what was so bad about robin hood? would you rat him out?
What was so bad about robin hood? would you rat him out?
I wouldn't really rat him out. People who were rich back in those times had money purely because they were noble. No huge work was put into anything, they just sat with their jewels and laughed.
>what was so bad about Robin Hood
He's a fairy tail for poor people who want free handouts
He was a gommunist and Marian was a crossdresser
>retarded autocorrect
Robin of Loxley did nothing wrong
Taxes were too damn high
>implying taking back stolen money is stealing
Robin Hood's Libertarian-Conservative who wanted to lift the burden of heavy taxes off the people.
He was based.
>implying rich people put in work now
No the nobles earned the land by right of conquest. All the land was theirs, they had taken it and were responsible for protecting it. Commoners were lucky that they were allowed to work the land and take even a little bit for themselves
He defended the people while dismantling the unjusts claim to power. Remember, the holy crusade returns and anointed him.
>taxes = stealing
Wasn't the real Robin Hood someone who fought against the King of England at a time where the monarchy was extremely unpopular?
Anyways, the problem with the myth of robin hood is handouts and entitlements. More emphasis is placed on him helping the poor and stealing from the rich than the actual circumstances at the time, so it gives retards today the idea that it's morally acceptable to rob people for "wealth redistribution"
>give me money or i'll throw you in jail
How is that not robbery?
Sheriff of Nottingham get off Sup Forums pls
>Fairy Tail
Sup Forumsutists are not allowed here
Robin Hood fought overly high taxation and usurping oligarchs, he was a good dude.
>contribute to society or be removed from it
Surely working the land is contributing enough to society.
>nobles got that land by right of conquest
Most of them inherited it from their fathers, who's father's father either were granted the land by the monarch or via conquest. Conquest was actually somewhat infrequent when it came to land acquisition. Land grants from other nobles/royalty was a much quicker and easier way.
Plus regardless of the method of acquisition, the method for getting/staying rich was simple owning the land and allowing others to work on it at marginal prices. (Not that there's anything wrong with that)
He wasn't real, he's a gibmedat fantasy
good lord people. Robin hood didn't actually exist, his legend came about in a time when England was almost bankrupt paying the HRE for king Richards ransom.
it really baffles be that out of all the stories about robin hood, some how Richard is always depicted as some kind of Savior returning home.
How do you think a country runs? How do you think roads are built, or armies are paid?
Robin Hood didn't "steal from the rich and give to the poor", he took back excessive tax money that was unfairly imposed on people that were being treated unfairly by the ruling class.
Liberals think he just redistributed the wealth because muh liberalism, but in reality it's a right wing story about a TEA party member.
I don't oppose taxation but to say it's not stealing is moronic.
How are taxes stealing? That's the moronic statement.
Literally no one would pay taxes if there wasn't a punishment for not doing so.
He was a hero to the people of that time. He wouldn't fit in today, he'd just be another commie BLM cunt.
But back then, when working class peasantry were being robbed of most of their money by lazy nobles then it would be justified.
>"And how long have you been a robber?"
"what awful people"
I'm sure the country would be in a brilliant state.
It's people like you that spend their entire lives as a leech on society draining welfare.
Your individualism is disgusting, not everyone follows your toxic values.
Are you stupid or something, I said I don't oppose taxation, just accept that it is theft.
How is it theft?
It's because of individualism that we need to enforce it as law.
You say you support it but it's theft? By its definition theft is illegal, but you say you support taxes so either you don't consider taxes illegal due to their requirement for society to function or you condone theft.
If the nobles are justified in earning their land via conquest, then Robin Hood is justified in stealing their possessions, which could be seen as a form of conquest.
It's funny all the liberals who compare Robin Hood to Sanders. Do they not realise that Robin Hood took taxes from the rich and gave them back to the poor? Bernie's more like Prince John.
It's literally not illegal when the government does it. Same thing with capitol punishment/war. It's still murder, but there's simply more accomplices. I know that your country is shitskin central right now, but it should have taken at least another generation for the IQ to drop this low. How do you not get this?
>own land
>work land
>tax those who live on land
>improve land
>attract more people to live on land
>live on other persons land
>steal landlords money
>distribute it to people
>land is neglected
>no more money is made
>stolen money runs out
>everyone starves to death
Taxation isn't theft because it's legally authorized.
By the same token, killing someone in self defense (if the elements are correctly met) is not murder because it's a "lawful killing."
You pay for the benefit of living on someone else's land that happens to be a 1st world county.
>build block of flats
>invite people to move in
>"don't worry guys, no rent cause that's theft"
>can't afford maintenance
>no gas and electric
>place falls into ruin
You appear to have misinterpreted me bong. user made a moral claim by stating that the nobles are right because they acquired their land via conquest. I was merely questioning his sense of ethics, not what's better for society in general.
Do you use roads?
Do the police arrest criminals in your area?
Does the ambulance service cover your area?
Where you educated in your country?
Do you buy food from the shops?
It almost seems like you are paying to be a part of society and to maintain it. If I sleep in a hotel and they demand payment or they'll call the police, are they legally stealing from me?
No fuck off and stop crying because you can't afford video games and burgers because of evil government taxes
>robin Hood
>blue eyes
The fuck is that? As a matter of fact, Hood was black.