I love Bessons movies from the 90's but what the hell was the point of this?
I love Bessons movies from the 90's but what the hell was the point of this?
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It's bad ass, and the whole bit where she becomes a super being was visually pretty stunning.
to make money off the mentally challenged like
>lacking the intelligence to enjoy shitty films
>posting silly things on a chinese webzone
As an action flick it does its job right. I'm sorry you can't enjoy things because your big brain tells you not to.
>>lacking the intelligence to enjoy shitty films
I loved the concept, just wish that they would of paid more attention to actual logic and physics in the film, instead of bastardizing the idea of how the brain works, only to perpetuate the ignorance of the basic movie goer.
This sounds kinda like a petty thing to be annoyed at, but if they would of staid true to actual reality, I believe they could of taken this movie to an amazing place. instead of copping out the ending and making "Lucy" turn into a small Quantum Jump drive (Usb drive, what ever ppl call it now a days)
I feel that the writers and producers didn't really know where to take the film and decided on an easy cop out /= boo to bastardize cinema.
>that stock nature footage
literally what are you doing Besson
>its a scarjew ruins everything she is in with her shitty non-acting and ugly kyke looks episode
i hate these
you take that the FUCK back right now
Fucking trash, one of the worst movies of the decade. Besson is a fucking hack nowdays.
Maybe for a 12 year old girl
why is every single critic of this film like "BOOO HOOO THE 10% THING ISN'T REAAALAL"
fucking crybabies
CinemaSins did this too
Well becasue its dumb to establish an idea that is not real. The real percentige is 30% at any given Quantum second. Which means if you could only use 10% of ur brain, you may be brain dead. But the number stems from an experiment that was done on a person. Where they had pieces of their brain removed and tested to see how cognitive they where until they no longer could function and then died.
If you guessed it. They discovered that a person can live with only 10% of their brain in tact. This later was published and established in the media that we only use 10%... but as I said before this is not true. We can function with 10%, but not live full lives. It would be equivalent to have a massive mental disorder. No sense of smell, motor control..etc
Also there are not nerve endings in the brain, so if you need to have brain surgery, they keep you awake, The only thing you will feel is the tugging around your head. Like getting your hair pulled. =) Yay science
Was there boobs?
If not, it sucked.
The whole visual experience reaches the apex when Lucy meets Lucy, that's what Besson's point is
Akira live action proof of concept, OP
She didnt turn into an usb watch the movie again u pleb
Because the entire movie is based on a fucking logical fallacy?
I feel you are mistaken. She most def did. A USB that contained all the Knowledge in the universe and so on. Again as I stated before. Kind of a cop out in my opinion. I understand that she reaches a 10th dimensional state of being, but again she turns into a usb ...
The point? It was basically another 'watch Scarjo be a stronk womyn' flick.
Better not use 100% of my brain, might turn into blackshit that shits out a USB.
I guess you don't watch Star Wars either, because it has sound in space?
Dear OP,
I enjoyed it, so why must you be that person that must spend your time contemplating how to tear apart anything meant to be casually enjoy without too much thought for the purpose of feeling superior in disavowing?
In the time you've sat typing out your complaint most have moved onto something else, which means you're that person never happy or satisfied with anything until you've wasted your time shitting on it.
Fuck you OP,
Sincerely an user who doesn't give a fuck
it was a great flick. At least not a dc or marvel adaptation, but a kinda original sci-fi story.
almost same level as Pacific rim or Edge of tomorrow
Surely you can tell the difference between small things being inaccurate and the entire movie being built on a false premise.
>logical fallacy
who proved that? and how.
you don't use your muscles 100% all the time either. why wouldn't that fit tho the brain?
>tripfags asking for attention on an anonymous imageboard
what kind of terrible childhood must you have had to resort to these lengths?
this made grandpa simpsons neck look gross
I very much enjoy star wars, Since my profession is specially, and digital effects and editing. But I do not like their inaccurate representation of physics in space. Most notably, sounds in space, how explosions operate in space, and its inaccuracy of the idea of how warp space displacement is presented.
It is hard sometimes to be able to turn off ones brain when watching massively scientifically inaccurate movies. We can all chalk it up to scifi movie theory, but in reality it paints a very un-graspable representation of space.
