What do you think about tasers?

What do you think about tasers?

pretty dangerous

Only use one at once, or bad things happen.

I like that the police have better less lethal options to keep situations from going badly. Better than just shooting a guy, when you think about it.

I think they should make more bullets to use on niggaz and not waste electricity its global warming you know

That shit hurts. It's not lethal unless you have a pacemaker but jesus that thing will make your day

thank fuck ive never been shot with one

What do tasers think about us, user?

Civilians and law enforcement alike should have these.

They're better for everyone. Human error causes police officers to use too much force when they shouldnt, and hesitate to use force when they should. Tasers solve both problems

A friend of my father is a cop (RCMP)
>He was over at out house, in uniform, and had a tazer
>Making a long story short - I got him to zap be with it in the back yard
>I don't recall getting hit but woke up on the ground after passing out for a few moments.
>I was dizzy and my whole body hurt for about 5 min afterwards.
>Later on I realized I had ejaculated when it it me
Strangest thing ....

if love to use one in "self defense" on you for bumping into me on the street. what a shitty idea. LE should have them and civilians should stick with guns for emergencies

relic we should have phase guns by now

Pretty much.

Just imagine all the chimpouts that could have been avoided in ameriburger if their cops tazed their criminals!

Don't taze me bro

Pretty shocking

You wouldn't have a case retard, civilians are fine with them.
>shall not be infringed

Every job that a taser can do, a gun can do better. We don't need tasers, we need more dead niggers.

A "You might die" with a taser (though it's rare) Your odds are good, provided you're in good health

B. you get shot with a gun, and you stand a good chance of dying.

I'll take the taser, thank you.

i seen a big fat mexican dude running from police get tased...it was pretty funny

Tickle Amplification by Stimulated Escallation of Rascism

People tasing each other stupidly doesn't compare to saving the life of someone who could have been tased but was shot instead

i think they are a shocking invention

Totally shocking.


I saw a native get tased in the middle of the road once

Back to facebook with you, lad.


Depends what the person did. If it was a vehicle infraction, sure taser them.

If on the other hand it's a felony they commuted, guns are the way to go.

Tasers make a lot of sense for law enforcement because cops usually have backup so if a taser fails (and they have a pretty high failure rate), it's no big deal usually. For normal people, tasers are dumb if they have access to firearms. If you're in deep shit, you're probably going to be alone and you might be up against multiple attackers so a single-shot taser is a pretty shitty defensive tool.

>It's not lethal unless you have a pacemaker
Or if you one of the many heart conditions or if you're zapped while high on drugs
There is a reason why it is called less lethal. Just like with baton rounds or any other means of incapacitating an individual.

people are less likely to use guns for bullshit "self defense" cases than tasers. the whole non lethal weapon for civilians idea is stupid as fuck because then more idiots will have them and tase eachother. guns are fine because they're only needed when your life is in danger. arming every crybaby bitch with a taser is just asking for trouble.

>Drives a rebadged Toyota
>Has an opinion
That's cute, let the adults talk though sweetie

Go to sleep, Jaden.

questions: do you have an attorney on retainer? if not, how do you plan on dealing with the heap of shit you'll face after shooting and killing someone?

It can be lethal if they use it over and over and over and over again because they are to lazy, or scared, to take down the perp.

Brb guyz, gotta commute to my felony.

that linoleum floor is sssooooo 1960s

By not living in a shit state or in a shit county with a shit prosecutor.

anecdotal at best, but: my brother, who lives in texas, shot and killed a guy who broke into his home.

he's already $65k in the whole because of it.

just be prepared....that's all. jussayin'

Ill take defending myself instead of militarizing police to tell me what I can and can't do

*hole. not whole

Um...I live in a sane state with sane self-defense laws, no duty to retreat (at home or in public), very clear cut justifiable homicide laws codified into law, and home defense my state automatically presumes the innocence of the homeowner during a lethal force encounter unless clear evidence is provided to the contrary.

>he's already $65k in the whole
Because he lived in a shit county with a shit prosecutor.

And what if the traffic offender gets violent but the felon is cooperative? If someone's armed with a gun and poses a risk they should get shot, if you're not at risk of being shot then tasers are fine. Using them just because of the level of crime someone committed is fucking stupid. Lots of felons get arrested without incident because they're not stupid enough to try and use force against a cop

tazers kill a few hundred people per year

you're forgetting about clean up and civil lawsuits

Can be lethal, if you get hit in the right place and take the shock across your heart you are pretty much guaranteed to die

I really don't see cops attempting to revive anyone they were already pissed enough at to shoot with a tazer

Why is he 65k in the hole?

