How does one run a bar when everyone can just get free food and drinks from a replicator?
How does one run a bar when everyone can just get free food and drinks from a replicator?
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Yay, free synthahol, whoop-dee-do.
Now if you actually wanna get shitfaced and maybe brawl with a couple angry Nausicaans I'll meet you at Quarks.
Because he's the only one allowed to serve intoxicating substances. Can't have everyone on the ship drunk thru their own replicators.
A better question might be, how does quark know how to write in English? Worf I understand, he was raised on earth, but Quark? He doesn't even like humons, hates earth culture, earth food. Why would he learn how to write English? The universal translator doesn't give you the ability to read and write alien languages, if so he still would have been able to communicate with the humons when he crash landed in earths past and broke his universal translator. So what's the deal?
Can't banter with a replicator
It might be seen as "trendy" to get the "real" thing as opposed to replicated. Also I thought replicated food wasn't as good. It tastes okay but the real thing is better.
Because he makes all his money from gambling and holoprostitution.
The drinks are to loosen up his customers so they'll piss away everything on the dabo table or pay to have a drunken holographic threeway with Moriarty and Ghandi.
How does one run a bar when everyone can just get cheaper booze from the bottle shop?
Social aspect
Because he's a shrewd business man, and knew he would be dealing with a ton of Hoomans, so he learned to write the language.
>Also I thought replicated food wasn't as good. It tastes okay but the real thing is better.
If it can accurately replicate a human i don't see why it wouldn't accurately replicate food.
Did you saw their weird script? It goes all over the place in every direction. He would probably use half the ball for his ferengi signature.
>If it can accurately replicate a human
Are you a fucking retard?
Eddington explained this perfectly, you can have real food and drinks, or reconstituted protons and carbs with 'flavour' that's what your getting from a replicator bland shit
I meant they, the teleporter is a replicator.
only the starfleet personnel have replicators
Because the DS9 replicators are shit and Quark's is better, and it has a lot more stuff programmed into it. He also has gambling and holosuites for sex.
The bar was just a front for his illegal smuggling operations.
This isn't true though. The replicator is like a nerfed version of the transporter.
The transporter only dis- and reassembles stuff that's already there. Replicators create stuff from scratch out of a clumb of matter.
Quark's "Bar" was a gambling den and holo-brothel.
>the teleporter is a replicator
Don't talk to me or my captain ever again
Replicators can make real alcohol though, you just have to explicitly tell it to, and Quark gets a lot of his drinks out of a replicator too.
>Because he's the only one allowed to serve intoxicating substances
I don't remember that ever being said, and remember that epsiode where an El'Aurian set up a competing bar/gambling joint?
>How does one run a bar when everyone can just get free food and drinks from home
replicators arent free if youre not in starfleet
My understanding was DS9 was frontier territory that still ran on the Cardassian economic model. So businesses sold and bought products for money. Starfleet personnel were given a stipend of credits to deal with non Starfleet and everyone just got used to it. Whenever you see Quarks bar it's full of aliens.
Might be headcanon idk
>Because the DS9 replicators are shit and Quark's is better
Source? The props are identical, and he uses the replicator in the officer's quarters when his broke.
The replicators at the replomat were free to use, and I don't see Starfleet charging civilians for the use of the replicator in their rooms on the station when they didn't even charge Quark for it.
If you're disassembling something and then reassembling it you're essentially building it back up from the clump of matter that was the person, no? Why could you not have stored all the elements required and just beam the object into existence as many times as you want?
>It'll be 0 credits + tip
don't ever post in a ST thread again
Because of the energy and complexity of the operation.
Replicating a person isn't something it can do. Replicating human flesh wound be doable, but you're not going to get something you could zip to life on an operating table. It would be too simple.
because it tasted like shit, this is well established throughout
That's my least favourite retcon in the entire series, including Enterprise (but ignoring JJTrek)
They probably thought they were being clever and making things more bleak, but it just raises more questions. When you ask the replicator for something it doesn't know about, it asks for a molecular structure, DS9 would have us believe that when you tell it about food, it'll realise this and disregard the actual formula and instead work out what it will look like, what it will taste like, what kind of nutritional requirement you have then give you a lump of proteins in that format.
Why would it not just create that molecular structure you asked for like it does in every other case? Why would it not just ask for a flavor profile or something that would be simpler than giving it a huge molecular structure which would include DNA chains and cell structures and all kinds of shit that will be completely ignored?
And it also retroactively makes every character who doesn't notice the taste difference some kind of moron, especially people like Janeway.
Thomas. Riker.
Transporteraboos BTFO
I always saw it as more along the lines of something like real juice as compared to powdered juice. Some people just don't care about the quality.
why would you think this is a bad thing?, everything their is a positive and makes sense, its not a ret-con romulans who were the ultimate patricians would complain about, 'replicated swill' in tng
>Why would he learn how to write English?
Because he's a le happy merchant, duh, of course he's going to learn the languages of his marks.
If discovery was set during/after TNG do you think they'd even have the ferengi? Or wouldn't they bother because the average person these days wouldn't like them?
But powdered juice is still made from real fruits, we're talking about chemicals which taste like the food they're pretending to be, for a start that implies that all species have the same taste buds which would be weird considering how different all their foods are. We don't really do that sort of thing, the closest real world example I can think of would be comparing cheese and tofu covered in cheeto dust.
Why doesn't Janeway care about the quality? She must have had real coffee before, and we're to believe she loved the flavoured protein water just as much as real fresh ground and brewed coffee?
Romulans complain about everything
Friendly reminder that Dukat did nothing wrong.
Listen laddie, it's either real or it isn't.
Accept no substitute.
Why? Ferengi are enjoyable enough. They aren't really that much of a stereotype and most people loved Quark so why not. It's set before TOS so it's kinda up in the air where it will be set.
