying these things, are the downfall to civilizations that fall from within.
>How do we restrain women?
Brute force.
This is where a lot of guys get it wrong.
All you really have to do is socialize and you will have some pussy.
You can maximize chances by being more attractive. But most girls (most people actually) are pretty dumb, they just do things right at the moment.
So you really just have to me Mr. Right Now.
It is THAT simple.
>still slave to the vagina
>all these replies about needing Islam/Sharia
>"We need to destroy our society to preserve our society!"
Get the fuck out of our countries, Ahmed.
You don't need shit, Pajeet. Literally. This isn't a disease in your continent (see what I did there? in-continent?).
>Where marriage rates are perfectly fine;
>Divorce rates among the lowest;
>Population overwhelmingly Christian
>Southern Brazil overwhelmingly Protestant and doing perfectly fine;
>"Our civilziation's failures".
I can't see how that's "our" problem. We have 99 problems, but radical feminism isn't one.
Giving women rights was the biggest mistake the Western society did.
>Brute force.
You can't watch over your woman 24/7, you have to inculcate in her the idea that if she even thinks such thoughts or considers going out dressed immodestly bad things will happen. She should be so virtuous that she'll immediately withdraw from any suitor who is not you.
I've tried almost every woman in my limited, restricted social circle and have failed. Maybe it's just my current circumstance. I see what you mean though and agree with it, I just wish I had a way out of this trap.
Brazil is harder to analyze than europe and the us.
The way I see it, we are going through what they are going but in smaller scales. But it is harder so see where this messes things up when our country is a complete mess.
So it gets kinda lost.
p.s. I'm not bad looking, been lifting a while and muscular, educated, interesting to talk to, developed my career... like I said my current social arrangement and circle just sucks.
No, I am still ever more surprised by this world's degeneration.
The wrong side won.
>you have to inculcate in her the idea that if she even thinks such thoughts or considers going out dressed immodestly bad things will happen. She should be so virtuous that she'll immediately withdraw from any suitor who is not you.
That's brute force through psychological manipulation.
And if women are really raised and around mindsets such as these, it's really easy to see why they are considered mental wrecks in today's world.
>tfw nearly every woman I know has been riding the cock carousel since they hit puberty
>tfw my little sister is hitting puberty soon
Hold me Sup Forums... I don't want to see her used by a bunch of guys in that way. I've tried to give her decent morals, but there is no way I can have more influence than all of her friends and our culture
Small side note than: Younger girls are easier than older girls and, most of the times, more attractive.
Don't go for women over 25. They already learned the "value of pussy" by getting pounded and now want commitment.
I know it sounds like a meme, but this meme is actually pretty true lol.
>And if women are really raised and around mindsets such as these, it's really easy to see why they are considered mental wrecks in today's world.
I don't get it
I think you're right, also younger women in general are more open to trying new things and experimenting, and have a playful adventurous nature while older women judge you by the size of your bank account and career prospects.
really wish this was public knowledge
Incremental suppression and physical punishment.
I know. I'm not surprised.
She does look like she's craving for a hard spanking desu.
What a bunch of virgins this thread has.
not an argument
>Don't let them vote
Will literally never happen until civilization collapses an new new one forms some centuries later
No, we don't. We're doing perfectly fine and showing no signs at all of any of those problems Europe is currently facing.
The lack of nationalism and mocking their own History and people is likely the core root of these problems, as it leaves a gaping wound for degenerate behavior and foreign influence to settle in. So the lack of nationalism, loss of religious tradition (regardless if you're atheist, you must maintain your ancient religious traditions), leading to low birthrates, loss of cultural values and cuck ideologies to flourish as they perceive anything alien to be superior to what they currently have - a gaping wound where culture and tradition used to take place.
I am one.
We all know the cure.
Valerie a cute!
n-name please?
Valerie Tramell m8
We are not doing perfectly fine.
Brazil on the outside is a mixture of extreme degeneracy and conservative families in the middle to upper-class.
But in reality we are just a little bit less degenerate than the 1rst world countries.
We don't have core values to impose. Religious values are fragile here, to say the least.
Brazil is not gonna go fowards in development as we once thought it would. We are now preying to not go much backwards.
Nice try Abdul Muammar Hussein Mohammed Assad Aki
Get out of my Nation, retarded losers like you are ruining it
Found the self-righteous Sicilian
Boipucci and artificial wombs are the future my brothers.
Lots of penis erryday. It's the only way to stop them thinking about sex.
Good idea. I want my custom waifu to pack a little something extra.
vaffanculo troia
>Conservative families in the middle to upper-class;
You mean South, Southeast and Center-West. Now who gives a fuck about the rest of the country? I call that a jungle wasteland, regardless.
>Religious values are fragile here, to say the least.
