WTF is going on?
Other urls found in this thread:
You forgot to post link
Someone spilled the vodka?
>not posting the livestream
do we have to do everything for you
Some heated words were exchanged over proper tracksuit ettiquite
>Riots in Russia
>Riots in France
Those parasites canĀ“t even respect the dead.
A fucking cemetery.
well, at least the bodies won't have to travel very far
Well kek'd nip.
Moscow here.
There's a bunch of shitskins gangs fighting eachother. They wanted to take profits from cemetery and other stuf in that area.
Yasenevo district is full Ottoman desu.
They are a bunch of tidy and highly logical people.
So you guys are just as cucked as Europe pretty much
I thought you guys kept your shitskins under control wtf is going on
Moscow is not Russia.
>>The piss fights the shit
Zero fuck's given. They may kill each other, no one will get upset.
It's your London. It's your HQ. How is it not.
You guys are cucks too apparently, just good at putting up a front so people think you're tough. Didn't know Russians were just like the little Swedish faggots.
Groups of labour migrants fight over the control of the cemetery.
I giggled.
Says the man whose President is a Black SJW.
you can't just say moscow is not russia, that's like us saying london is not the uk. however much we wish it wasn't true, it is still the capital.
>let me tell you about your country
Not sure why you're defending Russia. Theyre half the reason the Holohoax even exists. Not to mention a Kraut like you would never be welcome in Russia. Then again you're probably a rape baby, half Slavic and all.
Feel free to educate us, birdbrain
Until Trump wins and lives up to his word, you don't really have any right to say anything about others being cucks, tyrone.
Russia is a shithole, and everyone knows that.
Its just that we neither have the right to call others cucked.
>Kraut like you would never be welcome in Russia
Actually, Germans are the least hated european nation in Russia.
Shouldn't you be attending a refugee welcome parade?
Real Russia is of course the villages out in the fairy-forest where you have men with bushy eyebrows stare with some suspicion at the foreigners and their 1d12 greatswords - yet their gold seems good, and perhaps they can help with the issue of kobolds kidnapping people in the night for unknown but surely nefarious purposes...
Have you ever been to DC you fucking myopic retard
Migrants slave for us. They got no social defence, they often get no payment for work they do, none of them is in the government, none of those who is gives a damn about the life of a rodent they live. Does it look swedish to you?
Maybe you don't. My bull president cucked Putin and crashed the ruble lmao
That's rich.
We don't have those.
All we have is protests against them.
We don't like third worlders such as americans.
Shut up toothpaste
Oh well
Make me, wellfare queen.
Russia cucked and crashed itself with iths inability do get anything beyond oil sold.
They seem to have a strong military industry complex
>crashed itself
It's strange, that i never noticed that.
Your country is so unimportant and irrelevant that I don't even know enough about it to formulate a good insult
>Russia crashed itself
I'm sorry, when that happend? Cuz life is completely the same.
why is the city planning in moscow so fucking terrible, jesus christ
you do not design a city to be a giant bullseye with the downtown in the center, that's not how it works russia
It's _a lot_ more complex than that.
Russia has all the resources, cultural capital and educational capital they'd need to basically turn Europe into their own little empire.
But the bear will rise and become a productive citizen, probably.
You should make it so.
Being from London i am really aware of what happens when you just shrug off your capital and play sour grapes.
You all need to assert yourselves and make more demands.
Who is the most hated European nation in Russia?
Not surprising
Where does America stand at? :3
>Thinks a display of ignorance is an insult.
Just jelly of our dank spies.
Saying that does Russia ever indulge in its cold war past?
Russia versions of James Bond etc?
What a surprise, a nigger that does'nt know any better.
It's a bydlo zombie apocalypse. You must squat to fool the undead.
Russian chechens and Dagestani churkas against migrants from Tajikistan and other shittystans fighting for cemeterys profit in Moscow. Cool...
That's gratitude for you. After Britain helping you win your "Great Patriotic War"
Lol the tedious backflips buttmad euros convey is entertaining
Yes, thank you. And now go fuck yourself.
You're the only one making a fool of yourself here, boy.
And what does russia in general think about the Netherlands?
My guess would be on not much, but do tell.
Moscow really needs to burn again
Cool, please don't tell the other anons :(
It would have if you idiots had have went straight to it instead of turning around and going to Kiev.
Tell Putin on them.
Not too much tbqh. Most of us don't give a shit, cuz you're kinda quite, not butthurting and cool.
Fucking slav betas are being told who is the real owner of Russia.
If only everybody was this pragmatical.
except that every time migrants try to pull too much shit locals apparently riot hard and kick them out.
also, a pot calling the kettle black
Hola gringo puto! :^)