What does Sup Forums do for money?
>Be me 23
>Unemployed poorfag
>Live with parents
What does Sup Forums do for money?
>Be me 23
>Unemployed poorfag
>Live with parents
suck dicks
Gets paid to write gay porn
Suck cock
The banking, finance and insurance world.
Can't find a job
i steal school buses full of children and sell them to the saudis.
I make shitty roblox games and devex around 5k-16k usd a month
I work in a screen printing shop.
im trying to buy 14thousand snicker bars through indiegogo
i get social security. the state is somewhat helping me find a job. i had a alright job doing filing stuff.
I went to school...
Trucker Sup Forumsro here.
i'm a shit poster.
i post pictures of bananas and doughnuts and chobocos.
i got the idea when i was sucking 3 dicks at once, while also having 3 dicks up my ass.
I figure that i can ruin this site so much, that the owner, who is a really cool asian, will sell and i can buy it. then ill sell ad space to fully ruin the site, then ill sell it to a corporation that makes fidget spinners.
You sir are a god among weebs
23, I work in a cannabis extraction/distillation lab turning other people's shitty trim into ~90% THC distillate, a product more valuable than gold by weight.
26 catering at a pharmaceutical r&d facility, mostly the dishes
OP here, these replies, kek.
>shut up faggot
Would you recommend trucking? Britbong here though so we don't get to breaker 1-9 all that much.
call center for a big phone network
I get paid weekly under the table at my current job.
>5 work days per week
>6 hours per work day
>11 bucks per hour worked
Not a bad chunk of change at the end of every week. I DID just get myself my first apartment though so there wont really be any real "spending" cash for the first couple of months.
>would you recommend trucking?
Do you have a family? Wife? kids? Social life? Want to make money? Want to work decent hours?
If any of those answers are yes trucking isnt for you. I hate it. Been doing it for 11 years and am completly burned out.
>security officer
>it's breddy gud, 6am-6pm monday through wednesday, rest of the week I can do whatever
>own a smallish trailer with gf
which means I'm working for practically nothing (13k pounds a year). At least I have a cat.
Don't knock it, you're a PhDfag, plus I worked in Screwfix for a while after I left uni and that was less (~£10k - basically a fucking pittance).
Cuntgrats on having the smarts
>13k pounds a year
wtf did you get a phd in?
bucks per hour workedNot a bad chunk of change at the end of
Thanks for replying
At least it's a job.
>11 bucks per hour worked
...u wot m8?
I said ive been driving them for 11 years.
****Thanks for replying
At least it's a job.
interesting. where can i purchase these large phones?
Systems integrator with a profound dislike for IT
I drive forklifts and lift shit
Yup. Thats what i said. I was homeless when i started. My case worker said if i showed i was serious about it he would find me funding. I spent my last hundred dollars on the necessary tests. When i passed, he found me a grant for $10,000
Used that to pay for my schooling.
Student loans
Join the club
I'm a cardiac technician
27, I animate stuff while beg ppl for monthly tips for doing it while doing freelance drawing shitty comics for kids, creating illustrations or just general graphic stuff.
R&D in Extreme Automation & Integration sec
>FT Warehouse $15hr/PT FedEx package handler $13.70/hr
>Still living at home.
I should be moved out before my next birthday at least.
hey good for you dude. im about to be 26 and feelsbadman
wrong person bucko
Good shit
I raise Japanese quail, 20 so far and sell the eggs to body builders
>dropped out at 16
>went to job corps
>got GED
>government offered me continuing education for free +1000$ as long as they can use me as a statistic proving the program works
>now I'm a welder with zero debt
I owe it to a higher power. I'm a piece of shit who didn't deserve this.
I shill for Israel and Reddit on Sup Forums. Just under $500 a week but it all adds up, eh? I got the gig from /z/, there's usually an ad there every couple months
i am 23, jobless
i go to community college where I make good grades.
i live with my parents who give me money for gas.
if i want spending money i will just work for my dad for a while and make like two hundred bucks.