Must not have been a clear cut case of justifiable homicide, or your bro was caught with some illegal shit at his home after the shooting. So which is it user?

>You broke a traffic law
This is the problem with cops, they think this is ok

clean up. that was $10k
dindu nuffin's momma say he was a good boy and she's suing him. it'll likely get thrown out, but he still needed an attorney. them guys ain't cheap.

In Nevada, you are automatically immune from ANY civil case if you use lethal force in your own home and it is ruled justified. Doesn't apply to lethal force used outside the home (yet) but it's a damn good start.

guns =/= instant death
people survive gunshot wounds all the time. the burden of carrying a lethal weapon is enough for most people to use it responsibly. if every idiot suddenly gets a taser more people will use them carelessly because they're "safe"

I've gotten pulled over plenty of time for speeding or running a light and never got anything put in my face. Then again, I'm white


In the United States, a citizen has the right to protect themselves.

When you get to be a big boy, you'll learn that life is not sacred, that most life is actually trying to kill you, and that humans are predators. You'll discover that you need a means of killing violent aggressors before they kill you or your children. The framers of the constitution weren't little boys like you, they were mature men and wise enough to know these things.

Welcome to Earth, little fella. It's rough, but if you arm yourself you might survive.

Still better than dying to a shitskin. Small price to pay to have made the world a better place


Like your skin color had anything to do with it. Maybe you just didn't chimp out and make the cop think you were going to get violent.

see: i'll defend myself with deadly force if needed. my point is that you need to be prepared for the aftermath

my point to all this is that you need to be prepared to deal with a shitstorm of an aftermath.

No I just acted normally, they were all cool.

I don't have any strong opinions on them tbh.

why do you need 38 rounds of ammo for self protection ?

I enjoy their use on Cops and To Catch a Predator

he's a lousy shot?

If someone is armed they shoot. I they are unarmed they use a taser? Can't cops take a perp down? They have to risk killing someone by using a weapon? Some times the guy wasn't even guilty. Have you ever dealt with cops? As a paramedic, we keep a huge distance from cops. They seem to feed off of confrontation. I've seen them taze angry victims at crime scenes. Shocking someone is a huge stress to the heart, brain, and nervous system. They never taze once. They keep going till the person is in cuffs. These aren't doctors. They are thrill seekers.

Probably because he can't aim for shit


you should math that again champ

I probably don't. Sometime's I'll pocket carry my 5 shot .357 S&W J frame. Just depends on the weather, what I'm wearing, and what I feel like.

Damn, you fags are mad.

That's a nice pistol

Your argument is that people should have guns over tasers because people respect guns more.... that's fucking retarded. Train people to respect a taser like the weapon it is and the problem is solved

I bet you're a mall cop/SWAT team wanna be


what is tactical about a 5 shot revolver you dumb noob?

That is a nice revolver though

The acronym is kind of goofy and that always makes me smile

Your whole setup is hilarious. Where's the pocket sand? And how many times have you had to use that gun in self defense? I'm guessing 0


here's my EDC, Sup Forumsros. rate me. be brutal

Lens cap upside down
2/10 must try harder

I'm not that poster, but his revolver setup doesn't look wannabe tacticool. I don't think revolvers can even be classified as tacticool. They're usually fudd guns.

damn. tough crowd

>empty casing
Is that for self defense or do you use the chap stick? Nice camera

>not carrying a pair of six shooters
How can you even call yourself American?

do you see the knife

I'm against them as the save Dindu lives.

Correct the cap, and turn the top key down so they're all facing the same way and we're talking 8/10 easy

I've been tasered, and I've been O.C. Sprayed. And FUCK the taser. That shit is no joke.

Oh yeah, fuck the Po-Po

empty shell casing is from grandfather's funeral. he was in the coast guard during WWII

never been in a situation where i've needed to defend myself.

I didn't, maybe you should've used the real camera and taken a better picture. 1/10

>I'm not the photo taker

Shit, you should probably keep it somewhere where you won't lose it. Must be annoying to EDC a casing too

It's intended to be a weapon afterall, faggots treat tasers like they're toys. You wouldn't swing a baseball bat at someones chest just because it's not likely to kill them.

i keep it in my pocket. no big deal

Ever considered turning the casing into a necklace for ease of carry?

shitty iPhone 5s

thought about it. feels bad man for altering it. want to keep it intact

Fair enough, I can respect that.

Something a lot of people don't realize is that the way defense for a cop works is that if you use deadly force, the officer will use deadly force in response.

I see so many people that expect an officer to play peacemaker and use a taser on a guy coming at them with a knife. That kind of shit can get the officer killed and the risk isn't worth it. Tasers aren't 100% reliable (not even close), however shooting the person almost always is.