>t. basement dwelling autist
It is science fiction, correct? False premise BAD! Fictional premise, still BAD!
Although fictional in premise the was some accuracy in discovering the ability to complete control of one's body.
Beatin as a child, never told I was loved, Father left when I was a child. Continues mental scarring due to massive drug abusive events and alcoholism, where I spend my nights crying myself to sleep clutching a knife, telling myself it is all ok XD.
The point was making a million plebs oust themselves as such by getting hung on one shitty line of dialogue for what was, for all intents and purposes, a pretty entertaining action take on human evolution.
>in tact
You're probably the wrong person to tackle this issue m8, sorry.
I live in a 4 bedroom house with my boyfriend and our 2 dogs, make 7 figures a year performing magic, and working as a Multimedia Content producer for the 4th largest Audio broadcasting company in the world, and freelancing as a videographer, special and digital effects artist, producer and director of short films, and TV commercials XD. I do not live in a basement at my parents house. or anyones house in the matter. XD
I do notably apologize for any and all misspellings in my posts. I will admit to being several things at the moment. They are as follows. Stones, drunk, and extremely awake. So my ability to type is a little hindered, but my facts still remain valid =)
Not even him but way to out yourself as a retard.
Also, your 2 dogs perform magic and get paid in action figures? Neat.
It's a decent enough film. The way the narrative progresses with the power jumps was fun and it has the signature Besson craziness and colors.
>instead of bastardizing the idea of how the brain works, only to perpetuate the ignorance of the basic movie goer
It used it well as a cinematic tool, and by no means was it dumb (other than the nigger parts about nature were somewhat of a waste)
Yeah, if we were discussing women, christian rock or "how much i love her, man" your points would still be valid. Being drunk & stoned is and certain shit are mutually exclusive. Rocket science for instance. Or gun safety routines. And yes, brain biology and studies.
It's an entertaining movie
what else should it be
>Well becasue its dumb to establish an idea that is not real
Just kill yourself if you are unable to understand that it was used as a cinematic tool and was integrated to narrative properly.
Not everything is about muh documents muh realism.
It's a movie about turning off your brain, how did you miss that?
Because Lucy was literally 2 fucking deep for average Sup Forumsedditor it seems
Also, it's still just a shitty line of exposition. Every fucking movie has those. Most of them aren't wrong but even when they are it isn't the kind of shit to get hung up on unless you're some sort of autist.
Literally what is your point you mouth breather
Ever since it was released, Sup Forums autists spouted it was terrible.
But I watched it the other day and it was amazing.
All you need to be is normal and don't be autistic and get stuck on things.
>Sup Forums defending this steaming pile of shit
This board has no salvation
Luc Besson's Tree of Life.
Good film, too hard for plebs of Sup Forums
The point of it was to be a megalomaniacal masturbation fantasy for dim girls.
the ending was rushed money problems?
Lucy manages to instill fear without external danger to a character made to be scared for. It bodes a choppy and yet not quite scattered structure to an actually frightening and electrifying observation of humanity though a woman's distance from the very race itself - a loss of emotions that manifest into an oddly profound and exhilarating expression piece from Luc Besson.
It's part-jarringly violent, part-tender, part-chilling, part-hilariously madcap. Lucy becomes lost, cold and distant, but oddly enough the more real she also is. She's transfixed in a far more terrifying interior world than anyone else in the film can realize; it's a fight to withhold her own self, even with chaos enveloping around her. She encompasses the desire for knowledge as much as a fear for it, resulting in a middle ground which she finds her mind to control her own will after completely hazed, confused and lost in thought. When Johansson stares at the camera for once we're not forced to gawk at her in an action film, rather it seems like she's the one observing us.
The first thing Besson does right is not turn ScarJo into a bland emotionless "strong female character" that kicks ass, or rather, he shows the downside of this. As the film leaps towards its fascinating finale, Besson expresses the downside to all that physical emotionless hullabaloo that infects a lot of Hollywood films looking for representation but forgetting humanity along the way. Meanwhile, ScarJo's transformation, amazing and transcendent an experience as it is, never forgets its downside, and thus makes it a thousand times more human.
