Could you dumb tattoo faggots explain your need to ink your skin to me once and for all?
Because all that I think when I see someone with a tattoo is: "Hey, there's some duuumb motherfucker"
The only case you're allowed to have one is either if you did some time in prison (in which case it should be made of prison ink) or if you're a member of a gang (in which case you're probably a nigger)
>tl;dr: tattoos are for dumb motherfuckers
Could you dumb tattoo faggots explain your need to ink your skin to me once and for all?
do you differentiate between publicly visible tattoos and 'private' ones?
Why's it bother you? I don't have a tattoo but I've never seen a fellow with one and thought "dumb mother fucker". I thought, "He has a tattoo."
I only use tattoos to write down things that I need to remember the next day like shopping lists and stuff.
Paper is too easy to lose and ball point pens too likely to smudge.
just like how u dont play in a rock band and have no intrest to do so, you dont want a tattoo or have any intrest to get one.. wtf is this retarded bait thread, are you stupid?
I don't have any personally, but I think good reasons are significant events or people, i.e.commemorating children or loved ones who passed, veterans of war
The whole "I'm a human canvas" shit seems stupid to me. I think the same thing when I see somebody covered in artistic tattoos
cause they are all retarded
B8 or OP got rejected by a tatted babe
Nice memento meme
I'm insecure, when I was fat I got beat up by skinny people with ink and now I cringe at the sight of tattoos