Heroes that wannabe tough guys can look up to.
Heroes that wannabe tough guys can look up to
anything in the filmography of Marky Mark
Is Aquaman the Chad of the JL? While Superman is fucking a aged Lois Lane and Batman/Flash/Cyborg aren't fucking anybody, this nigga is banging Amber Heard.
Nu-male detected.
>delusional faggot detected
I could probably lift more than Momoa. My arms are bigger, anyway.
Why does he make cucks so uncomfortable? Did they not have a strong father figure growing up? Only a string of mothers 'friends' coming over during the week for years and years.
different ''friend'' every week .)
what was he drinking out of that bottle? it looks like an a1 steak sauce bottle.
>Batman/Flash/Cyborg aren't fucking anybody
Batman fucked some random sloot
he looks dope, why the hate?
I don't have to look up to him nor am I a wanna be tough guy to think he makes a more interesting hero.
The first "he makes nu-males" uncomfortable thread was started by a viral marketer.
The more you know.
Someone's projecting. And if you think Momoa drinks like that in real life, you're probably an out of shape, delusional faggot.
>Sup Forums likes chads now
>Sup Forums thinks an actor acting masculine is masculine
>Nu males so triggered and insecure over a trailer
Why the fuck do you care so much stop projecting your insecurities you fucking beta faggot
Nothing wrong with red wine, living hours from several world renowned wineries I might have a slight bias.
I guess I think idolizing alcoholism is fucking retarded. Go noose yourself you childish turd. By the way, I can lift as much as Cavill. The only one projecting is you.
There's nothing wrong with enjoying red wine. It's just a lot different than portraying an image of rampant alcoholism.
holyshit, fuck off. I would love to see what you actually look like, you fucking dweeb.
Does Aquaman hate the Chinese? Imagine all the cancerous Made in China plastic he has to deal with. I bet he is responsible for the tsunamis and earthquakes. Based Aquaman.
what is that piss water he is drinking?
He's had run-ins with Japan in the past over stuff like whaling
I expect pollution has something to do with his alcoholism.
DChads win again
marvelCücks should stick with RottenToNuMaletoes for their circle jerk safe space
Sup Forums belongs to DC
Well depends on what they go with, just from the trailer he seems content in his little corner of the world with people who know him and Bruce invading his personal space to go on some quest outside of that makes him go "nothing to do with me, fuck off".
Yeah, right. Momo is 6'4, btw. Those arms are at least 19 inches.
Is rick and morty the new MLP?
Literally anyone in Vikings.
Who gives a shit about the publisher?
go back to Sup Forums
>looking up to comic book heroes
I grew up reading comics. I'm 35 now and want all this awful bullshit to end, it's fucking embarrassing. Aquaman is a faggot that talks to fish, not a frat bro chugging beam and and listening to Staind
Comic movies are shit for man-children
It was super-lemonade.
Batman will bang
>Imagine being Sung Kang
"But Mr Grady...you're not the hero at all.
You don't know anything about children.
Mr. Grady... you, uh... chopped your daughters up into little bits."
For NIGGER man-children.
Fantasize a litle. If you're 35, you should be able to like what you want without worrying what somebody else thinks.
I bet you think you could outlift this guy too
oh. ok. I assumed it was liquor from op implying he was so bad ass, but it looked smaller than a 5th and had too much writing on it.
I regularly drain 5ths like that.
I weep for this world.
>Sup Forums also thinks an actor who is playing a sad character doesn't like the role at all
Suicide Squad made Sup Forums so fucking stupid too