Hack critics are always quick to call genre films "dumb", and that's no more evident in the way people have pointed out the film's perpetuation of the "10% of the brain" myth. Yet they miss how Besson has brilliantly used this Sci-Fantasy premise as a shorthand countdown. It gives the film room to breathe. It gives it structure. It lets us know where we are and how far we've come. It sets up its own rules, follows them, and then breaks them down convincingly and not without reason.
People saw one episode of Mythbusters and now they feel like experts who have to remind everyone that the 10% theory was a myth.
Everything Johansson touches turns to shit.
It was 'Limitless', if you removed all the elements that made Limitless a fun film and turned it up to 11.
Out as in telling I'm gay? I don't necessarily see myself as in the closet, but if I am to be honest then i will justify my preferences as a description on my life XD
And when I utlize the word figures, I am not using it in a way to descirbe humanoid statues (action figures) but in the means of curency I.e. 1,442,674 was the amount I filled when doing my taxes last year =)
What awful writing.
People who like godhood fantasies should be taken out of the genepool.
So I guess Armond White posts on /tv now.
On a more serious note, I was perfectly entertained by the movie but calling it tender or chilling is giving it praise it doesn't deserve.
It's one of the best pieces of autism bait made in years.
I liked it.
That is not a Luc Besson film.
The Fifth Element, La Femme Nikita, The Big Blue
are you this slow or just pretending
They miss nothing, most of what you're saying there is bullshit, just words with no referents. In what sense is repeating the pleb line about 10% of the brain 'a shorthand countdown'? Peasant.
LOL I totally forgot about the random nature footage used in the movie as a way to increase the length of the movie XD. I in now way have stated that I do not like the movie, just the use of a massively over utilized scientific point that is in no way shape or form correct. Many movies have used this idea. I guess the only merit i can give it is simplifying an idea to an understandable point that makes the movie demonstrate the vastness of her intelligence. It wouldn't be a consistent point made by others, if the movie did not keep using it as a call back and a consistent point in the film =/
>most of what you're saying there is bullshit
Clearly you were unable to grasp the film's simple narrative.
There's a joke here about using only 10% of your brain I bet
I had to double check for accuracy to absolutely confirm.
It is not a document, just gauge what the film does with it.
It's fine when the japs do it.
No, not as gay. And no, nobody cares. As a retard that thinks posting non-verifiable information on a taiwanese ironing board does anything at all other to increase the size of his own e-peen in his own head.
Don't worry, I'll spell it out for you. Nobody cares what you do. Nobody cares what you think you do. Hell, nobody even cares what you stick up your bum- This is an anonymous message board with limited threads. It is of an ephemeral nature and sustained by 4 things- your ability to produce autism or shitpost; your ability to create content you can post here; your ability to humiliate yourself, assuming we can witness it; and finally, your ability to argue. What it isn't sustained by are your fucking excuses.
I never watched the film! I don't watch Besson's stuff, I'm not a pleb.
While looking at IMDB to double check, I'd found this:
Lucy 2, in production. Mind blown.
I agree in the idea that they utilized the number as a form of a count down till generally the climax of the film, how ever I feel the writers ran into issues on how and where to go with the plot. Ultimately causing the editors to throw in a lot of nature footage to increase the run time. How ever I could be 100% wrong in the idea, For all we now they production team could of structured the movie in a way to not piss of religious groups... who knows =)
There's another piece of shit movie.
It's always fine, bro. Only redit doesn't like Lucy. Also Eva Green fans who are afraid Scarjo will corner the mommy market.
>how ever I feel the writers ran into issues on how and where to go with the plot
How can you say this when it goes maximum overdive with the universe sequence? It's more about visual storytelling at that point and it's a fine enough climax for it.
But yes, the nature doc parts were Nolan tier exposition but even then people missed some clear points.
Lucy 2: Lucier
Lucy 3: Luciest
I love how people like you say 'visual storytelling' when you mean 'spectacle for the slack-jawed'.