Ferengi showed up in Enterprise, all bets are off the table as to whether they'll be in Discovery.
I don't know. I like the ferengi but whenever I watch a grand nagus ep of ds9 I just think there's no way this would be made now.
Shut up Scotty. The replicators on your ship only spit out eadable Play-Doh.
Not all replicators have every cocktail or meal programmed into them.
There is also Dabo there.
There is also the fact that alcoholism is more of a confession thing to do, drinking alone because WTF you have a replicator at home.
You can socialize at Quark's.
You realize here, IRL, bars face the same problem? You could just drink at home alone.
A lot of races were based on country's and ethnic groups. They would just have to have some adjustments made.
They can't pull that stupid trick twice. Maybe Cardassians but real first contact with Ferengi happened in the mid 24th century.
Mass and energy are interchangeable.
The confinement beam keeps you all together so you don't fully experience it, buy you are conscious and can see while it happens.
There is no fade out. Just constant awareness.
Fuck off with your casual meme.
It's not. A replicator isn't a transporter.
Every character raised in real food says so, replicated food imitated the taste and texture while avoid the health hazards and providing nutrition, but they say many times that while good, it's not as good as the real thing.
Why are the Cardassians so great? Why does everyone in universe hate them?
>People who can tell the difference between replicated food and real food (blind test)
>People who claimed they can tell the difference between replicated food and real food (but were aware of the difference before they mentioned it)
>People who disparaged replicated food but were never confirmed to have trying it
Grandpa Sisko
Brother Picard
Grandma O'Brien
>People who can't tell the difference
Every single other character in the Star Trek universe
>my car has combustible chemicals and it exploded because it was set on fire, so it's a bomb.
There was nothing wrong with the transporter, the planets atmosphere reflected the signal.
Cars are powered by thousands of explosions per minute.
Except for TNG, he doctor is always the best character in the cast.
I assumed this too, like you have, and then I read on it and looked it up and found out that it is false. Replicators and transporters are not the same.
Even in DS9?
The transporter made a new riker on board just like it was supposed to. It merely failed to delete the old one
I kinda liked dr.Pulaski, at least she had some sort of character. Crusher is just bland as fuck.
That entire colony that settled on a planet and we're totalitarian about not using tech or allowing others, THEY ALL CONFIRM IT.
And then, you forget Sicko. Who by the end of the series has regular dinner parties so that his officers know what a real home cooked meal is.
You embody idiocy. You are it's Avatar.
>Romulans complain about everything
still valid, not a ret-con, replicated stuff tasting like shit was well established
not so friendly reminder romulans invented everything
Well fuck. I forgot, Bashir even exitsts.
problem their is all the characters were so good its hard to pick one as 'the best'
I still think he's pretty decent though. Who would you consider DS9's best crew member?
>That entire colony that settled on a planet and we're totalitarian about not using tech or allowing others, THEY ALL CONFIRM IT.
No, the one evangelist they spoke to said that everyone else thought that.
>And then, you forget Sicko. Who by the end of the series has regular dinner parties so that his officers know what a real home cooked meal is.
None of whom ever mentioned noticing a difference.
>You embody idiocy. You are it's Avatar.
You seem upset.
Post young Pulaski in TOS
Not with the transporter but with conditions and operator error.
First they used two confinement beams. The planet had a barrier in its atmosphere that inhibited and interfered with transporters. No one ever does that, they say so in DS9.
Second, one beam was able to grab him another him up, the other just bounced back to earth instead of combining. That barrier made the second Will. That's all.
Thanks for the well known fact.
So anything having to deal with explosions is a bomb?
>Reminder Dukat did nothing wrong aside from perhaps being too leinient with the Bajoran terrorists, and except when he accidentally got himself stuck on the station while the boobytraps were going off and when he tried to screw over a rival politician by separating that politician from his son, but then he accidentally left a trail of clues and Garak caught him, and maybe that one time he accidentally got that chick pregnant, and when his whole life was ruined when he forgot that the prophets were omnipotent beings inside the wormhole, and one time he tried to convince Sisko that he was perfectly sane, and went about this task by talking to imaginary tulpas, also the whole becoming Space Satan thing might have been ill advised.
how was Quark not fucking loaded from running a popular bar/casino/brothel while paying zero rent//taxes?
Her eyes look like Meg Foster's. 10/10
It's like, why do people pay $12 for burgers?
There's a market for non-synthetic stuff, plus the social aspect, gambling and prostitution, etc.
he was, but he compared himself to other ferengi who for instance owned their own moon
I'd fug Crusher, but Polaski was based. Would definitely sign her up as my chief doc for important missions.
>None of whom ever mentioned noticing a difference.
except for all the times they did, seriously pay attention fuckwit, or maybe just watch something more your speed
1. Bones
2. Bashir
3. El Medico
4. Mommy redhead
5. Fuck off Data Polack woman
6. ...?
Was he really a bad guy?
I guess.
Yep, this is correct
>Not wanting to be sucked by Phlox' osmotic eel.
And he let you nail his wives too.
Does Garak count? He is mostly a supporting character. He is still fucking great though.
he was a genuine psychopath who fucked himself up even more by installing the emotion chip, but you could say that was his dads fault, I guess
Hi boys
No, it's clear by the time he attempted to exterminate the alpha quadrant with a ragtag team of dysfunctional board that his behavior is caused by faulty assembling.
They really need to stop with the spock cuts.
Pleb as fuck. What a juvenile redditor.
Not an argument.
>It's Jake and Nog trying to get the baseball card and attract Weyoun's attention episode
why is quark so handsome when all of the other ferengi look like disfigured molemen?
Vulcans with long hair would literally be elves tho.
She's a qt.