Fight milk
are they hiring? how do you get paid?
You sure you want that? Would you be willing to give up your political believes?
Info bra
I'm not actually a trucker, but my boss buys and sells hay so I ride around to different farms(typically one farm per trailer load) in a truck, load hay into 53 foot trailers, and leave. Usually do 2-3 per day, but sometime it's just one, or four. Three is shitty enough, four fucking sucks big time.
Lab Tech
12 on, 12 off for 2 days then 2 days off then rinse and repeat.
Not him but I did this for just Israel in 2013. I got checks through the mail from a motorbike shop in Wichita
>almost 25
>in a job I've come to not like because of people
>stuck in this life just like everybody else and wanting to kill myself
You can always change it my dude
>Behavioral Rehabilitation Specialist
>Fancy title that means I look after people with mental health issues
>Bring down 575 per paycheck, except end of the month where there's typically a gas reimbursement check for transporting clients in the 30 to 90 some dollar range, depending on how far I drove that month.
>There's perks though,
>Have work van that I can drive whenever and I don't have to pay for gas.
>have my fairly large flat screen at work
>my own laptop
>unrestricted high speed internet
>smoking pot and watchin Robot Chicken after having masturbated to Sup Forums porn.
Doesn't pay alot, but feels good man.
Where and how
I'm looking to be one but nowhere pays like that
I have no political views. don't care. just looking for work to pay rent and buy food.
Nah. Just don't fuck up.
How do you set this up?
Do you actually care about the clients, or is it just a job/paycheck?
Suck dick
19, working two jobs
Value village donation fag on weekends $12/hr
Non-profit IT Company during te week $13/hr
I care about them, but they've been found to be able to live independently, they just need help with shopping and filling out forms. Admittedly I'll take my clients to parks or the flea market but for the most part I help with meds and do home inspections. Real chill job, some of the clients have their own job.
Architect on a project to replace a software platform for a major bank.
I document things to such a ridiculous extent that underpaid mouth breathing Indians and Pakis can barely do the job of an average American developer.
I babysit shitskins all day. I hate my job and am so profoundly disappointed that this is what the IT industry has become.
Thank god for anonymity on the chan hey user
Right answer. My brother is in a "program". Many of the staff should be working at Walmart instead.
Not going to greentext any "stories". They know that he has access to a lawyer, so they treat him ok.
I used to visit everyday but a few of them got upset and said they'd like some space (Understandably so, they felt like I was babysitting them which they didn't like). Now I stop by once or twice every other day and they're more than welcome to visit me. In fact, a client of mine will typically come to my office once or twice a day just to talk or use the phone. It's like I'm a second family to them since their first family basically ditched them when they became too much to comfortably look after. Very upsetting tbh but I don't mind them seeing me that way.
First year pipefitters apprentice in Boston. 21$ an hour, get a 10% raise every year for 5 years until I cap at 51$ an hour when I'm a journeyman. Will be retiring at 56 with a full pension. Feels good
Weirding me out the way you worded that. You being sarcastic?
I post photos of Korean girls on Sup Forums for my god and emperor.
26, teaching 35-45$ an hour depending on what im teaching, hours arent enough atm though
Playing guitar in the streets
Director of Nursing for a major correctional healthcare contractor. Great money, miserable work.
How much do you make?
Director sales engineering in telecom industry. about $175-200k per year. Upside is travel, dinner, drinks, and tons of spending cash. Down side is that there is rarely any chicks - mostly surrounded by geeky, socially awkward betas
I deal with those marble mouths too in my sales engineer job when I come back to dump the contract on the dens. My job is locked in forever as nobody can understand those one-shirt-a-week curry farts and they are so inbred they can think on their own.
>live in a two bedroom apartment with roommate
Rolling on dat precious 5k every month. I rule you, fucking peons.