I believe I have missed your point. What exactly are you getting at? i assumed you where trying to state that I lived in a basement as a direct attract to me for some reason, still unknown to me. If I am wrong them I fully apologize for it. Other than that I am giving my opinion about the film. and how I interpret it. =)
It's a spectacle much like Tree of Life's creation sequence was but it is also visual storytelling with clear (visual) narrative feeding us the story.
choi min sik was the best part
fuckin wasted in this shitty movie
It was lazy but interesting enough that makes you wonder what it could have been if Besson gave it a little more time and put some more effort into it.
It's the anti-action movie. It has everything an action movie has, but no action.
There's a set up and you think "oh now something is happening" but then all the guns fly into the air and she walks through everything without any obstacles.
And when people are shooting around, it has absolutely no meaning.
If you are a full retard you will not notice this and think it's an action movie and like it.
True. I kinda forgot about that whole start of the universe part of the movie. =/ I feel I need to go back and re-watch the movie. Id say your point makes sense since, they movie makes you focus more on whats going on around Lucy then her. There is a different story told through her expressions, the story of her falling farther away from humanity.
You seriously believe that if you used 100% of your brain you'd become omnipotent?
The story is cretinous, existing only to justify the spectacle. Tree of Life is a piece of crap, you picked a bad example by way of defence.
There's no real tension in the movie. She becomes OP too quick, the only moment she seems to be at any disadvantage is when she momentarily has a freak out in the bathroom on the ride over. But then she's in total control, and nobody is a threat to her and she has to stoop to their level to be even moderately interesting in fight scenes.
Also just a dumb question, the superadderal can do this shit, why hasn't anyone else just pumped this shit into a guinea pig?
Because the Japanese know how to do it right.
As far as I remember Akira manages to avoid all my issues with Lucy.
I'm gonna rewatch it myself too.
If its opposition to being an action movie is undetectable by people looking for an action movie... it's not opposed to being an action movie, you're just trying to intellectualize your liking for dogshit.
> And when people are shooting around, it has absolutely no meaning.
It never does, son, it never does.
Good way to filter out plebs if they rant about wikipedia articles about 10%.
Loved the "body horror" touches in the film.
>when the drugs kick in
>be in pub with friends
>guy says "watch lucy it's best movie i've ever seen it really makes you think and it shows you something unreal"
>few days forward, bored as shit
>decide to watch it with ex
>it leaves nothing in me, generic flick
>fast forward few weeks
>at pub again
>"user have you seen lucy already?!"
>"yeah it was... mediocre, not bad but nothing extraordinary"
>"dude wtf you didnt like lucy"
>others join the bandwaggon "wtf man lucy is good"
>"i am gonna punch you"
>almost got beaten up because of my opinion on lucy
fuck this movie
ScarJo's lips are the hardest working act in showbusiness. For eighteen years, one of the most limited actresses ever to achieve credibility has been kept bankable because men like imagining how their cocks would feel in her mouth.
an entire drugs bag bursting inside a person is probably not a scenario people really thought to test
and she'd be dead if she didn't huff the half dozen other bags of it
So this is basically Akira with a hooker instead of a Jap drawing? Well I fucking hated Akira, and I have xhamster bookmarked, so I'll give this a miss, thanks for the tip-off.
I like how there's no plot
Just have Scarjo stand in front of a green screen and stare blankly into the camera and we got ourselves a movie
It's somewhat like Akira. But it is definitely a Besson film. If you liked his previous films you should watch it.
I've seen one of his films, The Fifth Element, and while I prefer it to some things, there are things I prefer to it. It didn't make me want to explore his ouevre further especially. So it'll be a no for me, thanks user.
In you understanding is it not possible to simply enjoy something while proclaiming it to be the best movie ever?
By your account it is NOT possible to enjoy something for different parts while not making such a narrowed absolute summation.
Sup Forums pretense - it is either outstanding, or a complete shitty waste of time.
Don't ever change Sup Forums.
They're not adults. They like superhero movies, anime, video games. 'Best evor/fucken shit' is their level of discourse.
Still I remain amused at how easily people accept binary thinking as normal protocol.
If we all lived by such two dimensional absolute extremes of love or hate, we literally give all of our money to those we loved, and kill those we hate. There could be NO in between.