ITT: pet peeves that make you yearn for the inevitable demise of our species

ITT: pet peeves that make you yearn for the inevitable demise of our species

>parents who leave their kids to wander in stores
>people who shop 5 min before close
>immigrants who refuse to learn basic English and get frustrated when they can't find someone to help them in their native language

Most of my pet peeves are work related

Other urls found in this thread:

When people bring their young crying fucking children to a concert hall

>people who complain about their shitty jobs on the internet.
Yeah we know, you went to college and you're really "smart". Now ring up my shit bitch.

Shitty, repetitive threads posted and reposted by the same ultra-autismal cunt

Fuck off g hannelius guy

to crunch down most of my pet peeves: when people are rude and/or inconsiderate
i presume most of us can agree upon that
even jerks are annoyed by other jerks

I hate it when people don't see the huge 'CLOSED' sign and try opening the locked door repeatedly, then stare at you dumbfounded like you did something wrong

Sorry my simplistic post isn't interesting enough to appease your superior intellect. I bet you're real fun at parties faggot

>Sup Forums

The fact that most people and corporations poison themselves, others and our environment for stupid aesthetic reasons like spraying literal carcinogenic poison all around your home just for the sake of having a lawn that looks like astro-turf. Waxing your floors with toxic varnish just so they're shiny, washing acid down the gutter so you dimbass car tures look even more black ect. fucking morons kill yourselves if you want but you're also harming others seriously fuck those people

how tinder has made even the ugliest women into entitled cunts who expect better than they deserve

prescribing antibiotics for every minor infection is far more dangerous to mankind than waxing your fucking tiles
most of the bacteria are becoming immune to them, making us vulnerable to all kinds of diseases
soon we'll be dying from something trite as common flu
but pharmaceutical companies don't give a flying fuck about it, and neither do media or (((You)))

People who chew loudly and with their mouths open.

>Hey mom, I get it. You didn't have to slap me across the table last night.

>OP works in a grocery store and hates everybody because he sucked at life

At least you're a little above NEET-grade. It can't be all that bad, right?

Dudes who think their alpha and start getting really loud and autistic when girls are around


go back to stalking RT comment sections

>pretending like you don't spend 12 hours a day behind a computer like the rest of us


Double Standards

"Strategic Manipulation" of public opinion.

The fact that it's okay to have problems or quirks if you're rich but you are dysfunctional / have mental problems when you are poor and have such traits.

People who throw trash out of car window

Aggressive apes and timid people alike at the newly installed roundabouts

People who don't use turn signals and are in a hurry to get to the traffic jam caused by other people who are in a hurry that apparently have more important stuff to do than the rest of us

Ya know wat my pet peeve is? When kids drink all the milk. I always tell my nephew "money doesn't grow on trees, you know". But he doesn't listen. He just had his bar mitzva but he still acts like he's 8! He'll make one hellova businessman, I tell you that!

> Store's open, but garden center is closed. We use that space to store shit when it's not summer
> I'm in there getting fixtures.
> woman comes in expecting to shop for garden shit
> politely tell her the garden center is closed and she needs to leave
> she complains that if it was closed, we should have made it look like it was closed
> to get in, she had to push aside a "closed" sign the size of the door itself placed directly in front of the door, then duck under another "closed" sign suspended across the door with cable, before opening a door with a large yellow "employees only" sign

Retail makes you hate people

Oh. and "adults" who stuff their wrappers and other trash in various places around the house (ie couch cushion) and stash the dishes in their room until we start to run out and they think that they are masterfully hiding their addiction from us when we know the score all too well.

Glad THAT chapter is over.