Eastern Orthodoxy, Protestantism and even Catholicism are strong and well in all the above areas I mentioned. From my perspective, I'm doing absolutely fine. And unless you're living in a northern jungle wasteland, you should be doing just as fine as well. I seriously can't see anything wrong the culture, and I'm working from Rio Grande do Sul to São Paulo on a monthly basis, so I have the perspective to say what I'm saying.
>We are now preying to not go much backwards.
What the fuck are you talking about? Is it that French-baguette proxy again? Are you even aware of we what we just did last week? lol
Return them to the one true faith, women are incapable of being moral without religion.
>Foreigners fuck better
Where is this? If it's not in the UK, then my summer holiday's already sorted.
>You mean South, Southeast and Center-West.
Yup, I'm not talking about the north.
>Eastern Orthodoxy, Protestantism and even Catholicism are strong and well in all the above areas I mentioned.
I don't know in what kind of bubble you live in. But specially these areas are far from hold strong moral beliefs.
Specially São Paulo. São Paulo is the degenerate capital of Brazil. The girls I know from there are no different from what is discribed about american girls.
> Are you even aware of we what we just did last week? lol
If you think this will have a serious change in the long term, you are not a very smart person.
This is all a media shit-show. Believe me, I know what I'm talking about.
There is absolutely NO SERIOUS CHANGE going on in Brazil as most people apparently are thinking.
Isn't FEMEN funded by Soros? When they tried to set up FEMEN Israel he threatened to withdraw funding.
>Only redpilled guy here is a Jew
Is Sup Forums lying?
>When they tried to set up FEMEN Israel he threatened to withdraw funding.
fucking kikes
It basically is. Men who have had good relationships with women don't hate women or want to suppress them. It's mostly the men who can't get any women that want them oppressed because in a free society women don't choose them. Usually because they're angry, bitter, nasty little men.
Haha, wow..
I know Sup Forums won't like this solution, but let gay men take over. Let them decide what is the ideal male type like they did during Nazism. Women and men who let women to control them are too weak. That's why women had to feminize gay men too and make them worship women like Madonna or Beyonce, so they wouldn't start supporting patriarchy again.
Im a manchild neet but have had sex and girlfriends.
Where my kudos?
Based Finland.
that's disgusting
this. everybody who claims knowing one or being one is a fucking liar.
How true is this?
>Usually because they're angry, bitter, nasty little men.
>be me
>be in germany, berlin
>get caught in by an antifa rally
>get mistaken for a refugee
>dumb antifas start giving me cash and they want to hear my sob stories about how war is bad and communism is beautiful
>not sure what to do, start speaking english with a heavy arab accent
>dumb antifas too retarded to understand english but they clap nonetheless and acclaim me like we are in Morrowind and i'm Lord Nerevar himself
>qt in the crowd takes me under her arm, brings me home
>jumps me as soon as we are in, benis in bagina :D
>stops for a second and asks me why i'm uncut since i'm muslim
>tell her islam is truly the religion of peace and there is no compulsion in circumcision
>"so wunderbar user, ja ja ja gut, panzerkampfawgen!" as i keep pounding her
>she wants me to stay, but my flight was in 6 hours
>leave, give her a fake cell number
>felt somehow bad but also happy for having received fiki fiki and relief from sexual emergency
I like the guy passed out studying, lol
Outside of America, I only see white women saying this kind of shit
maybe white women are just the devil :^)
you never see Japanese women for instance, calling their homeland to go out and fuck other races so they can stop Japanese privilege
you don't see African women fucking Europeans for the sake of diversity
I don't even see mexican women saying this kind of shit. Most mexicans i've known have been pretty tame politically, and desu, were alright people anyway. Not to mention latina girls literally got the best bods
I think this is strictly a white girl problem (outside of america)
All of it is true.
If you're a high value male (career, healthy, muscular, not a beta cuck) >27 years old, you can fuck as many single moms as you want.
Basically when these women start looking to settle down, you are given free pussy.
>you never see Japanese women for instance, calling their homeland to go out and fuck other races so they can stop Japanese privilege
They do it discreetly though, all Asians love the white piggu dick.
>"so wunderbar user, ja ja ja gut, panzerkampfawgen!" as i keep pounding her
Thank you for the abs exercise Mariobro, I skipped it yesterday
Everyone discreetly wants to fuck something different. What separates the rational from the SJW is that the rest of the world doesn't uphold their fetishes as moral code
Stop worshiping them and learn how to say "no" to them.
But western men are pathetic losers and almost all of them are gay and effeminate.
Therefore, women will continue ruining everything, and then the Muslims and other cultures will eventually come in and override anything we do, and then the woman problem will be solved. All because even "alpha males" these days are ***COWARDS*** when it comes to women, they all worship women and are loser fags.
Honestly I can't see how we fix this shit without a new dictatorship that isn't bound by garbage like equal rights anymore. We're at a point where it's basically just lay down until we're dead or do something fucking radical. Those whores could all be sold as fucking slaves.